The coronavirus outbreak has raised concerns about whether or not the next-generation console hardware will be released before the end of this year. At the start of this month, Head of Xbox Phil Spencer admitted Xbox Series X games could potentially be delayed, but as for the system itself, everything appears to be on track.
Speaking to Business Insider earlier this week, Phil spoke about how progress was chugging along nicely, and that he's been playing his own system on a nightly basis:
“Even though we’re obviously not traveling to China, we feel good about our progress on hardware. I’ve got my take-home [console] downstairs and I’m playing on it most nights, and I feel good about the software updates that we’re doing.”
Back in March, Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella said the company's hardware supply chain was slowly getting back on the rails. A release date for the system of November 26th even appeared on an Xbox product page. Major Nelson said it was inaccurate but noted how the company was committed to a "Holiday 2020" launch.
Do you still think the Xbox Series X will launch this year? Share your predictions in the comments.
Comments 8
Guy who has a vested interest in a console being successful promotes it by saying he plays it almost every night. Shock horror.
I wonder how many Microsoft employees get to play a next gen console 6 months before release?
I wonder what it feels like, whether you feel extra special like you have one up on the world or just a bit empty and lonely because there's not many people to share it with. No online community in game or on the internet discussing things that you're experiencing. I bet it's weird either way.
Sorry I don't know why this article sprung such an existential query from me!
Nice, Can't wait for Series X..
You're just anxious, and it's perfectly understandable. The wait is unbearable.
@gingataisen haha perhaps, anxious for news at the very least, I will hold fire on next gen until a good amount of games come out
So do I. In fact, I'm looking forward to cop a nice Special Edition of SeX. Maybe the Perfect Dark one? 😍
@gingataisen ooo yeah, maybe a history of rare one with a donkey Kong etched into the motherboard
@ralphdibny That is fun to think. But I guess it's only lonely if he's playing Series X exclusive titles, otherwise he can play online with people on Xbox One. The part he can't share huge details on Series X with others might bother him a little though.
I'm excited with Series X release and I'm planning to get it until 6 months after launch.
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