Techland: Dying Light 2 Is 'Far From Being In A Development Hell'

Dying Light 2 developer Techland surprised us all this week when it confirmed it would have more news to share on the progress of the game next Wednesday, which has barely been seen since its original announcement back in 2018.

We still don't know what we're going to get from that announcement, but the game's community manager has been providing more details on Twitter, notably reassuring fans that DL2 isn't stuck in "development hell".

"Afaik the definition of a dev hell requires the game to not make any development progress, while DL2 keeps moving forward, we announced the game too early but it's far from being in a dev hell."

The Twitter account went on to reply to numerous fans, at one point stating "the game is fine," definitively stating that Dying Light 2 "won't get cancelled," and confirming that the game won't be having any kind of early access period.

We'll find out a lot more about how development is progressing on Dying Light 2 next Wednesday, and we'll wait and see if Techland also responds to a recent damning report about poor management and direction in the company.

"The game is fine and I'm happy that our community will get some news after so long despite some personal issues, you guys deserve to know what's going on."

Do you think we'll see Dying Light 2 anytime soon? Give us your thoughts down below.
