
Topic: Your Latest Xbox Series X|S Purchase

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Figured this category needed its own "Latest [insert console name] Purchase" thread so I decided to make one.

Just ordered Chorus and House of Ashes on Series X for €40 in total. Also bought Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water on Series X in the summer sale for €30.

Chorus has gone completely under my radar. It's a spaceship shooter with an arcade-y feel, just like Star Fox. I gave it a try briefly on Game Pass and it's so much fun. I looked up a couple of reviews and most people seem to love the game. Unlike the Star Fox games though, it has tons of content. The story is around 10 hours long but there are side quests as well so all in all it can take upwards of 30 hours to 100% the game, which is very promising. There aren't a lot of spaceship shooters these days and it was only €20, so I just had to buy it. Since it has potentially 30 hours of content, I decided to just buy it instead of spending an entire month of Game Pass on this game and just take my time playing through it. So if you've been craving for more Star Fox, Chorus seems to scratch that itch.

I also got House of Ashes and Project Zero because I need more horror games to play on Xbox since I own most of my horror titles on PS4. House of Ashes seems to be the best game in The Dark Pictures anthology so far, and I've never played Project Zero before so I'm very excited to give Maiden of Black Water a shot.



Melty Blood: Type Lumina. 20% off in the sale. First time I've ever seen one of these on Xbox. Really cool 2D fighter, tight controls and great visuals. A little light on characters but the one's that are there are great. 4 DLC characters....All Free!. "you hear that Capcom, Netherealm, Bandai and the rest". Seriously though, if you like Fighters you need this.

Xbox: Garbonzoni


@LtSarge Maiden of Black Water and House of Ashes are waiting on my backlog. They seem very interesting, I hope you enjoy them!

My latest purchase was Spec Ops: The Line, an X360 game. It has been fun so far, but I haven't finished yet.

The next game I may be getting soon is Nier: Automata. Has anyone tried this yet? Is it good?


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


@HarmanSmith NieR: Automata is a phenomenal game. If you want to play a fun 3D hack 'n' slash open world game with RPG elements then look no further. It also mixes genres throughout the levels to keep things fresh, has a bonkers story with lots of philosophical elements, has an absolutely stellar soundtrack and is overall a very unique and worthwhile experience. I highly recommend it.



@HarmanSmith Nier automata is amazing! And remember (if you do not know already) that when you hit credits the story is just starting...



Bright Memory Infinite, a game I've been looking forward to since it's announcement for Xbox Series X. Just finished downloading and I can't wait to play it. I enjoyed the prologue quite a bit despite it being very short.



My latest purchase, a year of gamepass ultimate for less than $40.
Get a three month xb live card($6) redeem 4'em for $24, then upgrade to gamepass ultimate for $15.



Got a £25 voucher with MS rewards.

Bought the great so far Rogue Legacy 2 (only ran 4 times so far) and a couple of games for £2 a piece, Cubic and something else. What a little treat Cubic is, random game to pick up - but it's a decent puzzler. Starting to get harder now in the 4th set of levels.

Really happy.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7


Just ordered Greedfall: Gold Edition, Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy: The Definitive Edition and Project Cars: Game of the Year Edition for €60 in total.

Greedfall has been on my watchlist for a while now actually, so I'm looking forward to giving it a go. In terms of the GTA trilogy, I bought it since it was only €25 and because I really want to give Vice City a proper go this time around. Playing the game on 360 made it feel extremely outdated and unimpressive with its poor controls, the frame rate drops and being forced to drive all the way back when you fail missions. The definitive edition has so many improvements that hopefully it will make me like Vice City a lot more. The same goes for when I play San Andreas in the future. And I'm really hoping most of the collection's technical issues have been fixed now.

I've also become interested in checking out other racing games besides Forza, and Project Cars managed to catch my eyes. I might buy more racing titles soon, such as Project Cars 2, Need for Speed Heat and Hot Pursuit, Burnout Paradise, Dirt, Grid and so on.

[Edited by LtSarge]



Bought some more games on Xbox, mostly racing titles. This time I ordered Dirt 4, Project Cars 2, Need for Speed Heat and Star Wars: Squadrons. Really thrilled to be expanding my collection of racing games and I've got another batch that I'm planning on buying soon. Can't wait to delve into all these franchises that are new to me!

I also got Squadrons because my recent purchase of Chorus has made me more interested in space shooters and since it's Star Wars, I have fairly high hopes for it. Looking forward to playing it as well!



I've also ordered Dirt 5, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered and Burnout Paradise Remastered. Been playing a lot of NFS: Payback and I'm loving the sections where you wreck other cars, so I just had to get Hot Pursuit and Burnout Paradise since those games are all about that. I also had a good time trying out Dirt 5 so I'm looking forward to playing the full game.



@LtSarge I do enjoy a racing game, but oddly, I don't think I've played a NFS game since Underground 2 on PS2 - it was probably my most played game on the console as well.
I've had Hot Pursuit Remastered on the wishlist for ages now, but for some reason I've just not pulled the trigger yet - it's pretty much always on sale too, so no idea why not. Spent a fair bit of time on Forza Horizon 4 last year so maybe a bit of racing game burnout?



I bought physical copies of both Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (never played) and the outer world's (already played on GP but wanted to add to the collection)



@Balta666 Both are amazing games. I played through Kingdoms of Amalur last year and the remastered version plays very well still nowadays. I never expected to enjoy it as much as i did. Hope you'll enjoy it too.

Outer Worlds i played on pc before i got my Xbox, i still want to replay it again on my Xbox, was a great game and it shows how good Obsidian still is in creating RPG's. Haven't played the dlcs though yet. Did you get the base version or the ones with the dlcs included? Im curious if those dlcs are worth buying or not

PSNid: Lavalera


@Lavalera I really liked too and it is the perfect length imo. The copy is just the base game (not even sure there is a physical version with DLC)



@dmcc0 That could be it, but at the same time I find games like Hot Pursuit and Burnout Paradise to be unique since they involve taking down other vehicles, which is super fun and cathartic. Haven't played many games like that. You could always give them a try on Game Pass and see if you like them. That's what I did for a lot of these games, such as Dirt 5 and Hot Pursuit. Didn't want to play them to completion on Game Pass though since they take a long time to finish.

Personally though, I've mostly played Forza in terms of realistic racing games so it's nice to broaden my horizons a bit now. So many franchises that I've never dipped my toes in before.



@LtSarge I actually let my game pass sub expire a while back - found that I was still buying just as many games, but never playing any of them because FOMO meant I spent most of my time playing the games that were leaving soon, rather than stuff I actually wanted to play. I guess part of it is also that I've got quite a few racing games in the backlog too, but I'll definitely pick up Hot Pursuit at some point, but there's no urgency since it pretty much goes on sale every other week.



@RetroMan71 it really depends on your taste and what systems you had in the last 5/10 years...
From Xbox itself you have Halo infinite campaign or psychonauts 2. If you missed games like Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, mass effect trilogy or star wars jedi fallen order just to mention a few. Also in terms of indies you have tunic, death's door, hollow knight or Hades.
Also quite a few RPG, etc.

On a separate note we have a forum here where we choose democratically a game from game pass to play each month and discuss out feelings about it. The current game is Marvel Avengers. Pass there if you feel you would like the experience. Link below:




So, I finally got NieR: Automata. Also got Code Vein, 'cause it was on sale.


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith

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