
Topic: Your Latest Xbox Series X|S Purchase

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@BAMozzy I got a refund within an hour of submitting it, they’ve refunded the £24.99 to my bank despite me purchasing it with reward points. Would of much rather they’d of put the points back on my account as I’m looking at getting Hogwarts Legacy in February, that game is shaping up to be an amazing game from what I’ve seen of it and I never usually pay full price for games on release, I’ll probably wait for reviews before buying though.

I refunded Cyberpunk because it just still doesn’t seem finished, I encountered a couple of bugs within the 30 minutes I played, it still has very bad ghosting and during the day in-game it just looks far too bright than it should be (shouldn’t have to keep adjusting the brightness with the game’s day/night cycle) and the graphics doesn’t seem that great from what I remembered when I tried the trial with the next-gen update.



@MaccaMUFC Well at least you got a complete refund and not some 'timed' credit to use within the next 2-3 months. I still don't think its 'bad' for £25 considering the amount of content and the state of 'new' releases like Gotham Knights for example or even Elden Rings performance on release but its certainly not perfect. At least you didn't have to pay £70 for a game that still has 'issues' like most 'new' releases these days!

I too am interested in Hogwarts Legacy, although I doubt I'll buy it at launch. I have Dead Space remake on pre-order but I am more confident that this will launch in a more playable condition and a 'safer' day 1 purchase as I am not really a Harry Potter fan, I never read the books but the 'wizarding world' could make for an interesting game. It's something I may get around too sometime, depending on the state of the game at launch, reviews etc, but I am not prepared to spend more than £50 on ANY game and will 'make do' with games I can play (my backlog, PS+/Gold games, Game Pass games or games I pick up in sales).

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy I’m surprised you’ve pre-ordered the Dead Space remake when the original is on Game Pass with EA Play, plus it can be bought for cheap (£14.99 or well under £10 when in a sale). Even though I already own the original, I do have it added to my rental list as the remake is more than just a lick of paint with some changes like Isaac being able to speak, free movement in zero-g sections etc. as you’ll already know. Does it make sense to just remake the first but not the other two though? There could be new players to the series and it will most likely be jarring for them going from this remake to the Xbox 360 versions of 2 and 3.

The thing about Cyberpunk though is that CDPR had over 2 years to put it right, as in getting it exactly like it was revealed in the early trailers. It’s supposed to be a living, breathing city but it’s just mostly void of life, it’s not populous enough. There’s people and vehicles still appearing and disappearing from thin air. While the game does look detailed from afar, when I get up close to an object be it posters, items in the world etc the textures are really blurry and not detailed at all.

I’d never pay £70 or even £50 cash for games (unless its GTA 6) these days but because I’ve currently got around £70 worth of reward points I wouldn’t mind spending £65 of that on Hogwarts Legacy since it’s not money going out of my bank. But I am going to wait a few days after it releases to see what state the game is in and how it reviews across the board. I had my eye on Dead Island 2 but I’d be shocked if that releases without any issues given how long it’s been in development so I’m playing it safe and just going to rent it. I feel Game Pass has spoilt us and changed the way we buy games, as I very rarely buy any unless it’s on a sale and not on Game Pass. I’m currently playing and enjoying High on Life but I’d never pay £49.99 for it and that’s the beauty of Game Pass as I wouldn’t of played it at all otherwise.

[Edited by MaccaMUFC]



@MaccaMUFC I love Dead Space and I have it too on the 360 but its not a 'remaster' with a fresh coat of paint and Isaac with a voice, its much more than that. The Ishimura is 'redesigned' to be much more consistent and logical, they have added in stuff that was 'cut' from the Original, also replaced some of the 'documents' you can find with 'VR/AR' scenes that playout instead of reading or listening to audio logs (that you barely pay attention too normally) etc. I also like the fact that they have added something to keep the game 'interesting' even in areas you have been through before. Its more like the Directors Cut version - Something that maybe Familiar to returning players but also give them something 'new'. I always said I was much more excited for this than the Callisto Protocol...

Cyberpunk is so much better than it was at Launch and has changed a LOT over those 2 years. I don't think we will get 'living, breathing' cities until we see games running in the Cloud so that the AI, the Physics, the gradual changes etc that all combine to create the feeling the City is living. If the AI isn't 'great' or varied enough, you see the same patterns over and over and over again. At least with a LOT of RPG's, you have more varied settings, more varied biomes so it breaks up some of those patterns but often you see the same 'behaviours' and static feel of the towns/cities.

I won't pay more than £50 for ANY game, regardless!! I have nearly 140k of reward points - which is about £125 worth of Credit, but I'd still not use this to 'buy' a game costing over £50 on principal. I know its not 'money' out of my Bank, but its the principal.

Game Pass has affected the way I think about games - but its not the ONLY factor that has affected my 'purchasing' decisions. When I Subbed to Game Pass, most 'new' releases could be found on disc for £45 - even if they were £59.99 in Digital Stores. GP didn't stop me pre-ordering or buying games new at/around launch then, if anything, it allowed me to get several games I would have 'missed' because I would of spent that money on games I could now play on GP. Having to 'choose' between say FH5 or FC6 because I could only justify buying 1 game that month would have meant I missed out on playing one, but with GP, I could buy FC6 and still play FH5.

Since then, the Prices have jumped up and whilst I can find Discs 'cheaper' than £70, they are still over £50. It also seems that in recent years, more games are 'pushed' out far too early to meet deadlines, to get out before Christmas, to bring in revenue for Publishers etc and are at 'best', the worst performing version and at worst, a broken, unplayable mess that could take 'years' to fix (Cyberpunk). In some cases, you only got the 'barest' minimum content too with 'promises' that you will get a 'full' game over the next few years with planned additional content drops - that get 'delayed and delayed' due to the devs having to spend time trying to fix the game they released. Its 'years' of this, as well as Price rises that have had the 'biggest' impact on my buying habits - not GP. GP does contribute too because if I am 'bored' and/or want something 'new' to Play, I don't need to spend money in Sales. I don't 'need' to buy any game Day 1 when its at its 'most' expensive and at its 'worst' before its patched/fixed etc, I can wait a year or two, pick it up for less than £30 and its a 'complete, and relatively stable game to play'.

My change of 'habits' with Purchasing games at/near launch is more down to the increase in prices and the fact that a LOT of Publishers seem to be happy to release games in a 'terrible' state, start 'bringing' in some Revenue for them whilst the Devs take the heat for a 'broken' game and spend the next 6mnths+ trying to fix their game and recover any PR hit. Game Pass just makes it 'easier' to wait until these games are actually worth Playing and worth their asking price to me. No game is worth more than £50 to me and it's more about how 'few' copies they need to sell to make their money back - doesn't often take more than a few million sales to recuperate costs, but instead of making sure the games are 'worth' £50 at launch to sell 'millions and millions', they release mediocre games that struggle to a million or two, have 'bad' PR and barely break even because of inevitable price drops to encourage people to 'buy' as they get 'desperate'.

High on Life is something I would never pay £50 for, wouldn't be tempted if it was just £10 either because I can't stand the humour. Even though its on GP, I have no desire to try it but I really appreciate the fact I can. It's got to be better than spending £70 and getting the Callisto Protocol and then having to put up with that mess - with GP, if a game isn't 'for you', regardless of whether its a 'mess', its humour or game-play style isn't your thing, you don't feel so 'disappointed' or annoyed because you haven't invested £50+ into it before you even started and 'expected' to get your money's worth from the game. That doesn't mean that 'bad, broken etc' games are more acceptable and the quality will 'drop', because Game Pass is more about Player Engagement and the best way to engage the player is with a 'quality' experience that makes them want to 'keep' playing - Much more important when that player can jump to any other Game Pass game and never return if you don't create a good 'initial' impression...

Anyway, glad you got your money back on Cyberpunk. Seemed a relatively simple and hassle free experience - which is what you should expect from a multi-national Customer focussed company...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy You must of made the Dead Space remake an exception if you would never pay £50 for any game regardless? I’m of the same mind but like I said in the previous post, a game like GTA 6 would be an exception as that type of game is a one of a kind, they don’t come around that often these days with GTA V being proof of that after spanning three generations of consoles, due to the game still selling well to this day and also Rockstar milking the Online part of the game to death with shark cards had something to do with it.

There was a bit of a change in the way I got refunded. They initially said that they will be putting £24.99 on my bank card, despite me buying the game with reward points. But today I’ve found that they’ve actually put the credit on my account. I’ve got until 23rd March before it expires. I hope I do end up buying Hogwarts Legacy and that it turns out to be great because there isn’t any other game I want to buy or pre-order before the expiry date.

Microsoft have been great with me submitting refunds, they’ve always accepted. But it has to be said I don’t abuse it and they limit how many refunds you can have within the year anyway, this is my second with Evil Dead being my first this year.

[Edited by MaccaMUFC]



@MaccaMUFC I'm only paying £40 as I had a £15 gift voucher to use up or lose. So to me, I'm only paying £40 as its only £40 of my money and at the time, there was nothing else I wanted. So rather than let the £15 disappear, I used it to ensure I could get Dead Space for less than £50...

I am not a GTA fan, certainly not the more recent games from 4 onwards. In fact it was spending a LOT (or it seemed a lot) for the 'strongbox' edition of GTA4 and then that game put me off GTA perhaps forever. Today, it seems when people talk about GTA, they are often only referring to the Online mode and I doubt it would of lasted this long, sold that well if it was just the Single Player - still each to their own LOL

I expected that they would refund you the same way you paid effectively. Converting Reward Points to 'Credit' does give you about 3months to use that Credit before losing it. It stopped me converting Reward Points until I really see something I want. Several great games expected in the Early part of the New Year and no doubt New Year sales as well may find something tempting - unless you 'pre-order' or purchase Hogwarts by March 23rd that is...

MS do seem to be a great Customer Service focussed Business at the moment. Not saying they always have or will be, but right now, I do think they are trying to move the right way for Consumers and businesses in the modern era.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Castlev- I mean, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.



Shenmue I&II
Tekken 6
Tekken 7: Definitive Edition



@Sebatrox my point on entrance to the souls genre. Have fun!!



@Sebatrox well it is different in a way. I beat it first and had a bad time starting Dark souls after it(however I love it now).
In code vein you allways have a companion that you can use to reduce the aggro on yourself that makes things a bit easier on the map however some bosses are very very agressive (and though as heck)



@BAMozzy I did a complete u-turn with Cyberpunk and bought it again. I decided to just rent Hogwarts Legacy as there no other games in my rental list in February so I’ll be paying £10.99 to rent it rather buying it at £64.99 in reward points. Plus there isn’t any other game I wanted before my £25 expired.

I’m glad I gave Cyberpunk another chance because despite some of the issues I have with it, it is actually a decent game and I’m engrossed in the story and characters. I’ve just finished the Heist mission and what a twist with the ending, the game is only just beginning too!



@MaccaMUFC As I said, its 'not perfect' but its a LOT better now than when it launched, has a LOT of potential hours worth of entertainment and costs little more than most Indies now too. As with most 'new' RPG's, they take time to get into, to learn and understand the 'mechanics', the Skills, the weapons, the lore, the setting etc and takes time to get into the game - after spending time creating characters, playing the introduction to get to the 'meat' of the game when it really opens up and lets you 'free'...

I would never say a game is 'worth' buying because its a personal decision and each person has their own preferences and financial situation to determine themselves if it was 'worth' it and you often don't know until you have purchased. I certainly haven't got my 'money's' worth from CP2077 YET, but I do intend to return sooner or later...

Anyway, hope you enjoy it...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy I’ve found Cyberpunk 2077’s mechanics, weapons, skills etc more straightforward to understand than the likes of The Witcher 3, which I’ve also got and recently downloaded since it’s X/S update but I find that more complicated like understanding the Signs and I just find the game in general overwhelming. I finished The Witcher 2 a few years ago so I’m determined to finish 3 one day.

I’ve definitely got my moneys worth or rather my reward points worth with Cyberpunk as I’ve already put in over 16 hours on a new save since buying it again and I’m not even that far in with the story.

I’m currently playing The Callisto Protocol which I’ve rented and I can already see it’s not as good as Dead Space but I still think it’s a decent game so far. There’s only 8 missions in the game and it only took me over an hour to reach mission 3 so I can see this is going to be quite a short game and definitely not worth £54.99.



Assassin's Creed Valhalla Season Pass

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Season Pass

Shining Resonance Refrain

Phantom Doctrine

Everreach: Project Eden



I should stop buying games... That doesn't mean I'll do it though.


Deep Sky Derelicts

Echo Generation

Star Renegades

The Hand of Merlin

Stories: The Path of Destinies

Moonfall Ultimate

Legrand Legacy

And that's it for now.



the series x itself plus a year og game pass ultimate. arrived today.



@jdv95 Congrats to your new purchase mate! If this is your first Xbox console then you have a lot of great games to look forward to playing.


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