
Topic: Official PlayStation Thread

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Honestly there’s nothing that screams next-gen and hardware intensive about the Demon Souls remake compared to something like MFS (with real-time dynamic weather physics simulation, 2Pb of photorealistic mapping cloud technology, upcoming RT, VR). It’s all baked-in and scripted, doesn’t support next-gen features like hardware accelerated ray tracing features like shadows, GI, reflections etc. It’s funny how the Sony cabal now has to bank on just one remake for launch which doesn’t really seem like an old GPU like GTX 1070 will struggle to run. Don’t get me wrong, the graphics looks clean but to tell it that it’s absolutely possible only in next-gen and something Sony hasn’t deliberately locked down for generating PS5 console sales overhype seem really far-fetched and not based on technical facts.
Tbh even though Xbox has waited an extra year for full RDNA2 specs for which much of it’s next-gen development tools are still under development, their upcoming next-gen only lineup is still bigger (not counting the Bethesda) than the competition let alone the unannounced ones.

When dual cloud layers are on the screen the amount of graphics processing necessary increases dramatically and you have one layer of clouds being lit and shadowed but that the upper layer is also then volumetrically shadowing the cloud layer below it. This is insanely next-gen and has basically never been in any game before to my knowledge. - Digitalfoundry

[Edited by Senua]



@Senua Honestly even if it's just a remake, it's still better than "you wanna play Gears 5 again but it looks slightly better?"

Like the reason people are actively swooning over Demon's Souls is that Bluepoint is just one of those developers that goes above and beyond with what could've just been a simple remaster. Their remakes of classic games feel truly transformative while literally using the same basic game structurally unchanged. They've practically redefined what it means to modernize a game for today's standards. I'd take that over playing slightly better looking Xbox One games that came out like 2 or 3 years ago. Hell, until the cross save announcement I had no actual intentions of picking up Spider-Man Remastered even though 60fps would make a world of difference in that game because it's still one of the best looking PS4 games in the console's library. That same logic is easily applied to why Gears 5 is just a weak ass way to launch your shiny new hardware

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]



@TheFrenchiestFry You mean you're not seeing games that interest you, not that you're not seeing any games at all. The Xbox Games Showcase back in July revealed plenty of exclusives that are coming to Xbox:

Tell Me Why was recently released on Xbox One and it was a phenomenal game. Another game that's coming out in a couple of months on Xbox is The Medium. Then we have all the aforementioned exclusives on top of ones from Bethesda (Elder Scrolls VI) and potentially more from future acquisitions.

Like I don't know what else to tell you man. Sony has had over a decade to refine their first-party output and I can tell you right now that the games they were making back during the PS3 days were nowhere near as exceptional as the likes of God of War (2018), Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man etc. on PS4. Microsoft is in the same position now that Sony was in 10 years ago, they're playing catch-up which is partly why they're buying a bunch of studios because they realise they can't be "organically" creating first-party studios that can take decades to show meaningful results.

As a side note, I honestly think that the whole argument "you buy X and Y system for the exclusives" is a bit outdated now. Xbox has one thing that PlayStation and Nintendo doesn't and that's Game Pass. 350 games for €15 a month. If an average joe read that when deciding which of the three main consoles to buy, I genuinely believe that they'd pick an Xbox, no questions asked. In fact, my brother actually did that exact thing when I told him about Game Pass. So yeah, the whole "exclusives" mindset is instantly thrown out the window when you mention to people that they can play 350 games for €15 a month and also get a bunch of nice bonuses like a month of Disney+. I mean, why do you think that Series X and S are sold out everywhere? Because there's literally no shortage of games to play on Xbox right now. And on top of that, there are plenty of exclusives that are coming to Xbox. Just because they don't interest you doesn't mean that they don't exist. I've heard plenty of people over at Push Square who are excited to play The Medium and that game is only going to be on Xbox/PC.



@LtSarge I'm not just saying the whole "they don't appeal to me" shtick, I'm saying there's genuinely nothing in the library that actually sticks out as a game that tells you "THIS IS THE REASON YOU WANT OUR CONSOLE", whereas I thought Xbox leading in with goddamn Killer Instinct and Dead Rising 4 last gen was a major power play. Gears 5 is like the closest they have to a first party launch game, while Yakuza was meant to be really big, but is also on multiple other platforms. Same with every other game in the lineup at present. There's nothing that really shows off what Series X is specifically capable of on its own, and the fact Halo got delayed just reinforces how scattered their first party output seems to be.

Right now, the only hook with Xbox is that I get access to Game Pass, which is incredibly valuable but there's really nothing else outside it and backwards compatibility. I was also excited for the Medium, but again, that ain't coming out for a while longer since it got delayed a bit. Say all you want about how exclusives is a meaningless argument but it honestly isn't. People bought PS4s for stuff like FFVII Remake and Persona 5. People but Xboxes for Killer Instinct, Dead Rising or Sunset Overdrive as well as Halo 5. People bought Switches for Zelda, Mario and Splatoon. People are absolutely going to buy PS5s because of Demon's Souls and Spider-Man again. Xbox doesn't have that major system seller yet. That's the problem. Not the "None of it appeals to me" because there are Xbox exclusives I love, but Xbox doesn't have it's THING yet. Like the thing that shows that their first party output will actually be more unique than how it was before. I hope stuff like Bethesda can change that in the future, but right now the software is the console's Achilles' Heel, and I'm not the only one who thinks this.

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]



@TheFrenchiestFry I don’t think anyone complains about Smart Delivery free upgrade of titles like Gears 5 and timeless titles like FH4. Maybe it’s not next-gen if it’s not paywalled. But honestly Series X didn’t get sold out in minutes merely for Gears 5/FH4 Smart Delivery upgrade, they want to play the best fidelity console version (even beats 500$ PC) of real big hitters like AC Valhalla and Cyberpunk 2077 (one of the most anticipated title of decade) which lets be honest that’s all most gamers will be busy with for next few months. Also the fact that Xbox now has way bigger lineup of next-gen only lineup (let alone the unannounced ones) serves as a big reason for investing on the consoles. Let’s be real in next few months this launch lineup will not even matter.

[Edited by Senua]



@Senua Maybe the lineup for now is just them getting their stuff together. PS4 was in a very similar position in 2013, but considering the growing perception that Xbox quote unquote "has no games", I just don't want a clear repeat of some of those mistakes.

And it doesn't help they've neglected a lot of their existing franchises that could've made for killer exclusives as well. Like considering we're clearly in the age of remake nostalgia, I'm seriously wondering why Banjo Kazooie & Tooie weren't given that treatment considering Crash and Spyro did get that for themselves, or why there isn't a new Perfect Dark, or Viva Pinata, or stuff like Conker. I'm glad Bethesda's in their portfolio now, but they could be doing so much more in regards to leveraging what they have or even creating new IPs on their own like what they seem to be doing with Everwild.

Buying a console because of its exclusive library is a major factor regardless of your stance or personal preference at the end of the day. If I only cared about multiplats, I'd just build a PC and be content with that since it has all the novelty consoles have but can do way more in regards to the games I would play.

Like for every bad mistake Sony makes, and they've made a lot of dumbfounding ones that very nearly cost them their fan loyalty or the respect of other developers, the one thing I can confidently say as someone looking to be an early adopter of next gen systems, is that Sony just makes the case for me way better. Microsoft's more pro consumer (well as pro consumer as a corporation can get anyway), but when I just look at the sheer amount of games lined up from the other systems like PlayStation or Nintendo, I almost feel as if Microsoft isn't trying nearly as hard enough, and I hope that changes, and they organically change that problem instead of just buying a bunch of studios and expanding their influence across the industry. They should focus on what they have now.

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]



@TheFrenchiestFry You do realise that the only game that shows off what the PS5 is "specifically capable of on its own" at the moment is Ratchet & Clank.

Sackboy is on PS4. Spider-Man is on PS4. Horizon II will be on PS4. God of War 2 will most likely be on PS4 as well. Ratchet & Clank is the only original first-party game that's going to be a PS5 exclusive and will show off what the PS5 is truly capable of. Yet that's still not coming out until quite some time either.



@LtSarge Spider-Man is on PS4 but it's very clear from the footage shown that it was designed for PS5 specifically. The reason the PS4 version exists is because certain people will jump into next gen at later dates and having the incentive of carrying over the data from the console you've been playing the game on at present is a major incentive for getting the superior experience.

Like yeah Spider-Man's on PS4. Just like Breath of the Wild was on both Switch and Wii U, how Twilight Princess was on GameCube and Wii, how Microsoft is literally trying to unify the experience with everything they're doing hardware and software wise between One and Series consoles. Cross gen games for launch window are perfectly acceptable, but it's clear from the outset if you buy it on PS4, you're not playing it the way it's meant to be played, since the PS4 version just lacks everything the PS5 version has, and stuff like the instantaneous loading, higher framerate and superior resoluton is just a result of Insomniac clearly prioritizing the PS5 version, but still respecting that the PS4 has a massive install base that aren't necessarily all eager to be early next gen adopters. They aren't just going to abandon the PS4 install base of like 100 million people, but I assure you Miles Morales is probably going to end up being one of those games people will actually fondly remember more as a PS5 game just because of how clearly designed around the hardware it actually is.

I bought a Switch for Zelda. Zelda is a cross gen game, but the experience is more captivating on Switch because it feels as if the idea of playing a game of that scale on a handheld truly speaks to how a game like Zelda actually defines what the Switch sets out to do as a console in of itself. Same with Spider-Man and the PS5. Miles Morales is a game that will define what the PS5 can do, that just happens to be playable on older hardware, but the difference will be extremely noticeable, and it might end up feeling like an emptier experience on the former console. I feel like I'm missing out on nothing with Gears 5 considering it's still a nice looking game on the One. Same with the Spider-Man remaster. I felt content until very recently about just sticking my PS4 copy into the console and playing that because it looks that nice and I won't miss the other features. Miles Morales I feel is actually a game that truly shows its visual flourishes on the newer hardware, but the option is there for PS4 owners should they jump a little later than everyone else, and that's ok.

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]



@TheFrenchiestFry I don't agree with that comparison at all because BotW wasn't made for Switch specifically, it was developed with Wii U in mind. Hence why you literally have a pad in-game that was supposed to represent the Wii U Gamepad and when you activated it, it would show up on the Gamepad screen with stuff like the map. That was before Nintendo decided to remove that feature entirely due to the Switch port. Not to mention the couple of shrines that had motion controls which worked great on Wii U but were absolutely dreadful on Switch since it was too sensitive. I've played both versions and I definitely didn't notice a superior experience on Switch. In fact, I'd even go as far as to say that the Switch port ruined the immersion of playing BotW like it was originally meant to be played by having Nintendo remove the feature of seeing your in-game pad through the Wii U Gamepad.

Anyway, don't really understand why "instantaneous loading, higher framerate and superior resolution" would lead to people having a vastly superior experience on PS5. It's fundamentally the same game, better performance and graphics aren't going to incentivise people to buy a PS5 if the game already runs well enough on PS4. That's not going to convince me to buy a PS5 either.



Buying a console because of its exclusive library is a major factor regardless of your stance or personal preference at the end of the day. If I only cared about multiplats, I'd just build a PC and be content with that since it has all the novelty consoles have but can do way more in regards to the games I would play.
You see that’s exactly the primitive minded approach that Microsoft is trying to break from. They have moved on from the old traditional console centric to be more player centric. Players should be able to play new exclusives at any platform they prefer - console, PC and cloud which every Microsoft exclusives will be available from day one. Afterall why targeting a niche 200-300m console install base (a market that’s saturated and not growing much) if you can instead make business from the whole 3B+ players. And regarding the consoles, Series X is a pretty good value at its price compared to a PC equivalent (to the point where people like SpawnWave are shocked how Microsoft can bundle so much premium hardware at such low price) cuz some people still do prefer to play all games on console/TV. This whole traditional primitive minded console exclusivity approach might work with a company who has only one successful business but trillion $ companies like Microsoft who only consider main rivals giants like Amazon, Google, Apple they will obviously focus on the bigger picture. And regarding buying studios, it’s going to be hugely hypocritical to say that the competition has not bought most of their studios at some point of time.

Sony believes cross-gen games will be important for the next several years

[Edited by Senua]



Official - no RT in the game - 4k/30 with a few other improvements or 1440p reconstructed to 4k/60 for performance mode.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Jim Ryan...
Sony could've done a lot better in management.



@LtSarge It really is. I'm also getting tired of the mood over in the comments with a few individuals, that while very nice, likable, and informative, tend to dominate the conversations like you're dealing with Sony's PR department. The PS Editorial staff has actually really cleaned up their act this launch, and I'm taking them a lot more seriously. The commentariat very much like PR handlers steering the narratives. I don't dislike the individuals specifically, but the effect on the comments is getting kind of smothering.

Oddly, I do really like the PS5 in some areas now that I have it. I thought I'd really dislike it, but I'm getting along with it OK. As an exclusives box. But as anything other than an exclusives box it would be horrible.



What a surprise, back-pedalling Jim Ryan is back at it again:

Remember when he said that Game Pass doesn't make sense for them:

Either way, I can't really see "PlayStation Game Pass" as a compelling service in the long run because the only reason most people would get it is for Sony's exclusives like God of War or Spider-Man (if these games are even added there). Microsoft already has a lot of compelling games on Game Pass and now they're expanding their offerings with acquired titles from e.g. Bethesda that will stay permanently on the service. Sony is simply never going to be able to compete on that front. The point is that the library of PlayStation Game Pass will barely see any variety other than Sony's exclusives and it's simply not going to appeal to all demographics like the aim of Xbox Game Pass.



Whether Game Pass as we know it on Xbox makes sense to Sony or not, it doesn't mean that Jim Ryan will 'copy' the exact same formula. All the press have said how great Game Pass is and its a fantastic asset for MS which, as any company would, make them rethink on their own strategy and maybe look to adapting something similar into their programme.

Borrowing ideas off of the competition is what these companies do - if its 'right' for them. Sony and MS have borrowed off of each other and other hardware too. The internal HDD is now established as a necessity although before the OG Xbox came along, you needed memory cards to store save points onto - games played from Disc. I think Sony were first with Dual Analogue sticks after Nintendo's N64 showed what Analogue sticks can bring...

Its not always the 'best' for the consumer - free online for example on PS3 went away with the PS4 - maybe because people weren't subscribing in numbers for PS+ and Games with Gold stopped giving 'free' unconditional games away, you need to remain subscribed to keep playing like PS+, on Xbox One games. Ideas are 'borrowed' from each to 'advance' what they bring to their customers - to remain competitive and ultimately bring them money.

As someone with both Playstation and Xbox consoles, I can totally understand why some may think that MS's games are 'B' games. Their First Party content during the Xbox One era wasn't the best and few, if any, were actually up for Game of the Year awards. Most were averaging 7's on reviews compared with '9's' by Sony First Party studio's. Halo 5, Gears 4 etc were not the 'greatest' in the series - not to say they weren't fun or worse, unplayable. The only franchise that I recall actually winning anything was Forza (both Motorsport and Horizon) winning best Racing games. Again not to say MS games were 'bad' but that they were not as numerous or as well reviewed as Sony's first Party - Cuphead and Ori of course won but neither was developed by MS studio's.

Of course, MS now have a LOT more studio's and actually appear to have changed direction under Phil Spencer. We heard that MS were considering dropping out of the console space and not really focussed on bringing their own games (apart from the 3 big franchises). Obviously to compete with Sony's Studio's, they needed more Studio's themselves and invested heavily. We are yet to see dividends from this as that takes time to develop games but the promise is there.

Sony may well have to change PSNow, maybe change it to be similar to Game Pass because PSNow is not part of the conversation when discussing next gen consoles. Game Pass is a 'killer feature' and so its likely Sony will try and adapt PSNow to be competitive. Its how 'competition' works, either come up with something that others see as 'advantageous' and then watch as other companies 'borrow' that idea (or improve on it) or borrow that idea (and/or improve on it) themselves. Its like when CoD was 'successful' for Activision, everyone else tried to make their own FPS or add a MP to their game franchises. How Destiny's success spawned other live service loot based games, how PUBG spawned countless others and why both Battlefield and CoD added it. Competition drives companies to rethink strategies, add services and/or features etc.

At the end of the day, invariably it means we as gamers get 'better' options/services etc from our hardware. Fanboys are always going to belittle the 'best' features, services etc on the other platforms whilst asking their own preferred platform maker to add those to their platform - like Sony gamers wanting a Sony Game Pass, Quick Resume, ability to move PS5 games to external storage to save reinstalling/re-downloading etc etc and no doubt, MS gamers may want some features from Sony too - they got the 'share' button and probably want to record more like the PS5 can...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy the problem isn’t that people think MS has “B” games the issue is they correlate it as a direct result of Gamepass. When in fact; I’ve seen a turn around in quality as of recently.



You should know the difference in performance is because of optimisation, and that developers are not taking full advantage of the hardware and features available to them.



I wouldn't expect a DF quality production coming from you...

But as you've so ignorantly stated in the Series X thread, where you've posted the same video:

"First Valhalla runs better on ps5. Now digital foundary confirmed the dirt 5 looks better on ps5 than series x. Wtf is going on?

9tflop machine outdoing a 12tflop on multi format games. Unacceptable."

WTF indeed...
It's just been explained for you...


[Edited by JGRockford]


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