@Zuljaras I love Kingdoms of Amalur, it was one of my favorite new IPs to come out of last gen. It's just a shame Curt Schilling ran the company into the ground before anything else could be made. I was really excited to see where that franchise was headed.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
Tomorrow is the last day of the Easter Sale and from everything that’s on offer I’m only interested in buying Just Cause 4 Complete Edition at £16.49 but I just saw the original version is still on GamePass when it was supposedly took off back in February. I’ve got it installed and will be trying it out, if I enjoy it enough I may buy the Complete Edition for every add-on that comes with it.
No Man’s Sky would of been my first choice but with all the odd numbered achievements it has, it’s put me off. It’s silly to dismiss a game because of that reason but I’m one of those people who’s bothered about having an odd numbered Gamerscore.
Picked up Mutant Football League for $10 from.tbe current MS Store sale. Been wanting to get this on the Xbox One to play with a few friends online plus I have it for PS4 and Switch so I figured why not.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
Bought Anthem, Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, Lego DC Super Villains, Rocket Knight, SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, Vampyr and The Witcher 3 in this weeks sales.
Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition and Vasara Collection, both on sale.
Dead Rising 3 hasn’t been on sale for a very long time, so buy it now if you have any interest in the game. It’s really strange too, because the rest of the series are on sale all the time.
I buy Xbox games in bulk every so often, so I just bought quite a few. I bought Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5, Gears 5, Borderlands 3, Bioshock Collection, and Kingdom Hearts 3. Gonna take a while to get through them all.
These 3 are games I have played in the past and enjoyed, but are specially noteworthy because they are no longer available due to licensing, only way to play these games if you don’t already own them is via physical disks. One of the reasons I dread a future where consoles without disk drives become the standard.
Last three games I purchased were Doom 64, Titanfall 2, and Rad. I've dabbled with both Doom and Rad and they seem like great games. Haven't had much time with them yet though. I bought Titanfall 2 because I read many great reviews about the campaign. It only cost me about $5 so if I don't enjoy it then I didn't lose much anyways. I plan on making some purchases today before the week's sale expires. I'm looking to get a few of the Splinter Cell games and Strider. My backlog is huge but I can't stop myself from buying games at a bargain!
Topic: Your Latest Xbox Purchase
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