
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🛢️Still Wakes the Deep🛢️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (Jul)

Posts 3,441 to 3,460 of 3,538


@Balta666 Yeah. Agreed.

A bit better with the guns but it's a tough play lol.

Happy I tried it but I might move on. I need like 5 achievemnts to 100% Alan Wake 2 so I may just jump on that. Alien Isolation has been calling my name too after the fire Aline: Romulus trialer. Can't all be winners I gues lol.

I will at least beat the 2nd chapter before I move on from Evil West just to make sure I don't abandon a game that could be awesome.

GT - JohnnyUtah61
Nintendo - DarkFalco - SW - 1852-3950-9117


@Balta666 I was thinking that we maybe could play Gears of War 2 together next month so that is where my vote goes. And maybe we could play more Gears of War games after it if we like it.

[Edited by oliverp]



Haven't played in nearly a week. It's been busy at home unfortunately. I'll try to get back tonight.



I have finished Evil West! I have seen posts online stating it was a good looking game but with outdated mechanics and linear progression. Personally I don't mind the gameplay as I find it actually good fun by the end as you unlock gadgets and above all upgrades and perks. Linearity is never something I dislike although I would like to be able to get down a stair I just used to get a collectable I just missed... Overall happy that I played and that is the most important part anyways.

[Edited by Balta666]


Glad you enjoyed. Seems worthy of going the entire way then.



I’ve never done a game club before and I’ve been meaning to get to Evil West for a while so I thought I would give both a go this month. I was really into Evil West since the announcement trailer. I love action game with lots of combat options and prefer linear games.

I played through the tutorial to the first boss tonight. I’m enjoying it but not totally loving it just yet. The combat feels a bit repetitive but I’m hopeful that once I get some more options it will open up. I am enjoying the crowd control aspect of the combat and trying to use the environment to quickly take out enemies.

I’m intrigued by the world and characters. I love a good western and so far it’s hitting the mark. The b movie vibe works for me.

Overall I’m glad I fired it up. I’m looking forward to plugging away at it.

Switch/Series X/PS5
Favorite Games - Slay the Spire, Mario Kart, God of War R, Mario Odyssey, Celeste, Control


I got a good hour in again tonight after a brief hiatus. I actually had to turn down the difficulty. There's just way too many enemies that require far too many hits, and not having fast enough reloads, or shock parries, make it all the harder. When there's 2 flying enemies, 3 werewolves, and 1 or 2 huge giant creatures, it's just not that easy. Still a good time though even though I toned down the difficulty.



@NintendoByNature totally get you (even though I got my way around it without it). It can be a challenge in some arenas. I found that what works best is to dodge a lot and prioritize firstly range enemies specially by hitting them when they target directly for lot of damage on your side, than mobs with lightning for both health and electric charge pickups (although that may well be a bit more on the late game with some extra perks) or some of the bosses that are very agroo and you cannot mess around. But above all electricity is your best friend.


@Balta666 yeah for sure. Thanks

Switch/Series X/PS5
Favorite Games - Slay the Spire, Mario Kart, God of War R, Mario Odyssey, Celeste, Control


@NintendoByNature @Balta666 The electricity is super helpful in dealing with the crowds. Sometimes I when the enemies start to bare down on me l will pull a couple towards me just to stun them then focus on a third. Another thing that’s helping me is to turn the camera and check my back once I get an enemy stun locked by punches and to prioritize incoming threats over finishing off the enemy I’m working on. Then if things are getting too crowded find a far enemy to zip to across the arena using the electricity. For the flying enemies the sound queue for when they are targeting you is super helpful since you can just turn to them and the game will quick target. And if all else’s fails don’t hesitate to run away and reposition yourself. I’m playing on hard and as long as I make sure to keep everyone in front of me it’s not too bad for me.

Switch/Series X/PS5
Favorite Games - Slay the Spire, Mario Kart, God of War R, Mario Odyssey, Celeste, Control


The fourth boss with the shield is really great. I like that it requires a kind of methodical approach and rewards your ability to manage spacing. I struggled with the ADS midnight because it took too much attention away from the boss but thought it did a great job of making everything feel hectic in a good way.

Switch/Series X/PS5
Favorite Games - Slay the Spire, Mario Kart, God of War R, Mario Odyssey, Celeste, Control


@RBRTMNZ @Balta666 thanks for the tips. By no means am I frustrated yet. I'm just saying it's really alot going on at once and hard to maintain focus when multiple things are coming at you with slow combat



@NintendoByNature Yeah Jesse is slow. Ive been spamming the hell out of the super punch move because his movement is so stiff otherwise.

Switch/Series X/PS5
Favorite Games - Slay the Spire, Mario Kart, God of War R, Mario Odyssey, Celeste, Control

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