
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - Evil West (Jun)

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@LtSarge I love me some hollow knight too and I think moon studios do as well! I just gawked open mouthed at the TV when I bumped into the Cornifer equivalent and they equally had the cheek to charge me for their wares. There still not quite the same weight and precision to the combat as hollow knight so far but the movement feels so responsive in will of the wisps when platforming.
@GamingFan4Lyf I tried out 4k 120 hz tonight and it looks insane in motion but then I couldn't really tell between that and 6k 60 hz to be honest, they both look incredible. It's so fluid in motion but the detail in the backgrounds and the hdr lighting have such finesse.
I agree with everyone so far around the improved mechanics, I've just played for 90 mins tonight and have had to force myself to switch off the console to go to bed. Always a great sign!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


Ori & the Will of the Wisps(and Blind Forest for that matter) were my absolute favourite exclusives on Xbox One. Wonderful games. I'm so excited for you.

Blind Forest had a few quirks that made it harder to love, especially the manual save point mechanic and some super-tough, for some, auto-fail chase sequences. But I loved it. It's a magical game, set in a stunning world with tight gameplay a soundtrack to remember and a story to hit your heart.

Will of the Wisps improved the first in almost every way. Better combat, better traversal, deeper mechanics, visuals that seemed to pop at every moment, so vibrant and alive. They removed the worst of the difficulty spikes, and told another heart wrenching story. Loved it again. Even better it plays like an absolute dream on Series X. Either 4K 120fps (if your TV supports it) or supersampled 6K 60fps, both look and feel amazing.

I'm going on holiday tomorrow, and I replayed it late last year, else I would join you all. ENJOY! Look forward to the discussion.

@ralphdibny Enjoy being just a member!

Edited on by themightyant



I've got this bad boy locked and loaded ready to play Will of the Wisps


See ya!


@ralphdibny lobe 8bitdo. I got a couple of their controllers. The charges seem to fade fairly quickly though, at least on one of mine.



@NintendoByNature this one is the Xbox one so it has to be wired -_-. Not a major issue though.

One thing I find is that the rumble is a bit weak compared to the proper Xbox pad unfortunately. But the D-pad is so much better for D-pad heavy games.

Though I've just started Ori and haven't felt any rumble yet 🤔. I'm assuming this game uses rumble?

See ya!


Can anyone give me a rundown on who all these characters are (only details from Blind Forest though please) and what happened in Blind Forest (with spoiler tags of course). For the life of me, I can't remember that game at all!

So I in WotW, there is a baby owl who I guess is a new character. A giant weird spider thing that I sort of remember from Blind Forest but thought might be a bad guy for some reason but it's a good guy in this. And a fat masked character which maybe I remember from the previous game? I can't remember lol

I also seem to remember something/one dying at the end of the last game and it was a bit/really emotional. Who was that lol

See ya!


ralphdibny wrote:

But the D-pad is so much better for D-pad heavy games.

Quite surprised with that as personally the d-pad on the series controller is easily my favourite ever as I find its shape more comfortable than the traditional snes style one sand it does not have issues with wrong diagonal inputs.

Cannot help you on the story bits as I am not sure I followed much of it in either game lol (I struggle with narratives not told trough dialogue as it appear that I almost completely forget them on a space of weeks)



Naru (fat character) - found Ori when he/she blew off of the Spirit Tree and raised him. Naru died during the Prologue, but was resurrected as Ori went on his/her adventure to heal the Forest. Naru then set out to find Ori

Gumo (spider character) - originally a bad guy. But then began to help Ori and Naru as Ori healed the Forest


After Ori was forcibly removed from the Spirit Tree by a violent storm, the Forest began to die out due to events caused by the Spirit Tree looking for Ori to return: the Spirit Tree let out a burst of light (as a way of calling to Ori) that killed the children of the Owl Kuro - out of anger, the Owl steals the light of the Spirit Tree and the life source of the forest with it.

Ori is tasked with restoring the elements of Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire in order to restore the forest. During this adventure, Kuro hunts Ori.

After Ori restores the Element of Fire, a fire breaks out. Kuro, realizing she has one final egg to protect, returns the light back to the Spirit Tree (and dies in the process) while a healing rain puts the fire out and the Forest is restored.

The egg hatches and Ku is born (which leads into Will of the Wisps)

Edited on by GamingFan4Lyf

My Nintendo: Daemonrunner
PlayStation Network: Bioflare
Steam: Bioflare

Xbox Gamertag: Bioflare


I got into the first game, but not the second. Why?? Because, as a disabled gamer, I LITERALLY have no time!! There are games that have come out AFTER that which I simply MUST play, and those get put on my system before the Ori games; it's one of the reasons why I wish I had enough dough to get a large hard drive, but since I don't, I do what I can!!

TheComebackKid: Gamer 4 Life


If I weren't neck deep in Jedi Survivor, I would!! lol

TheComebackKid: Gamer 4 Life


@GamingFan4Lyf Naru (fat character) as a description made me laugh! To be fair, they definitely have chunky panda energy. Speaking of energy, have folks met kwolok yet? Feels like the "voice" actor was channelling Brian Blessed energy for their performance. It feels like new abilities are being doled out pretty frequently and I'm enjoying that as, just got my hands bash, which along with double jump and dash make movement feel snappy and rewarding . Just did my first spirit gate yesterday and they really show off the movement options the game gives you. The game running at 120 fps certainly helps with that too!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


@GamingFan4Lyf thank you for the detailed write up, it's all coming back to me now! Well the key moments at least! I can't say the amount of times I've waited a couple years between a game/movie/TV show and its sequel and I just have no clue what is happening because I can't remember the original 😂

Really appreciate that though mate 👍

@Balta666 I will say that the Series X D-Pad is way better than the Xbox One D-pad which I loathed with a passion. I feel like I bought this controller while I was still playing the Xbox One but didn't play many D-pad heavy games until now and now I have a series X!

Maybe I'll give it a go with the series X disc d pad at some point and see what it's like. At the moment, I have to get some use out of this 8bitdo pad lol

Only controller d pad I know that has issues with diagonal inputs is the Switch Pro controller which is flipping awful for 2d games/button inputs

Oh yeah, I do get rumble in Ori so at least that question is answered. It was either too subtle or it wasn't triggering for some reason when I first started playing

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@ralphdibny I did what I could based on memory. There were plenty of emotional moments I left out - but the game is so visual with those moments that they are tough to describe to get the same effect:

Naru sacrificing her food to feed Ori and then dying is probably the saddest intro to a game ever. Especially when Ori tries to feed Naru and wake her up - only to then leave feeling helpless, sad, and hungry.

Ori also dies of starvation before being resurrected by the last ounce of the Spirit Tree's power.

I think the only thing that snaps Kuro out of her Rage was seeing Naru protect Ori and remembers losing her own children and then remembering her own egg that was in danger from the fire.

Also, it's only 3 elements, not 4 [looked that one up].

My Nintendo: Daemonrunner
PlayStation Network: Bioflare
Steam: Bioflare

Xbox Gamertag: Bioflare


Cleared the waterway dungeon/area. I forgot alot about this game since my last playthrough. That chase scene man, woof. What a tough one.



It's been a hot minute since I played the game, but just like with @NintendoByNature, I just finished the waterway area. I actually almost cleared the chase scene on my first try but I messed up the final section. Before wrapping up the dungeon, I went back to the "hub area" and got some upgrades, including triple jump. So I guess that helped a lot in the chase scene. I recommend in general getting triple jump as soon as possible because there are so many hard-to-reach areas that you can reach thanks to the extra jump. It's seriously so helpful to have. But yeah, traversal feels so good at this point in the game. Once you get back the glider, it'll probably feel fantastic to get around. So I think I'll save exploration for later.



@LtSarge I really need to get triple jump. I don't even recall if I had that originally when I played the game. Either way, this game is smooth as silk from a movement and platforming standpoint.


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