@Tasuki ya the seems I have seen with Marcus and Indy was like a direct line back to my child hood. can't wait till this weekend where I can really dive in looking forward to getting into the story more.
right now I'm in the Vatican exploring just got the camera. one of the cooler things is how the priests and nuns react to the situation.
I think so far my fav part is the weapons though it just so cheesy in a really good way with the quips added in.
@VisitingComet1 You are about where I am. I have been in the Vatican for about 4 hours but I was doing side quests and other things and just now found the camera. I haven't been able to get back to it due to my work schedule but I am looking to put some major time into it on my next day off.
Yeah the weapons are alot of fun as I said a few posts above I have yet to use my gun instead I have been using what I find laying around to fight the guards. I especially love the animation for the sneak attack lol.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@VisitingComet1 LOL I don't think I have used a shovel yet. I have used a broom, crowbar, those clubs the enemies carry, and a hammer and a few others but not a shovel. May have to use one soon. 😄
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Started today and got about four hours in. Absolutely loved what I played. Really feels so different from most games, with it's more meticulous and slow pacing. Can't wait to probably play about another four hours (if not more) tomorrow lol.
Finished over the weekend, brilliant game all in all, it just feels like an extension of the original trilogy.
Though note several achievements are currently bugged for a lot of people. I collected everything and should have 1000gs but Gina is glitched in the third hub area and I can’t hand in the radio codes blocking the last 2 achievements, which is annoying. There are also numerous other glitchy achievements being reported on the web. So if you are interested in achievements you may be better to wait. The third hub area also had quite a few more bugs for me, I didn’t have many at all in the first two, it was well polished up till then. The third hub also dragged a bit while getting everything.
But all that can’t ruin what was a brilliant adventure I thoroughly enjoyed. Really solid game and a big win for Machine Games. Look forward to the sequel.
I am looking to get back to this game on Tuesday when I have a day off from work. I have been tempted to play an hour or so after work but I know myself. If I get started I am not going to want to stop.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
I've been playing over the weekend and it is very slow going. That could be down to me, trying to clear all the side quests and find all the secrets, or the game not being a particularly fast paced game. It's certainly enjoyable enough and the likeness and voice of Indy is superb, but I'm not getting the hype for the game as I've seen a lot of people posting about.
Playing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is like playing an interactive version of the original trilogy, but also it's by itself an excellent game. When I started playing it, I wasn't sure about the first area, the Vatican. Now, 27 hours later according to Stats, Progress, I have completed the Vatican 100% and I'm honestly sad that it's over because of how fascinating it has been. The level of immersion and the exploration is so good that I have only felt this playing a few games in all my life. The time I've spent here is top-quality, like playing an evolution of Assassin's Creed (outdoors exploration and story), Tomb Raider (indoors exploration and puzzles) and Goldeneye 007 (open gameplay). In spite of pre-release comparisons, it has little to do with Uncharted, as that has scripted gameplay and linear progression.
@BookhouseBoy I would say that the user interface and the game itself takes some time to get used to it, because these days we are used to automatic progression and gameplay. These are some things I found out that helped me, not specifically for you since you gave up, but for everyone else that feels discouraged. I believe that the following makes the game more enjoyable.
· View button, Map: check it to find an area. It seems obvious, but I started doing this after a while. Look at it and press left trigger to zoom in.
· View button, Journal: select the quest you want to track. The main one is on top, as Adventure. The side quests are below, as Fieldwork. Discoveries are where you can track your collection progress. Finally, Mysteries are the hidden quests.
· View button, Books: here is your collection of books. You need to "read" them here to upgrade your character. You can also upgrade your character by talking to the pharmacist after collecting medicine bottles. Where is the pharmacy, you ask? Check your map!
· Menu button, Options, HUD & Gameplay: Adventure Experience, Objective Location Markers: turn this on if you don't want to use the map to see the objective markers. I turn this on and off depending on my objectives. You can even turn the text on if you want to see on screen what you are supposed to do. In this menu you can also lower the puzzle difficulty, but I haven't done that. When solving the puzzles, look for nearby notes that will help you. Check the corresponding quest in the journal to check those notes. The solution is not evident. For instance, one note says that the logical solution is wrong and another note shows what mistake was made.
· Collectibles maps: there is a map for finding the medicine bottles, but funnily I found that after collecting all the bottles on my own. There are also treasure maps sold by a certain character that you can't miss and that gives you the camera.
· Notes: most collectibles are classified as notes. Notes are arranged by quests. The notes that are not related to quests are found in Discoveries, Field Notes.
· Camera: once you get the camera, every time you see the camera icon appear on screen, use the viewfinder (up on D-pad) to register a photograph as a note, like you would do in Project Zero/Fatal Frame and not that different to scanning in Metroid Prime.
· Y button: use it to put away anything. Useful for clearing the screen and keep going.
· A button and left stick: you can dodge attacks like this.
· L bumper: you can parry attacks and counterattack with the triggers. Each trigger is an arm.
· R bumper: you can use your whip to scare aggressive dogs and to disarm enemies.
· Uniforms are very useful in the Vatican. You can wear the clerical suit to access holy sections and you can use the Blackshirt uniform and pretend to be a soldier.
· View button, Travels: use this feature to travel to another part of the world that you have visited and check if you collected all the notes there.
I think a big reason a few people aren't enjoying the game is because they are expecting a Wolfenstein game with an Indy skin or and Uncharted/Tomb Raider game with an Indy Skin.
I honestly think the FPV is perfect for the game and as @Banjo- said it's more akin to an Indy movie. It really makes you feel like Indy.
I think it's mainly a case of people expecting something and getting something else. So their immediate reaction is well this game isn't as great as it is.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@Tasuki I agree, some people were expecting a shooter and that makes as much sense as expecting Skyrim to be a shooter because of the first-person view. Ridiculous. I'm especially happy about this game because it's something that is as good as it's unusual.
@Banjo- Yeah, and I think that because of Machine Games handling it who are known for shooters. I think if Bethesda themselves handled it people wouldn't have thought otherwise. Cause honestly this game feels closer to Fallout (can't really say Skyrim cause I didn't play much of that) then a shooter to me.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@BookhouseBoy Of course we all have different opinions. I don't have a problem with accepting that and I didn't "go that far" either. I just glanced over your first page, so it took me one minute to see that every comment you have made about Xbox games lately is negative. All I'm saying to you is that it seems that Xbox is just not your thing and that's totally fine, same as people not liking PS.
I'm just not finding Gamepass to be a very good deal anymore with the quality that is being put on there. I know it seems like I'm being incredibly picky but I never seem to have a problem finding something to play on the other consoles.
@BookhouseBoy I just said what it's written there and that anyone can check. I only replied because I honestly thought that you tried to get into the game flow, until I checked your comments history. I have no blind loyalty and I feel free to say what I like and what I don't about anything. Let's not derail the thread any longer and let the others that are playing the game post about it.
Topic: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle --OT--
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