Talking Point: Is Xbox Being Too Quiet So Far This Year?

We’re a few months into 2021 and we’re getting more announcements for new games and release dates every week, but it seems Microsoft is being pretty quiet on the Xbox front. The past few weeks have given us a Nintendo Direct and a Sony State of Play, both of which delivered news for the next few months on Nintendo and PlayStation releases. Yet Xbox still seems fairly unknown.

We’ve had games such as The Medium already hit this year, but there’s still plenty more on the horizon. We’re getting nuggets of news on Halo Infinite every month, and Game Pass is growing with new titles every few weeks, but we’re still unclear of some of the new games coming for Xbox gamers in 2021 to get us excited to use our systems.

30 console launch exclusives were outlined by the company back in January, but out of the entire selection, only The Medium, The Yakuza Remastered Collection and Yakuza 6: The Song of Life have had a release date or have launched. There are even games outside of that which Xbox has championed such as Psychonauts 2, which still have no new information. We’ve been teased of some surprises coming this year, but we still don’t know quite what they could be yet.

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While it’s understandable that news is slow given the current global situation, it does make us curious as to what Xbox has in the pipeline in terms of announcements given Nintendo and Sony's recent events. We’re hoping Xbox is keeping their cards close to their chest or seeing the backlash of games such as Cyberpunk 2077 and ensuring their titles are fully ready to go, which is obviously the right thing to do.

There’s rumblings of an event coming later this month, but we reckon it’s more in-line with the Bethesda acquisition and what that means for the future in the industry, rather than brand new game reveals. Xbox’s very own Aaron Greenberg even states the company has no plans for any ‘World Premiere’ style events soon, so it’s not sounding like we have anything new on the horizon.

So where does that leave us now? We know backwards compatibility games are getting an FPS Boost, with more titles expected over the next few weeks, and we have Game Pass announcements every month. But is this enough? Or could Microsoft do a little bit more to keep us in the loop? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Are you happy with Xbox’s communication so far this year?