As you may have seen during today's Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase 2022, we were treated to a brief graphic in which Xbox boss Phil Spencer highlighted 50 games coming to Xbox and/or PC over the next twelve months.
40 of those games have already been announced for Xbox Game Pass! Here's the full list:
- Naraka: Bladepoint (Xbox Game Pass)
- The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle
- As Dusk Falls (Xbox Game Pass)
- Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels
- Somerville (Xbox Game Pass)
- A Plague Tale: Requiem (Xbox Game Pass)
- Valheim (PC Game Pass)
- Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Xbox Game Pass)
- Grounded (Xbox Game Pass)
- Fallout 76 Expeditions: The Pitt (Xbox Game Pass)
- Overwatch 2
- High On Life (Xbox Game Pass)
- Scorn (Xbox Game Pass)
- Atomic Heart (Xbox Game Pass)
- Gotham Knights
- Gunfire Reborn (Xbox Game Pass)
- Persona 5 Royal (Xbox Game Pass)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Pentiment (Xbox Game Pass)
- Halo Infinite Season 3 (Xbox Game Pass)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 40th Anniversary Edition (Xbox Game Pass)
- Hogwarts Legacy
- Party Animals (Xbox Game Pass)
- Slime Rancher 2 (Xbox Game Pass)
- The Callisto Protocol
- Diablo IV
- Redfall (Xbox Game Pass)
- Starfield (Xbox Game Pass)
- Forza Motorsport (Xbox Game Pass)
- Minecraft Legends (Xbox Game Pass)
- Ara: History Untold (PC Game Pass)
- Wo Long Fallen Dynasty (Xbox Game Pass)
- STALKER 2 (Xbox Game Pass)
- Flintlock (Xbox Game Pass)
- Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (Xbox Game Pass)
- League of Legends (PC Game Pass)
- League of Legends: Wild Rift (Xbox Game Pass - Mobile)
- Valorant (PC Game Pass)
- Teamfight Tactics (PC Game Pass)
- Legends of Runeterra (PC Game Pass)
- Ark 2 (Xbox Game Pass)
- Resident Evil 4
- Persona 3 Portable (Xbox Game Pass)
- Persona 4 Golden (Xbox Game Pass)
- Replaced (Xbox Game Pass)
- Ereban: Shadow Legacy (Xbox Game Pass)
- Ravenlok (Xbox Game Pass)
- Dead Space
- The Last Case of Benedict Fox (Xbox Game Pass)
- Cocoon (Xbox Game Pass)
What do you make of these lists? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 37
Cheers @FraserG!
Diablo IV not on Gamepass. Hopefully that changes after the acquisition; not that it’s not worth the purchase of course.
Consoles are getting valheim? And gamepass? Valorant and league of legends, too?
@PhhhCough Valheim is PC Game Pass only I believe.
@PhhhCough The Riot Games were announced to only hit PC and Mobile
@OM1993 @PhhhCough It's my bad, I should have made it clearer in the initial post. Fixed now 👍
@Kaloudz any good ,I've been tempted to play slime rancher one as I did a quest on it seems like a game I'd enjoy but the completion time of 25 hours put me off , does it keep you interested for all that time ?.
@FraserG 😆😆😆😆
All good.
Quite a lot of good games coming to gamepass but I still can't believe xbox will have no exclusives in the entirety of 2022, just what have they been playing that.
Also how has no one mentioned deathloop, the deal runs out this year doesn't it?
@Kaloudz thank you I'll give it a go ...if I don't like it I'll blame you lol I'm j/k
@UltimateOtaku91 Xbox is getting some exclusives... Pentiment is scheduled for November
@Floki no offence to that game but I mean like bigger exclusives, exclusives that will sell consoles and make more people subscribe to gamepass, not an indie level exclusive. Same with playstation stray ain't selling consoles
@UltimateOtaku91 they prolly can't talk about deathloop and or ghostwire because of the exclusivity deal. They day it drops on gamepass will probably the day they are allowed to communicate it and the exclusivity ends.
@UltimateOtaku91 An exclusive is an exclusive. It doesn't matter if it a system seller or not. To be honest, I rather have Pentiment than another Last of Us.
It great that Microsoft is actually trying and releasing different things instead of just releasing the same super cinematic third person games like Sony. The Obsidian Entertainment so far has been Microsoft best purchase.
@SplooshDmg what's happening with that game anyway, did they announce a delay
@Lavalera makes sense, so I suppose Deathloop will hit gamepass later this year then
@UltimateOtaku91 the developer of stalker 2 is from the Ukraine. They had to stop development for several months. It also shows as a 2023 title now
As a long time GPU subber and Xbox owner from day one of the Xbox OG.
That’s a lot of filler In the 22 list and no killer let’s be honest here.
I’m glad turtles is free this week. Nowt much on that list to get excited about. The XBOX PR team is amazing and worth every penny as they’ve hyped so many into being excited from what was a sparse offering and a lot of sorry nothing this year.
Next year looks good though
@uptownsoul Uh... Most of the platform holders agree with that statement. Microsoft makes a lot of smaller title release Pentiment is a prefect example of that. We wouldn't get games like Grounded, Battletoads (2020), Recore...etc. Yes platform holders do want a big AAA release that sell systems, but not every exclusive has to be a big AAA release
@Floki at least one or two a year would be nice though right? Especially in a subscription model. Hard to say otherwise
@Stocksy That would be great, but it not something I absolutely need. Right now I just pumped to finally play P3P on something other than my psp.
Around 5 games grabbed my interest that are coming this year and to Gamepass. Not bad, not bad.
@uptownsoul But my originally comment was that UltimateOtaku91 who was discrediting games like Pentiment as exclusive because it wasn't AAA. So in their eyes ALL exclusives needed to be AAA to be worth talking about
ESO +all expansions and high isle, Forza horizon dlc, MW2, Gotham Knights and Diablo IV on gamepass day 1!!! Would have been a good announcement, 2 very soon and 2 at the end of the year...
Huge presentation for game pass. So many titles hitting day one and a great variety.
For anyone who hasn't played Persona 5 Royal, that is a AAA game that is one of the best rated in the last 10 years.
@FraserG No worries pal!
@Darylb88 I would dare say it was the crown jewel of the PS4 era exclusive games personally, by far and away the best of the bunch IMO
@SplooshDmg As @Lavalera pointed out, the screenshot shown prior to the Starfield presentation outlining the general Xbox road map now shows S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 as a 2023 title. I think that pretty much confirms it has been delayed. I expected this to be formally announced during the showcase tbh, similar to how Replaced got a shout out at SGF on Thursday.
I'm surprised were getting Persona 4 before Playstation and Switch..
I don't get what some people want in consoles that keep going on about exclusive exclusive exclusive, like a game isn't good if more than one console can play it. I know half of it is console warriors, but that doesn't explain the people that have them all doing it. Were there good games shown for the next 12 months? Yes, so what's to complain about?
It keeps coming across as people who bought both consoles, with PS getting their multiplats, and only bought xb as their exclusives console and are bitter at spending the money because the big exclusives are delays. They're not cancelled, why complain. If there not good, like halo, complain away though . You know the roadmap. It's not like switch where if Nintendo doesn't bring the games there really aren't many.
Is it just bitterness that the delays mean your exclusives only console isn't useful to you for longer? While I can understand it to a point, you still know the roadmap...
I thought it was a good show. The exclusives are 2023 but we saw gameplay and they look good. Redfall isn't interesting me ATM but oh well. Lots of interesting third parties shown. Persona is an important get to help secure that Japan shaped weakness in the library. Future Games Show had not indies shown that looks good. Sf6 is coming to xb.
Seriously all that isn't here is HFW, GoWR, and FfXVI/7R.... Are we really going to go all console war over a few games? Ok PS has Stray which wins by a landslide, but that's timed unless that's changed. PS owners still need a vita for the GOAT P4G...... I've got a spare? Both consoles look good. Both consconsoles look almost identical. Which was the Faustian bargain of them going x86 9 years ago. Tons of games on any hardware. Nobody loses.
Add a publisher Ms looks good, but slow. As a publisher ps looks good but with an uncertain future focus. As a platform both are in good shape. What's the complaint?
UltimateOtaku91 Meh, I got my PS5 for Stray, Kena, and ratchet. Spiderbros can suck an egg. . The only biggest other thing in their presentation that really speaks to me is SF6 which is multiplat. Most of the xb show things speaking to me are also multiplat, so, shrug
@uptownsoul " I still can't believe xbox will have no exclusives in the entirety of 2022"
Which is untrue. They have Pentiment which is an exclusive first party title. You can't just disregard Pentiment because it isn't a big AAA game. They still have an exclusive, no matter if AAA or indie. An exclusive is an exclusive. If they wanted to just speak about AAA game. Then they shouldn't have made a statement like that, and then try to haphazardly fix it in their next comment
The Game Pass looks good with a great variety of games to choose from resulting in great value, yet the presentation was a rehash with little new. I'm eagerly awaiting Diablo IV! The audible subtitles were very annoying with no way to turn them off or down in volume!
@uptownsoul fwiw, I'm not sure Pentimento is that game, but over at PS, Jumbo is the one doubling down on go bigger or go home. Layden was pushing hard for smaller exclusives too, but was bounced out. With the popularity among the hardcore of Returnal, Stray, Kena, etc. Shaun's words resonate to be. Not sure ms is hitting that mark but the idea of smaller exclusives is definitely sound. It does need the bigger ones too, but we see those here.
What's irritating me most from both companies is this renewed push on timed and launch exclusives. Ugh.
This seems like a solid lineup of games.
I don't see a lot with the potential to be in the 90's on Metacritic, but it does seem like a lot of the games will be 80+.
And I really like that they are just showing us stuff over the next 12 months and not pie in the sky stuff. This is a real list of upcoming games! To me, MS gets huge marks for just telling us what is happening in the next 12 months.
Q) What do you make of these lists?
A) It's quite a line-up, though I do feel it would have benefited the showcase if some of these games were shown off in a sizzle-reel. A further look at Slime Rancher 2, Party Animals and Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes would have been appreciated, even if through a quick footage trailer to remind me of them.
Omg, after a considerable drought in gaming, the flood gates r opening and we won't know what to play and what not, and what to buy and which ones to left over for another time ffs lol.
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