Okay, look, let's get this out of the way right off the bat - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle feels very Indiana Jones, and you've got nothing to worry about if you thought those classic Indy vibes might be off with this new adaptation. The teams at Bethesda and MachineGames have nailed that aspect of this 2024 take on the franchise; from the look of Indy himself to his signature quips and the series' epic soundtrack - it's all here and it all matches up to the famous movie saga. Unfortunately though, the Wolfenstein developer seems to have lost its way a little bit when building an actual video game around the Indiana Jones concept, resulting in a disjointed experience that never quite figures itself out across a roughly 15-20 hour runtime.
The game leaves a mighty fine first impression though, we must say. You start off by experiencing a fast-paced set piece segment (no more spoilers beyond that, but if you know you know) before it slows things down and introduces the familiar surroundings of Marshall College. It's here where the experience begins feeling very Indiana Jones, and we adore how this all looks in a modern video game environment. We recently got to experience a real-life rendition of the famous archeologist's study halls too - and we're happy to report that The Great Circle does just as good a job at recreating this iconic location as that preview event managed to do.
At this stage the game is all very controlled, but once you figure out what your next artefact-hunting, Nazi-smashing adventure is going to look like, you're quickly whisked off to The Vatican - and it's here where MachineGames begins opening things up. Starting off small but slowly revealing itself as a wide open play space, The Vatican level is maybe a little different to what you'd expect from this sort of game - but you should probably get used to it. Aside from the game's gorgeous cutscene work and the odd cinematic set piece moment, this is the bread and butter of The Great Circle; big sprawling levels that involve lots of sneaking, snapping pictures and finding wee things that help you justify jetting off to far-flung locations in order to punch baddies. Sorry, find artefacts... right.
When this game flow initially started to take shape, we were really enjoying what The Great Circle had to offer. The Vatican level is absolutely gorgeous, and once we'd been directed to a local vendor to pick up a rickety old camera, we were enjoying some chilled out exploring and picture-taking as the game's main quest began to unfold. However, even as just the first of these big open areas, The Vatican level eventually began to outstay its welcome, and that's something we felt through a lot of this new Indiana Jones adventure.
Rather than keep things moving at a brisk speed — much like the movies, and other game series' inspired by them often do — Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is rather slow paced. You'll find yourself doing lots of meandering, backtracking and avoiding Nazi patrols in these big levels, and something about that whole concept just doesn't quite work with Indy's 'go-get-'em' sense of adventure. Prior to launch, MachineGames talked about this being an 'adventure' game rather than an 'action' game, but to be honest, we feel like this whole mantra has been taken a little too far in The Great Circle. We totally understand the desire to avoid combat and actually think that's a commendable approach, but crouching around for hours in big open levels doesn't feel like the right way to go; in what's supposed to be a swashbuckling, globetrotting journey.
This approach to level design also uncovers combat mechanics that largely fail to satisfy, especially when The Great Circle is trying to be sandbox in nature a lot of the time. Stealth is clearly the way you should tackle this game (it feels like it was designed that way), but beyond literally avoiding enemies, you don't really have much at your disposal here. Spades, shovels and sledgehammers that dot the environment are neat ways to bonk Nazis on the back of the head, sure, but that quickly gets boring across multiple big open levels that take up a good 10-15 hours of the experience. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle needed to introduce more interesting ways to be stealthy for how much it forces this approach to combat.
On that note, the game does contain plenty of firearms for you to go loud and proud with - but they always have tiny amounts of ammunition, and once you start firing, you're always so overwhelmed by enemy forces that shooting was never the right choice to begin with. Make no mistake, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle doesn't want you to use force, but as we've already mentioned, it doesn't make stealth varied and interesting enough either. On reflection, we reckon providing the proper tools for players to take on either a stealthy or an all-guns-blazing approach would have been a much better way to go - you could even move into Dishonored territory; enabling totally different gameplay styles depending on how much fighting you engage with.
One area where you can be more upfront in combat is during the game's various boss fights - in fact, you have to jump in and throw a punch or two here. Yep, The Great Circle's bosses all revolve around hand-to-hand combat, and, well... they're all basically the same thing. You're sectioned off in a little arena-style area — Indy's big chunky fists primed and ready for fightin' — and you basically have to land punches, parry and dodge until your enemy drops. These aren't particularly tough or anything, but they feel a little strange, and do very little to offer any real variety across the game. Even the final boss fight is only a slight variation on what you'll have become used to throughout the rest of the experience.
Thankfully, puzzles in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle are more varied than the game's combat sections, and these are one of the highlights of the experience. There aren't that many of them — puzzles tend to crop up in-between the game's bigger areas — but they're mostly different enough that whenever one appears, you're looking forward to figuring it out. There's nothing too head-scratching either, and with separate difficulty levels for puzzles alongside a camera mechanic that gives further clues, the game is quite flexible in this regard - meaning you'll never be hung up for long on a particular puzzle.
Back to stealth for a minute though... beyond the fact that it's just not a satisfying experience to engage with in those more open levels, it's also a bit broken. For instance, throughout the game you can find character upgrades (some useful, some not-so-much), and one of them enables a mechanic where if you die in combat, you get the chance to magically revive yourself with Indy's dropped hat. And, well, if you use this after breaking stealth, you can magically stand back up and be hidden to enemies again. Yep, you could have a horde of Nazis on your ass that saw exactly where you got taken down, only for them to have no idea where you are when you stand back up. To top it all off, there's a fun little cutscene that happens as you retrieve your hat which makes for interesting viewing; as Indiana grins while completely breaking the illusion of stealth in this game.
Finding those character upgrades does at least give you something extra to do across the more open areas, alongside scouring for collectibles and side quests to take part in. We didn't engage with too much of this — especially because it felt like we spent enough time in these areas simply finding all the bits and bobs needed to progress the main story — but yeah, those collecting elements are certainly in this game if you want to explore every single nook and cranny of The Great Circle. We just wish the gameplay and combat made finding all of these a more enticing undertaking!
Thankfully, character performances are much less disjointed than the overall structure, and they really do carry quite a fun Indiana Jones tale from beginning to end. There's nothing revolutionary in here, but The Great Circle provides exactly the sort of story you want from an adventure like this; fun and light-hearted. You've got nail-biting last-minute temple escapes, high-octane vehicle shootouts, mid-air leaping and grabbing as WW2 planes dogfight in the skies, and a slew of big bad Nazi bosses to boot; all punctuated by those famous old Indiana Jones quips and a fantastic soundtrack as well. The Great Circle really does feel like an Indiana Jones adventure, and that's its biggest win.
The visuals here are fantastic too, and it all performs at a blistering 60FPS on Xbox Series X - something we've come to expect from pretty much anything running on Bethesda's id Tech engine. The texture work is sublime, some of the lighting looks really good as well - and yeah, generally speaking this one really does look the part. There is some stuttering on camera movement during cutscenes (which we hope gets smoothed over to be less of a distraction) but that really is a minor complaint in the technical department. Oh, and we have to give a shoutout to one of the game's coolest features - when you load the game back up, it dynamically switches the main menu image to wherever you're up to in the game. It literally overlays the main menu onto the scene, and when you hit continue, it seamlessly transitions to gameplay. Very, very cool!
One last thing we want to touch on here before we wrap up is the controversial camera perspective. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is largely a first-person experience, with certain platforming elements pulling out to reveal a third-person POV. While we understand MachineGames' pedigree in making first-person shooters, the choice to stick with that here does feel a little forced. First-person doesn't ruin the experience by any means, but certain elements of traversal feel a little clunky because of it, and we admit that by the end, we did question why third-person wasn't used throughout. Put it this way; those of you who are questioning the move to go first-person likely won't be feeling any different by the end of the game.
Ever since we caught wind of MachineGames making an Indiana Jones title, we've been very excited by the prospect, but ultimately, we're a little disappointed in the final product. The overall experience isn't bad, and it successfully sells the Indiana Jones fantasy, but the gameplay elements here just don't match up to the vibe of a fun-time Indy adventure. The pacing is all out-of-whack, the open stealth-driven levels don't work in the context of an Indiana Jones romp, and the game just feels at odds with itself overall. We're always up for trying something different and for teams breaking genre tropes, but in the end, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is at its most fun in fleeting moments - which is a shame considering the amount of care and attention that's been put into adapting this famous old franchise.
Comments 261
Wow. I was not expecting this at all. Previews were all pretty glowing. Hope this is an isolated opinion!
Edit: Eurogamer have it a 5/5!!!!
IGN gave it a 9. Stalker 2 was the same thing. Are you guys just salty or....
Seems like an outlier so far. But it's weird when everyone agrees lol.
Sigh. (Admittedly it was my least ‘wanted’ of the 3)
But I’ll wait a little longer for stalker.
edit Seems more positive reviews elsewhere so hopefully those who bought it enjoy it.
I’ve seen nothing but 5/5’s or 9/10’s other than this site. To each their own — I can’t wait for this one!
This is definitely an outlier. Really great reviews elsewhere! Shocked by the 5/5 Eurogamer essential!!!
GameSpot also a 9! Really surprised by the oddball review here. But will judge it myself nonetheless.
Man Xbox lately could really use a W but it sounds like this may not be it unfortunately
@YeyoFairy according to nearly every other review, it's a HUGE win.
@YeyoFairy Go read some reviews almost everywhere else! Perfect essential score on Eurogamer!!!
@YeyoFairy Look at other websites - they are praising the game. A lot. This website is the outlier, which is fair, but not the only review out there. I think Xbox got a BIG W this time around.
Interesting. Seeing lots of a 9s.
I'm still looking forward to playing this and appricate the honesty when it comes to the stealth elements of the game, the puzzle toggling sounds like it will be interesting and good for accessibility
Say what you will but I think this is a very honest review of how some games can be too heavily stealth based. I really like the honesty of it.
@MeanBeanEgg This is the issue with a lot of people. Perhaps they shouldn’t consider reviews as the opinions of an entire company - rather, they should read reviews from people they trust. There are some great writers at IGN, and some reviewers are genuinely great at their job.
@MeanBeanEgg I mean there’s plenty of other GREAT reviews out there besides IGN. Eurogamer is probably my most trusted review site and they gave it a perfect score.
OpenCritic now up to 88!
I bet it will have a better score on Push Square when it releases on PS5. This score just feels mean and nitpicking. Are we even on an Xbox site?
Every other site praising this game. Oh well. I guess I will just have to play it and have fun.
Oh Ben, I do not envy the crap you're gonna get for this one lol. Really sid review though. Always appreciate honesty, especially when it differs from the popular opinion.
@MeanBeanEgg Get them panties out of a knot! They just provided a data point.
Even ign gave it a 9 and its fu**ing ign. Push Square takeover here?
I think this reviewer expected a different game entirely, most outlets are giving a 9-10.
Pure Xbox once again submitting the lowest score, but in spite of that the average is 87. Great game for most and that's positive and good news for all. This will get extra clicks like Stalker 2's, though. 😂
@MeanBeanEgg Well maybe if you weren’t a mean bean you’d understand.
Not sure about this review at all.
Eurogamer 5/5
IGN 9/10
Gamespot 9/10
Very interesting indeed. Let’s send Indy and the whip over.
@awp69 Deleted my Eurogamer account recently because it's quite obvious they've lost their damn minds.
It's on 87 from 37 reviews on metacritic...so it's scoring great across the board ...this is literally the lowest review so far
I don’t know, maybe I’ll just play it myself and decide what I think of the game.
Another xbox banger, and so we look forward to next year, again and again.
Edit: oh it's an outlier, metacritic score actually pretty good.
Hope the performance is okay when I get to it.
10/10's and 9/10's nearly everywhere else -enough said
My first thoughts were “oh no” as this was the first review I saw. But others seem to like it a LOT more. Currently an 87 on Open Critic from 56 reviews.
I don’t want to read too much, as I want to go in blind, but looking forward to finding out what I think myself on Monday. Excited for this one.
Shame this advanced access BS means we don’t all get it for the weekend. Who “releases” a big game on a Monday? Anyone with half a brain knows today is the actual release date, it’s disappointing they are using this awful business model again. But I’ll wait and play Day 4 on Game Pass instead.
It will be sad if this Review interferes the website relation with Microsoft/Xbox itself since It is the lowest for the game so far, despiste I can't simply understand the critique of the First Person(seems like an odd nitpick) I appriciate the honest Review ❤️
Well if most other reviewers say this is a great title, it only shows PureXbox is Purely Wrong.
Removed - offensive remarks
A reviewer is entitled to their opinion. Read other reviews and try it for yourselves. Must of you probably have Gamepass so form your own opinion. But respect others too, even if you don't agree with it.
Playing through the prologue of this is like a dream come true for an Indy fan. Absolutely loving it so far!
I'm not even concerned, I simply can't wait. It's been my most hyped game of the year and I'm going in guns blazin', even if indy ain't.
4 for Stalker 2 and 6 for Indi, you guys not enjoying gaming anymore? I mean I appreciate honesty, I just appreciate positivity even more.
Stalker 2 is a good game and doesn't deserve a 4, and I'm not even talking about what the studio went through to produce such game, which makes your rating outrageous to me.
And Indi looks like a very enjoyable game.
It's very sad that the best Xbox website (to me) is lowering global scores that much. I'm not asking you for 9s and 10s, but man 4 and 6 is a joke.
It takes a lot of courage to give your honest opinion and I value this review… as always my thoughts will ultimately be based on what I think on Monday… seems most of the cons were similar to the cons of Star War Outlaws, initially based on forced stealth…
Yeah trust the other review sites when a specific one doesn't agree with you. Like how they all said Dragon Age: The Veilgard was AMAZING! ... And then the checks from Bioware bounced, and then they backtracked saying it wasn't very good. You should take every review, good or bad trusted or not, with not a grain but a mountain of salt.
I figured a few would be put off by the lack of combat compared to uncharted/tomb raider.
At least it looks like most reviewers are loving it. I was predicting an 80ish score. Well done bethesda!
@MeanBeanEgg That's the thing, this score seems negative biased, because it shows the reviewer went to the game with preconceived notions, like first-person view, and didn't review the game for what it is. It doesn't read like an honest review to me, but like any reviews, that's my personal opinion
Guess Purexbox is trying to be that random rage click reviewer site you'd always see way below everything else on Metacritic now? These reviews lately seem very uncharacteristically glum.
@MeanBeanEgg just an example. I never said IGN was bad. They align with my thoughts most times. Eurogamer, Gamespot, etc. All gave it not just good, but GREAT scores
I'm not going to judge the review, but I'm just here to say that most of the reviews for the game are positive.
@shoeses There was no website going back on the Dragon Age ratings and many people in the public gave a low rating without playing and for political reasons.
Darn it, that’s not the news I wanted to hear. This was quite literally the only thing at the last showcase that I was even remotely interested in, the only thing that didn’t look like crap out of the gate. I was so desperately hoping this would be in the 8-10 range:(
Without spoilers, do we have any idea what the achievement list is like? Is it acceptable, or is it filled with difficulty related achievements, multiplayer/online-server-dependent achievements or other offensive trash like low effort tacked on wave survival slop? I’m a huge Indy fan, I’d even give a game that got a 6 a try, but I draw the line at scummy devs selfishly shoehorning piss-poorly designed achievements into games and ruining them for achievement hunters. I’d sooner not buy the game and laugh as they have to close the studio than contribute to that trash way of operating. The achievement list will determine if I play or skip.
@YeyoFairy Most of the reviews are positive for the game.
Thanks for your review but since I am a gamepass ultimate subscriber the only opinion I will consider is mine to rate this game. Because like your friends at Nintendo life your scoring system is broken. Excuse me I know you don't have a system to score Games you only put a number out of ten based on what you felt while playing the game. I will give you a tip, go watch some reviews on YouTube from the guys at switchup , and learn from there way to score a game.
@Marvineternus They didn't alter the scores, but around the same time they started making articles going 'is it actually that good?', etc. Regardless of why, they built it up for months, gave it glowing reviews, kept defending their choices, then despite nothing changing, the game suddenly wasn't the best RPG ever. And these were people who care more about their politics than their paycheck, so you can't argue they buckled under pressure or something.
Wow this sounds absolutely awful! The stealth sounds like what they've done / did with Star Wars outlaws where 90% of the time you're forced to just crouch & sneak around all the time.
LoL still going to give it a crack on the game pass try before you buy 😁😁
Wow wasn’t expecting this. This website has been building it up and up and now it’s “You’ve chosen… poorly!”
I really hope it isn’t this bad. Will find out soon.
Reviews are just opinions in the end. Perhaps the reviewer is just not a fan of that type of game play.
Xbox One X/S Game of the Year 2024!
I mean the reviewer might have played the game thinking its an Uncharted or Tomb Raider game. What a pathetic review. The game feels like Indy movies of the old and plays like it. This is not a guns blazing type of game. Please review objectively.
Contradiction for contradictions sake. I could see where Stalker 2 isnt for everyone but when yours is literally the only poor review in a sea of praise, yeah, you need attention.
I actually really liked less combat and more traversal/puzzles in Shadow of the Tomb Raider compared to the earlier games. Indy isn’t Schwarzenegger. Definitely giving this a go, but closer to Christmas. Too busy with Stalker 2 (a great game as well).
I'm a couple hours in and...it's surprised me with some of the design decisions. The stealth is...odd. Almost like it's half done. The bad guys come in low variety cookie cutters with predictable pathing. The feel of the game is incredible. The atmosphere feels like 1939. The detail is amazing. But I'm not sure why they decided on such old school mechanics. It's not bad by any means. I'm enjoying it. 6 seems a little low but I haven't finished it.
I’m going to wait and see what people say that didn’t get review copies.
Appreciate the honest review even if it goes somewhat against the consensus. Sound like you thought it was too shallow for an imsim and too plodding for a cinematic game. That’s totally fair.
at least push square and pure xbox are consistent in giving the lowest review score to alot of games not just this one.
I dont value either sites review scores as their reviews on games have always been very different from my own
His opinion but it seems a bit odd that it’s so low. The writer has an average review score on this site of 7.4.
Usually it would be fine. It’s an honest opinion. In this case however all the other reviews are so positive that pure Xbox probably needs a second opinion for clarity. Have someone do a second review.
Sounds like it just didn't hit the mark for this particular reviewer.
Lots of very high scores out there and an 86 on metacritic is not to be sniffed at.
Looking forward to finding out myself next week!
So one of the lowest scores for the game comes from Pure Xbox! 🤦♂️
Really looking forward to play Indy next week! As for the score, it just means this reviewer didnt like it as much as others (and many sites have scored it higher) which is fair enough and nothing to cry about! What would be the point of reviews on PureXbox of they gave all Xbox games a perfect score just because?
@Banjo- Are you suggesting that the score is low on purpose for clicks? Because you suggested this before and it's incredibly embarrassing for you. To be this silly. Come back when you understand what an opinion is. Or grow up.
Folks, if Ben didn't like the game, Ben didn't like the game. That's how reviews work.
To be this silly. Come back when you understand what an opinion is. Or grow up
So you are attacking him for having an opinion, whilst you, yourself defending an opinion?? Irony and all that....
Please, for graphical spectacles like this, could you provide a paragraph highlighting Series S looks/performance. There are a lot of us out here.
@Sol4ris saying something is done for clicks is not an opinion. It is either factually true or it is false, there is no subjective element to it.
The fact that a bunch of gamers throw their toys out the pram with talk like this when they don't get their way is pathetic.
There's no way the game drags on as much as this review. The score could be accurate, but the reasons given stink, and could be cast in the opposite light with a few select word changes.
Hmm this was a worry i had that the minute to minute game play wouldn't stack up & that seems to be the case.
I am still going to try it at some point because it might still click together for me when I get hands on with it. Still given the install size I am in no rush until I have exhausted other gaming options.
Side note reading some of these comments has given me some serious second hand embarrassment for some of you. ITS JUST A GAME, chill.
Interesting review.
People using Eurogamer as some sort of bastion of reliable quality 🤣🤣 so funny.
Shattered Space, Stalker 2 and now this... do you guys have something against XBOX?
Too many people here are not understanding review scores.
Yes, it hurts when a game you want to score well doesn’t hit the mark. But every game has outliers like this.
Each company picks an individual reviewer before anyone has played the game. The review is then the personal opinion of that reviewer (despite it representing the company).
There are many times when IGN or others have given 7s to amazing games and 9s to bad games, or whatever. It doesn’t mean one site is bad and another is not.
Reviews are personal opinions.
@Kienda agree, but just seems a bit of a trend recently with the negative takes. Or maybe I'm just cranky in the morning.
For me it always looked like a ok game with a great premise ie Indiana Jones apart from the fact it's a Indiana Jones I wouldn't of been interested should of done a uncharted type of game instead!
Was disappointed when I saw the score here, but on Opencritic it has a ‘Mighty’ 86 score. So that’s made me feel better! Looking forward to playing this.
What's going on with this website? I noticed there is pattern also with other xbox first party getting their lowest scores on purexbox? Isn't this supposed to be an xbox fan website? I can get that the reviewers try to be fair and strict but this is absurd. I bet the game will get a 9 on when it releases on pushsquare. Game sits on 86 right now on metacritic.
@awp69 ign and GameSpot gave it a 9 eurogamer gave it a 10
This site always has the lowest scores for Xbox games yet push square always give playstation games top scores
Time to put Mr. Jones entire franchise to rest.
If this game a 3rd person rather than first person xbox could have it's own uncharted.
@Sol4ris Nah. That doesn't work. Think deeper.
@PJOReilly Why think when you can be an angry sheep haha!
Different opinions are not acceptable should of copy and pasted the euro gamer review would of got more praise than having a different opinion!
Bad pure Xbox bad boy!!
@wiiware or maybe xbox wanted to do something different rather than make another tomb raider or uncharted or previous Indiana jones games
Wow I did not see that coming especially with all the positive hands on previews we have been seeing.... Not seen other reviews but a read of some of the comments sounds like this is the exception.
I was kind of surprised by a low score here and I wanted to check the state of the game for myself. So I fired up first couple of hours of a walkthrough on YT.
Few takeaways:
All in all, seems like a good/great game, just not my type of thing.
Disappointed to hear that it's not as good as it was hoped. I was looking forward to this one, and seems like a miss.
When I heard it was the longest game they've made, and it was centred around open worlds I was a bit worried as I liked how the Wolfenstein games kept the pace going, and like you were swept up in the adventure.
Stealthing around everywhere is something that can get grating for me after a while, I could never really get into Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell, so this might not be for me.
As it's on Game Pass I'll still give it a try to get some fun out of it as I'm a big Indy fan, but I'm glad I didn't pre-order the £100 super special early access edition.
Kudos to Ben for sticking to his guns with his score. It must be easy to be tempted to just add a 9 simply because it’s an Xbox title and everyone else has.
Fair play in sticking with your own views. Reviews are subjective we should remember.
Thanks for an honest opinion and well written review.
Whilst it seems like many more outlets thought higher of it, understanding your concerns is helpful in building a picture, and I respect this sites ability to tell it how you see it and not dilute your viewpoints to appease the 'conspiracy warriors'.
Congrats to machine games for landing a solid release, no matter who I reference I'm not hearing about bugs and issues and that's a big relief for any big launch these days!
Nice win for GP to try it free there, I'm pleased so many will get to try and enjoy it.
I'm not sure I'd get good value out of this for full price, so I'll hang on and maybe check it out in future, but I'm relieved one of the big ms hitters this year is proving to be a hit.
@MeanBeanEgg aye, it is!
Given that the Metacritic score is still an 86, including some decent scores from other sites that I also trust, I’m going into the game with optimism that I’m going to enjoy it.
@Tonmoy "Please review objectively" has a fairly obvious contradiction. Reviews are always subjective and that's exactly how they should be.
Aiming for objectiveness (whatever that means in this context, everyone has their own taste in games) would only hurt the review. It wouldn't show what the reviewer felt when playing the game, and would only say what people are expecting to hear. So basically it wouldn't carry any meaningful information at all.
Games are subjective, and not everyone is going to feel the same vibes. I can see the reason for scoring it a 6-7 if the combat is clunky, the stealth is repetitive, unimaginative bosses, and the world becomes a slog to explore. I'd probably feel the same, especially as I have neither the time nor the patience to commit to that time of game. AC Valhalla? I loved the first 20 hours or so, but quit because I didn't want to do another 80 hours of the same stuff - even though IMO it was still a highly polished experience.
I watched some of RadBrad's playthrough this morning and it looks great. But I also think it'll be one of those games where I'll get bored once the honeymoon period is over, regardless of how fantastic and thematic it looks.
Luckily I'll be able to play it on GP, which for me is perfect because I'll probably put 10-20 hours in and call it a day.
I have been playing a couple of hours since yesterday and cannot find myself in the critics at all. I thinks it is a great game so far.
I'm so freaking mad.
Machine Games is one of the best studios around, so let's not let them do their own thing, no, let's force them onto a stupid license that doesn't fit them so they can deliver a mediocre game based on an outdated series of mediocre movies, great idea!
I'm so looking forward to Arkane's Blade game 🤬
Seriously, **** MS and this industry.
You got a successful new IP like Tango? Closed.
You have a successful series in Wolfenstein? Make stupid Indiana Jones.
You made some of the best immersive Sims ever? Let's throw you in the live service mines, then shut down one studio and have the other make a 3rd person Blade game, perfect fit.
@clvr So Indiana Jones movies are mediocre compared to blade is that what you are saying??
@Ricky-Spanish I don't even know how to reply to such a non-sequitur.
Did you even read what I wrote?
I'm at the point now where the Pure Xbox review score for games is so wildly different to my own experience with them that I've lost all interest in their reviews. This one is probably going to be equally baffling.
@clvr Of course I'm just wondering since you mentioned how the Indiana Jones movies were mediocre and your sure the blade game will be brilliant it that because you prefer the movies as well if you never liked Indiana Jones movies you were probably never gonna like the game regardless
@blockfight 100% agree. I feel like is a really well written unbiased review thata completely honest, I'll still be playing and looking forward to it
@clvr I was being ironic.
Do you really think a 3rd person Blade game is a good fit for Arkane?
The review reads fairly as it was always going to be a divisive game. First person vs Third Person has been brought up for months and it was always going to take something incredible to really convince people that they made the right choice. Forced basic stealth dragging on to long is also another thing that player regularly hate in games so is fair to be called out.
Maybe for some 6 is to low and some feel it should have been a more generous 7. By the same token it sounds like other sites giving it a 9 or 10 are to generous, so it all balances out in the end.
@Kezelpaso Ben kerry Seriously ? You gave it the worst score, 6/10, seriously? The game currently has an 86 on Metacritic, which is equivalent to a 90 since sites tend to undervalue Xbox games. 6/10 is nonsense! You're obsessed with the first-person view, which actually adds to the game's charm and personality. Instead of seeing the benefits it brings, you're fixated on what you consider drawbacks and can't see past them. In trying to be objective (it's an Xbox game, it's an Xbox site, I must be objective, blah blah), you've actually fallen into the opposite bias, overemphasizing some aspects and not enough others. Very bad review!
I think it’s fine to have a different opinion but at least some of us are just saying to look at other reviews too. This is the literally the lowest score on Metacritic. There is just one 60 (this 6/10), two 70s and FORTY reviews that are 80+.
Not unfair to say this is an outlier when 90% of reviewers are giving it 8+. Just don’t let one opinion change your mind about the game. Only true review for anyone is their own but if you need guidance, read more than one opinion.
Just want to also say that I was also worried about the first person view. But having played several hours last night, I’ve been converted. It works great and I honestly do think it gives you more of a feeling of “being” Indy and not just controlling a character on the screen. I’m glad it turned out well in that respect.
Eh, everyone will feel differently about any video game. I'll most likely grab this on sale as the idea of the first-person aspect admittedly throws me off. Not that I dislike first-person perspective (RE7 is amazing and not an FPS) but it just feels odd here.
@JustCameHereToSay oh but we did. And most of us understood that this game is worth our time, so we're not turned down by this review.
What concerns me is that this website, and other Xbox fans website, should be a positive force to the Xbox brand. By giving all major exclusives 4s and 6s it does quite the opposite and people always use this to discredit the brand.
Anyway that's just my take on this.
Can't wait for Fable to get a 5 because it "could have been so much more" and Avowed a 3 because "it just sucks".
@RamiBalek "What concerns me is that this website, and other Xbox fans website, should be a positive force to the Xbox brand. By giving all major exclusives 4s and 6s it does quite the opposite and people always use this to discredit the brand."
All sites should gives games the review they feel its deserves or reviews are pointless. They just felt the last two games were not great. Suggesting they should review all Xbox games higher because they are an Xbox website is certainly a take.
@Ilyn : This is where you make a mistake. In trying to stand out as an objective site that critiques Xbox games objectively because it's an Xbox site, they do the opposite by exaggerating small flaws and downplaying its qualities. It's a kind of psychological bias, and that's exactly what's happening here. The game has far more qualities that slightly outweigh what it considers to be flaws. It's not about overrating Xbox games but rating them fairly compared to other games, and here, that's not the case. You can't seriously give a 6/10 to such a generous and refreshing game that stays true to the atmosphere of the early films.
And besides, there are already enough sites that tend to bash Xbox games just because they are Xbox games, no need to add to it, coming from an Xbox site itself, it doesn't make sense!
@PJOReilly What a self-contradictory comment (grow up?). That's just one of your prejudices that have nothing to do with me. I didn't say if it's the reason or the consequence, but it's one or the other. I'm not the only one thinking so and I have the right to respectfully share my thoughts even if you don't like them, same as you share your reviews that not everyone likes. Learn to respect your customers.
@Medic_alert Read my comment again because that's not what I said. Do you doubt that it will get more clicks even if it's just a consequence?
@Banjo- Share your thoughts and opinions. Don't share your baseless, idiotic accusations that writers here are fixing reviews for clicks. Is this so hard for you to fathom?
This isn't an opinion. It's an accusation against somebody in their place of work. I have to come out and explain it to you? And you want me to respect you? Are you ok?
@PJOReilly "Are you ok?" Another self-contradictory comment.
@fatpunkslim Ofc you can give a 6/10 to a game if you feel that the substance behind the shine is not there. The review praises the style, setting, performaces, menu transitions and much more. But they conclude that behind all that shine the core gameplay of the stealth and combat is not good enough.
@Banjo- It's not respectful to question someone's integrity if you don't like the review that's fine but accusing PJ of lying just for clicks is literally the opposite of respectful.
@Rangers420 I have never said that PJ (or Ben) is lying for clicks. Some people said it (about PJ), but not me.
@Banjo- Ah. You've run out of juice already. Have a good one!
@PJOReilly No, I just see you didn't even understand what I wrote in my first comment nor the explanation I just posted. Besides, if you didn't insult me, I wouldn't need to reply.
@Ilyn: ok fine, it's just the poor opinion of a guy who disagrees with the majority of players, that's all! We're not going to make a big deal out of it. But normally, a critic should be more in line with the general opinion and not have an opinion so disconnected from reality, that's all I'm saying!
@PJOReilly I don't believe anything you say will get through to him. The crazy part is he seems to believe he has the right to make these accusations on a website he doesn't own or work for. There are no rights here, just like any other privately owned website, anyone and their comments can be removed for whatever reason that the staff decide. You're not protected by any freedom of speech or expression, the website has the rights over the content posted.
@oopsiezz I would agree with that if had said that, but if you read my comments you'll see I haven't said anything like that. Obviously, they can rate games however they want and then people will have their opinion about those reviews.
@Banjo- Either way it's just one man's opinion will it hurt your enjoyment of the game? And your first comment kind of implies that they're giving lower score for clicks even if you didnt actually directly accuse him of doing it. Either way I'm looking forward to trying the game on Monday for myself.
@Ilyn I'm sorry I'm just salty because I'll probably never get over the fact that they willingly published a 4/10 review of Stalker 2. It's just too cold-hearted to me and deliberately mean, considering the context. But I'm done talking about this. And I'm also done praising this website for its reliability.
Publishers should establish a system where they dispose of the top two scores and the lowest two to obtain their metacritic score. That should sort it for everyone.
I'm playing the game now and really enjoying it but can see why some people wouldn't.
@Rangers420 No man, as I have explained several times and as I actually wrote in my first comment, it's either the reason or the consequence. Knowing Ben, I think it's the latter. The review gets extra clicks because of his opinion, but he didn't change his opinion to get more clicks. In any case, I'm not that worried about scores. If you have read my comments before, you'll see that I prefer user reviews. My only concern about these reviews is that they're submitted to Metacritic and affect the commercial performance of games, but I'm not a publisher nor a developer so it's just solidarity and not personal interests.
Kazooie wouldn't have said such things
@bowzoid Kazooie would have said much nastiest things. 🤣
Key takeaways from various reviews - ignore AI issue?! The films bad guys and henchmen are idiots! The only other issue I've read about is the pacing and one review recommended a first playthrough focused on the main story then another where you can explore more and find the collectibles. I guess I'm just going to go with it and see what happens like most of us! Really excited all in all.
Someone has a different opinion from everyone else? I won't hear of it!
What happened here? Is the reviewer just not a fan of first person games?
And some people,after dragon ages fiasco, continue to support / read "journalists", paid to review a game ?? I'm glad someone points out the "problems" with this game...
I'm not sure if I'll buy this one... I'm probably biased by the last awful Indy movie...
@Sol4ris Thanks! That level of honesty and courage is almost extinct.
It's not my kind of game anyway but, like a few others, puzzled by the sudden Eurogamer love-in?
Remember, Eurogamer is the site that deletes your comments if you say something they simply don't agree with, the site that gave Veilguard a 5/5 and said it was better than Baldur's Gate 3, the site that wouldn't even review Hogwarts, nay, pretended it didn't even exist in fact. To the pathetic degree of not including it in sales charts when it was top.
So people here being so quick to namecheck them because they gave a 5/5 on this occasion is being very very selective indeed in terms of picking out a 'just' review site!
The problem is that not all the games are reviewed the same way these days, so most reviews are unpredictable and not necessarily reliable. When you review games professionally, you should try to focus more on the game and less on your personal preferences. There are reviews that praise games irrationally and others that punish games because the reviewer doesn't seem to like what others find enjoyable.
Sometimes, being more of the same results in a lower score and sometimes more of the same equals 10 out of 10. If you think that you may like something, you read a bad review and you don't try it, you don't know what reviews are, because a good game may get a negative review and vice versa. Now more than ever before.
@HappyGamerGirl @johndoe89 well said both of you. They’re a joke, not to be taken seriously.
I read this review. Reviewer seems to have legitimate criticisms of the game and some of its mechanics. Everything said seems fair to me.
4 hours in. I am absolutley in love. I am a huge Indy Fan. If you played Riddick Buthcer Bay back in the day this will be your jam.
It's 10000% about searching areas and stealth. I can see that will not be everones jame.
As an Indy fan a 10.
Taking off by Indy stan Glasses this is an 8.5. Really Good.
@YeyoFairy This is a trash review. Go read others and don't just look at one. Others are loving the game.
Pure Xbox, let's let the guy who only plays fortnite and COD to review a stealth exploration game.
Oh! 😖 Staff arguing with posters in the threads seems a little awkward and unprofessional. Should really be kept private if you ask me, anyhoo! I too am surprised with the low score, but I will play either way. Enjoy!
@awp69 Why are you shocked about Eurogamer's score? These are the people that said "meh" to GOTY nominated, critically acclaimed, 8 million selling in year one, Horizon Zero Dawn.
Then a month later they "Recommended" you go out and buy Mass Effect Andromeda, a STUDIO/FRANCHISE KILLING game, that everyone forgot and wanted to forget about, before 2017 was over.
Their reviews are the most horrendous and games industry damaging out there. And now you know.
@andrewsqual Well, based on my experience they don’t give a lot of 5/5 scores so that’s why it surprised me.
But it doesn’t matter, I can ignore them since it’s been getting at least an 8 on 90% of the reviews on Metacritic anyway. It’s been incredibly well received. And now that I’ve played it, I love it and that’s the opinion I care about the most.
I appreciate the review; even if it's not what I wanted it to be.
My main beef with this is as follows.
PureXbox have an extensive preview of the game. During said preview they go out of their way to say that they have concerns that the game will turn out exactly as they say it is in the review.
But then during said preview they go out of their way to say that all those fears were allayed during the preview.
They then went on to praise a level highly - and then they trash the same level on this review and literally contradict EVERYTHING they said in the preview. So why have the preview?
Seems very unprofessional
why is there an article link to the pure xbox review on the push square site.
push sqaure is a PlayStation site that sure does like to focus on xbox alot.
@awp69 Oh they do. They give out loads of convulated, nonsensical scores all time and its embarrassing. They remind me of IGN giving a 10/10 to worst in the franchise Skyward Sword and then giving the same 10/10 to the next game BOTW. Its like, okay, so BOTW is a 5/10 then lol... or BOTW is a 15/10 if SS was a 10?
It diminishes credibility FOREVER. If you like the game, then just stick with that... but don't try to make it out like it getting a 5/5 from notoriously WORST at game reviewing websites out there means something.
And so was Starfield "well received" on its first 2 weeks of slimy Phil, HEAVILY controlled, less than 90 reviews allowed... score. Lets wait for the consensus from real gamers.
@trev666 Because its all the same company that has individual sites for each platforms, and when the game is coming to PS in a few months it makes sense to give players a link to their sister sites advanced preview
it no different to all three sites posting article links to Time Extension
@trev666 Probably because the game is coming to PS5 next year.
It is quite odd how in the preview , Pure Xbox said this was going to be a cracker and any worries were layed to rest.
It does seem weird to say that and then do a review that says the preview was basically a pile of rubbish. The two just don’t correlate or make sense at all.
I suspect looking at Pure Xbox numbers , maybe they see an end coming for the site as happened before.
It just doesn’t add up. All seems very fishy. Pushing the drive to the Push Square site as they make more money from that clearly.
I think even Fraser said not long ago that they focus more on Game Pass articles now because it gets more clicks.
@Rangers420 and they will have a ps5 review on push square when it comes out on ps5
@Ilyn why have two sites then if you just put the content of one site on the other. next we will be getting PlayStation game reviews on pure xbox
why have a review of a game a PlayStation player cant play on the push square site
I was born in summer of ‘79, so Indiana Jones was my favorite movie series as a kid. The series ended with Harrison Ford and Sean Connery riding off into the sunset. Not sure what these later entries were about.
As for this game, even though I own a Series X with 10 more months of Game Pass Ultimate, I don’t have the slightest inkling to even download it. From what I have seen of the game, the Indy model and voice acting looks like the best part.
@andrewsqual Well, I’m a “real gamer” and I’m loving it so far.
OldGamer999 wrote:
Those same outlets gave Veilguard a 5/5, 9/10, and 8/10. A game with writing only acceptable to the most forgiving of young adults.
I don't have much interest in Indy because it's a genre I don't enjoy, but holding those outlets' opinions up as proof that a game is good is hilarious.
Its ok to have a different opinion and produce lower than aevarge score. However in the past 5-7 years, even 7/10 has been considered mediocre game. If someone sees 6/10 on this website and does not bother checking other reviews he would think its a really bad game. Like 6/10 if the likes of some random studious first AA games or something.
Thats why i dont agree. I have read the full review and even if it did not click - this is at least a 7/10 then.
Spoken like person who's not played it. I was a little skeptical going in as so many people jumped on the hate bandwagon for veilguard, but it's actually pretty good and an easy 8/10. I'm 60.
Experience is showing that 'young adults' are people who judge without experience and rely on what other people tell them. I don't have a lot of time for any of those sites, and certainly wouldn't quote their scores to prove anything, but in this particular case, they are correct, I'm 150 hours in and enjoying every second. I seem to align with PJ here on Pure, so his assessment persuaded me I'd probably like despite the hate.
Well this thread got messy really quickly didn't it?
Reviews are subjective. And absolutely should stay that way. If a reviewer doesn't like a game doesn't fit with their taste etc they should be able to give their honest opinion based on their view. And that's exactly how we should read it, as their personal view and opinion. Whether we like it/agree with it or we don't.
But honestly. Those pushing backing on it using Eurogamer IGN and Gamespot scores as examples of subjective reviewing. Give your heads a wobble.
@trev666 this is one of the very few (or possibly only) time they've done this. And PlayStation reviews won't get cross posted here because Playstation doesn't release their games on Xbox.
But there are likely people who own playstation only who are interested in this game and it would be of interest to them to see how it's reviewing. It's not the big stretch of the imagination you're trying to turn it into.
Ok. We get it. Eurogamer, IGN and GameSpot are trash. And I guess the other 40-ish sites that gave the game an 8+ are also trash.
This game is trash. Games like Stellar Blade are also trash because they got good reviews from some of the same sites. Heck even Astro Bot must be trash since it got a 5/5 on Eurogamer and that’s a really bad sign!
@blockfight Then, why not make one of those
"Here's What The Reviews Are Saying About" articles like the three sites usually do? I have noticed their tendency to only cover negative news about Xbox over the years. I mean, of course they can do whatever they want, but it's not innocent coverage as you're telling @trev666, especially since the game is not even available on PS5 and won't be until Q1-Q2 2025. It's literally a way to get more clicks from Push Square and give more visibility to the negative review given by their sister site to a game that can't be played on PS5. Not judging that nor judging anyone's business, just saying what it is.
@Banjo - https://www.pushsquare.com/features/round-up-indiana-jones-reviews-are-live-mostly-very-strong
Their coverage is very even handed for this multi platform title.
@Titntin Thanks because I had missed that.
A good way to drive up engagement, well played.
@awp69 Not saying they are trash. But how many reviews have we seen where those three are used as examples to push back on reviews they don't agree with? Quite a few.
Yet those same sites had form for constantly giving mainstream games (mostly annual releases) good scores where they didn't have much change from the previous release. It's not that they are trash but from the 40ish or so sites as you quote. They aren't the examples to measure from.
In all likelihood this is probably a good game overall and it didn't fit into the reviewers tastes. But this should be absolutely fine. PJ should be able to give his honest view not have a load of comments throwing back very mainstream sites giving a higher score and telling him he's wrong.
Blimey, this turned into a sh1t-storm didn’t it?
Opinions vary, each to their own - no harm in that. But not good to see readers (and staff!) sniping at each other. In fairness to @Banjo he’s always pretty positive and his original comment doesn’t outright accuse anyone of anything - it’s so easy to draw the wrong inference from a sentence. Texts and emails can often be misinterpreted, so a comment on a gaming site is hardly a hanging offence!
Anyway, looking forward to playing Indy next week. I find stealth games a bit marmite - loved Splinter Cell back in the day but never much of a fan of Metal Gear. Cautiously optimistic about Indy but I guess we’ll all have our own opinions by this time next week.
@Jaxx420 The Cynical part of me wonders if the low score would drive up engagement/click through rate. It's probably got the lowest ad rev of any of Ziff's sites and it's not the first time PX has done this to boost low engagement. It might be the reviewers true opinion, but I mean the big discourse around it and the numbers of increased engagement are awfully convenient.
@Jaxx420 It wasn't reviewed by him, although weirdly enough he was more active on this thread than on his Stalker 2's review. I agree with you, but the same reasoning means that readers have their right to write their comments, opinions and conclusions. Nothing wrong with that. I don't think people are using those sites as the best reference, what they are saying is that literally all but this website reviewed Indiana Jones and the Great Circle favourably.
@Jaxx420 Can’t speak for others but know I’ve never said that his opinion was wrong. I’ve just been saying that people should read other reviews too because they were taking this one review as gospel. If I’m making a decision on a game I’m on the fence on, I never just read one review.
When I saw the 6/10 this morning I knew this comment section would be pure gold and it has not disappointed.
@Feffster Thank you and back at you!
@Banjo- its 100% a way to get more clicks. But I feel it's reasonable to assume some PlayStation owners will want to see how the review pans out. They might never frequent this website since they're not on the platform so I don't see why they wouldn't cross post the review.
So I do feel it's innocent in that regard. I'm not sure what the issue is here to be honest.
Guys, it’s just a game and you aren’t even one of the devs. Chill. This has to be one of the biggest meltdowns I’ve seen on this site.
@awp69 it was a general reply to your comment apologies I didn't mean to come off as I was saying you personally were saying the reviewer was wrong.
But those sites have been known to be thrown back at reviewers before and they aren't the best examples.
I have seen some over YouTube and independent sites praising it that makes me think this simply just wasn't to the reviewers taste in this instance. Hence I agree with your point the other 40 sites reviewing it can't be trash.
@Banjo- Completely agree and I didn't like the response to your comments fyi that wasn't appropriate.
But dig a little bit deeper beyond the mainstream reviews (Reddit and other forums for example) main takeaway seems to be "engaging but flawed experience" which is perhaps what it is but some sites have gone one end and this reviewer has gone to the other extreme.
I have not yet played it myself but I figured there was always going to be differing opinions with it being first person for example. The review roundups so to speak may not paint the whole picture.
@Darylb88 All sites are targeted on driving engagement though.
If we start looking at all reviews as are they being honest or just looking for hits at what point do we stop trusting journalist reviews altogether?
@blockfight I partially agree. That tendency is not positive but like the other user said, in this case they didn't just post the negative Xbox news but the roundup, which is more than fair.
@Jaxx420 Thank you. It's been many years and I have realised that both us are honest and respectful in spite of our different preferences. I appreciate you say that publicly.
Seriously people?! It’s an opinion. It’s subjective.
@BaldB3lper78 Yeah, I'll happily admit that we often prioritise Game Pass-related articles and headlines because they're proven to generate more engagement (which is obviously the overall goal here), but that's been part of my focus since Pure Xbox was relaunched back in early 2020 - nothing's changed in that regard. We're a small team with a limited amount of news that we can cover, so I've always simply tried to focus on what gets the most interest.
For those questioning whether we're making decisions about the Indiana Jones review based on clicks or a dying site or anything along those lines though... we're not.
I swear it's as simple as this - we got the game, we reviewed the game, we published the review. It's obviously proving controversial, but sometimes reviews ARE controversial - one person's opinion might not align with the majority vote 🤷♂️
To those suggesting we should be representing a positive force for Xbox fans, I obviously agree with that to an extent, but if we play a game and decide it's a 6, we're not going to change that score to an 8 just because it's a first-party title. Outlets get criticised for that all the time (this whole thing about "paid reviews" never happens, but people always say it does), so we can't really win - if we go too high, people will say we're being paid off or favouring Xbox too much, but if we go too low, they'll say we're not representing the brand well enough.
We try not to overthink these things - we play a game, we tell you our thoughts on it. That's how every review goes down on PX.
@Banjo- Appreciate that mate.
@FraserG Just to clarify, I didn't say that the game was reviewed negatively to get more clicks, not on this thread nor on Stalker 2's. I made a joke because, obviously, controversial reviews like this get more clicks, but I believe that in this case it's a consequence and not the reason. I know that many people have discussed that topic here and elsewhere many times and you're speaking generally, but since I was the one that was targeted here, just to make it clear. However, even if that was the case, it wouldn't justify being insulted by another reviewer (PJ), because even if I thought that it was written with that purpose, it would be just my opinion and the community rules concerning behaviour should apply to everyone. I don't want to offend Ben even if I disagree with him because unlike PJ, Ben is always respectful. I don't think that he reviewed the game negatively on purpose. I don't think that the game is bad either. I think that he wrote a review reflecting more his personal preferences than the game itself. I don't like that because reviews are submitted and affect sales, but of course I have no choice but to accept it. Disagreements are natural. Respect is sacred.
@FraserG Ironically, the one person (@Banjo-) who didn't explicitly state that the game was reviewed less than favourably in an effort to get more clicks - and has repeatedly clarified that fact - is the one person who got a heated response about it from @PJOReilly. And it's not the first time he's lashed out at commenters, either.
@Banjo- I haven't been following the situation in the comments very closely due to other commitments, but hopefully nobody is taking anything too personally in here - it's just a review at the end of the day!
Let's all chill out and enjoy our weekends 🙏
I’ve really enjoyed the first couple of hours; it feels great and looks the part, apart from a couple of technical issues, which should be patchable.
Seems like review sites could benefit from having Crash and Zzap style ‘multi-opinion’ reviews.
@Markatron84 Exactly and thank you.
@FraserG Thank you and back at you. Enjoy your time off, you deserve it!
@FraserG Fair points and comments and no offence intended.
It really does look great on the walkthroughs and I'm starting to convince myself to pick up the premium upgrade for £22. Would like to know more about the Giants DLC first though - nothing really available online so far.
@BaldB3lper78 None taken 👍
I kind of agree and it seems I'm in the minority. I think the stealth isn't great in many spots and the combat isn't fantastic either. Not a bad game from what I've played so far, but I'm not wowed either.
As soon as I saw the word "Vibe" I knew this review could not be taken seriously... As a new person here, it makes me question the authenticity of this whole site.
@Feffster It's not surprising to see this happen here again. This website used to have a great community but it's grown toxic due to poor moderation. Seeing a staff member participate in making this conversation toxic feels completely in line with the overall quality of moderation and general tone of the comments section here. I hope they can get it under control.
@RBRTMNZ Pure Xbox used to have the best community. I have been on Pure Xbox since before its resuscitation and DreamlandGem is the best moderator this website has ever had. Since I don't see her around, we have witnessed the comeback and proliferation of multi-user accounts trashing every thread. Like @PurvisP said, there is an onslaught of anti Xbox and fake concern posters that result in most of the actual Xbox players not coming nor posting so they don't get nasty replies. Every thread is the Groundhog Day.
the reviewer seems like they went in expecting a reskinned uncharted and was disappointed when it was a actually a different type of game
@FraserG Hey Fraser, I'm jumping in a little late here and with somewhat limited context but I do think it might be a good idea to perhaps have at least two if not three members of your team review major releases like this. I think a few other publications go down this route, occasionally. I know you said you've got a small team but it might be worth the extra effort in cases like this. (I'm available freelance - at no cost!) I completely respect your reviewers opinion and look forward to forming my own next week.
This could be a good opportunity to try having multiple writers give their thoughts on a game. I've seen other publications so this for the big releases and find it works well. Which isn't to say your thoughts aren't valid, it's good to have contradictions, but I'm gonna just assume you're not the only writer at Hookshot playing Indy.
@16BitHero ha! Jinx!
Irrespective of this particular review (which is a fine review), I'm pretty convinced I will love this game, and I'm signing up to gp again at £22 for three months primarily to play this.
It's certainly one of the better engines we have seen on series X, with some impressive ray traced ambient occlusion and some nice high res assets running at a flawless 60hz for once. Mix that with some good voice acting and what I believe will be an authentic story and I'm not prepared to wait till it's available on the alternate platform. I have personal and professional curiousity
@SilentBluntman The entertainment industry is encouraging different metrics for video games and that is reflected on aggregate score websites. A film gets the "generally favourable" green tag with just 61 points, but a video game gets the yellow tag with 74 points, a yellow warning stating that 74 is not favourable enough for a video game.
@16BitHero Hey, thanks for your comments! So, in this case we didn't have a choice if we wanted to hit embargo - we only had access to one code (which is a pretty common practice actually).
We do have a "Second Opinion" feature that we can use when it makes sense, but that's usually when we're reviewing something post-release that a bunch of us have already played a lot of. It also puts pressure on multiple staff members to completely finish a game, because typically we like to be very thorough before giving a final verdict on something. We waited to publish our Stalker 2 review because we'd only played 20 hours, for example - we wanted to completely finish it first.
In this specific case, there were no indications (and there are still no indications) that we should have delayed the review, and I absolutely stand by it.
That said, I appreciate the desire to hear from as many voices as possible.
@FraserG makes sense, the other difficulty being how long games are becoming! Have a great weekend.
This review is laughable. I am a little over half way through and it's a 9/10.
@16BitHero You too, hope you enjoy the game next week 👍
@JustCameHereToSay No. I'm not saying I want more dishonest and positive reviews. I'm saying I want more honest and positive reviews. When the game clearly deserves it of course. If it's bad, I have no problem with a bad review score.
I was not bothered at all by Shattered Space getting 5, even though I loved Starfield and couldn't wait for this DLC. Because it really didn't feel good at all, I had zero fun with it and it really was poor content.
@JustCameHereToSay which is exactly what MachineGames and GSC Game World did. They did an awesome job and should be praised for it.
@JustCameHereToSay Empathy. I just think about the devs who just accomplished something great, go read the reviews and see a journalist from a renowned website calling their game a "misfire". It makes me feel bad for them and it doesn't send the right message to the industry.
Me sad. But me'll be ok. Moving on now.
@FraserG This is one article I didn't expect to blow up here tbh for a popular IP for first party on GamePass with great performance on console and not the worst review if you omit just the score. It still seems like it's worth playing for fps or Indy fans, especially with other sites reviews taking into consideration as well.
I'm more pissed off the physical copy is one 50gb disc and not multiple so the full game isn't playable without a download (likely full redownload of the whole game). That's WAY more of an 'issue' than a review score.
@Tainted I'm glad to hear others think it is a 9/10. Isn't that a good thing? Some select people don't think it is, o well. The only solution for 'fixing' reviews are group reviews for sites with a collective score to get a balance... Otherwise again subjective and don't treat one site as the end all be all for alignment of everyone's opinions.
@Banjo- While DreamlandGem is great I wouldn't say she's the best. The would be TheBlackDragon. I could only imagine how this place would be if both of them were around at the same time.
I'm not an indy fan by any means; I'm merely interested in MachineGames titles as I consider them one of the FPS masters.
Forced stealth, levels that overstay their welcome, and little gunplay are things that'd seriously put me off of the game.
So thank you for talking about actual gameplay instead of 'OMG, it's really Indy. If you're an Indy junkie you'll wet your pants!'
@SilentBluntman I didn't know that. As I said above, I prefer user reviews, but I'm concern about how the "professional" aggregate score affects sales and the future of IPs and whole studios. It's toxic. There is also a lot of hypocrisy in the industry, like recycling contents and mechanics can get a game a 10 out of 10, but it's also a reason to punish others harshly, same for the repetitive gameplay, etc.
@Tasuki I can remember the TheBlackDragon user name, but now I don't remember who he/she was and what did.
-So, who we assigning the Indiana review to?
-Er, the guy who gave XDefiant an 8/10
I think one of the reasons people moan about low scores is they bring the average score down. And in a world were the bang average Mario Galaxy and Zelda BOTW are sat at the top of metacritic. As hardly any reviewers voiced very obvious disapproval, where as better games get castigated, it doesn't sit right.
No voice acting in BOTW - pass
Nonesensical worlds wrapped in a nothing story in Mario - Pass
Thousands of man hours poured into accuracy, atmosphere and intricacy for Indiana Jones - We need more guns!!!!
@themcnoisy As a huge The Legend of Zelda fan since Ocarina of Time, I have been explaining since Breath of the Wild released how hyperbolic and irrational reviews can be. Not just that, but it happened again with Tears of the Kingdom, that recycled much and didn't fix anything. They not just ignored the voice acting being generally bad (Zelda) and limited to a bunch of sentences, but all of the technical performance issues, gameplay repetition and control problems that get other games panned. Like you said, the expected score for other games is higher when games are overrated. It has changed how scores are perceived, with 74/100 video games getting the yellow tag, while 61/100 films get the green tag.
We already knew that Indiana Jones wasn't going to be a shooter. Nintendo marketed Metroid Prime as a first-person adventure, but it was a shooter. Indiana Jones is a first-person adventure and that was how the trailer marketed it. Like you said, people moan about low scores because they bring the average score down and that affects IPs and studios, not because the game deserves it, but because the person that submitted the review doesn't like the game, and that may be perceived as unfair or unprofessional.
I'll wait for a sale on this one.
@FraserG Thanks for posting an honest review, always appreciated, and often rare!
@Titntin I have 2 close friends who played it and I watched several videos with plenty of embarrassing dialogue. If you think I now need to spend $70 to understand the dialogue which I already experienced is 2 steps below Marvel tier then you're terribly misguided.
How did you enjoy those brain bending puzzles? Did you think those were designed for adults too?
After playing 5 hours I agree with a lot in this review. I do think a 6 is low though, I would have given it a 7 had this not been an Indiana Jones game but would give it an 8 because they nail the feel of an Indiana Jones movie that much.
@aj102404 You can rate it on "Game Rating" above, next to the title. 😊
@Banjo- so can you?
@aj102404 Yes. I said it just in case you didn't know and wanted to. 😁
Not surprised at all. I uninstalled the Mana series for this. Will still give it a go since we pay Game pass has just gone up in my price and my old multi-year Gold to GP conversion is running out next year. Back to some JRPGs after this.
Having played about 8 hours I’m absolutely loving this game so far. Right now it’s an easy 9 and up there with Metaphor Refantasio for my GoTY. Glad the vast majority of reviewers found it as mesmerizing as I have.
And, despite having initial concerns, I am so glad they went with first person. It really adds to the experience of feeling like you “are” Indy.
@Banjo- She was the main mod back in the early days of Nintendo Life and eventually here and Push Square when those sites came around. Not quite sure what happened to her she just kinda disappeared.
ACG a Reviewer who's view align most of the time.with mine gave it a wait for a sale. It seems the game has issues with ai. In the clips he showed it was really bad and very noticable. I personally have not as big of an interest in this game. I like indy but this doesn't interest me. I hope that all playing have a blast and those that bought full price, get their money's worth.
Took the dive and purchased the premium upgrade today. My Xbox is telling me I played five hours before turning it off.
Like the graphics
Like the story so far
Puzzles have been okay, some better than others so far. Nothing too difficult but also solving them is not the most rewarding unless you're going for a 100% run or something.
The gameplay however is exactly what I was worried about after reading reviews. You're not forced to sneak around, but the game certainly let's you know you're not supposed to go around beating up enemies as you get swarmed and overwhelmed by multiple enemies throwing attacks at the same time at you. The melee combat is very repetitive, I must have thrown the same punch a few dozen times and fought enemies that look the exact same as each other (sometimes they all have the same face in an area even!) In my five hour total. That's another thing, there is very little variety in enemies.
The enemy AI is also... very dumb. Even on hard you've got a very generous amount of time to get out of sight before they spot you, like they all have sand / dirt in their eyes or something. Instead of using the rifles on their backs, they decide to run after you when you're spotted to duke it out, when i first experienced this I was like "reallllllly??" You got this gun but you're going to run all the way over to me to throw punches? Lol
This game reminds me of the Thief games with an Indiana Jones paint. The stealth and combat is very alike.
So far I would give the game 5 - 6 but it could get better. I'm not a fan of the repetitiveness though, I couldn't play anymore of it and switched it off.
I’ve just got to the Vatican and so far the game is great and really enjoying it.
Of course I’m trying to 100% it and taking my time which does suit the nature of the game so far.
I so far have no real complaints about any of the game and have had no bugs so far.
Runs like a dream on series x and looks very very good.
My only gripe is the cut scenes can for a second jar, not completely smooth, DF said in their very good performance review that could be patched.
@Jenkinss I don't actually remember any puzzles at all, just a fun action RPG romp I enjoyed.
I don't understand why, but many people jumped on a hate bandwagon for the game, and seeing as how I can sense the barely contained hatred and bile in your comments, it's quite clear you are one of them.
You can disparage all you like, it says far more about your intellect than my games list would say about mine...
This review and article shows clearly that people who love games can play the same game and come away with very different experiences, which should not be a surprise as it reflects the human condition. Those that try and tribalise based on their particular likes are pathetic.
For all the arguing, bickering and accusations in these comments, it only goes to prove a point. People have different opinions, and it's okay. One man's trash is another man's treasure. And that's perfectly fine.
People jumping on Ben because he gave his opinion and it's different from other people's is just ridiculous. The guy is paid to give his individual opinion, and he did. Personally I want that in a game reviewer.
It's also why I read as many reviews as I can to balance my own opinions. People love games I hate (looking at you breathe of the wild), but reading other opinions and listening to friends who love it almost makes me wish I could get that from it as well, even though I can't no matter how hard I try. And that's fine.
All this talk of articles for clicks is nonsense. Every website reviewing games does articles for clicks. That's how they survive. I'd rather they get those clicks by being honest about their opinions, regardless if they align with mine, because it means they will continue getting my clicks.
If you like it, great, enjoy your game. If you don't, it's not the end of the world. Either way, it's okay to feel differently about something. Don't let people who think brand loyalty or some nonsense means you shouldn't stand by your opinion.
The world would be pretty dull if we all liked the same things.
push square and pure xbox reviews lost me when they gave plague tale innocence ps4 a 6/10, then ps5 8/10 for the same game!? from then on i knew their views in games reviews were questionable at best
@trev666 Ignoring the fact they were reviewed by different people with different opinions? Hence proving the point above. They aren't all a single hivemind.
Even if they were, you could argue the fact the game runs better on the newer consoles, giving it a better score.
You could put the same bowl of food in front of 10 people, do you think they'd all rate it the same?
push square and pure xbox are notorious for dodgy review scores
Christ, what a bunch of whining babies some of you are. Get off social media and go play some games.
The only misfire here is clearly this review😜
@MaseSco From your comment I would understand you're not sure you want to own it.
If that's the case, why not try it on Game Pass? If you don't like it you simply unsubscribe, and all you've lost is 3 or 4 bucks.
@Titntin I'm actually getting a good laugh from your toxic attacks because someone rightfully dumped on a game written for young adults. "Hatred," thanks again for the chuckle.
What if, maybe, the reviewer was, maybe, smoking some of the, I don't know, rock variety while he was writing this review. All just speculation, but completely plausible.
I couldn’t help but notice the unusually low score for Indiana Jones on Xbox, especially when compared to other reviews. It's hard to ignore the possibility that this could be influenced by the fact that the game will eventually release on PlayStation as well. We saw a similar pattern with STALKER 2, where the review score seemed to be affected by platform exclusivity dynamics. It’s frustrating when the review feels more about the console wars than the quality of the game itself. I hope future reviews can focus more on the experience and less on the competition.
“The game leaves a mighty fine first impression though, we must say. You start off by experiencing a fast-paced set piece segment (no more spoilers beyond that, but if you know you know)“
Except you post a bloody big screenshot of the moment right at the start of the review, completely giving it away.
What is WRONG with you people?
@Feffster I think you may have got the wrong Banjo.... I have said nothing in regards to this conversation. 🤣
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@BANJO - sorry for any confusion- didn’t know there was more than one! He’s already acknowledged my earlier comment.
Typical analysis to attract audience. Come see why I gave a bad rating to a good game. The guys who can't even give ratings to games are very shallow analyses. After the purchase by IGN it got worse. Xbox Pure is a small blog that uses these tactics to attract audience. This is not a real Xbox blog, but a blog of haters.
@Feffster No problem, mistakes like these easily happen.
@PressR2 I was hoping they'd get hold of the alien isolation guy, for a definitive test of the stealth mechanics.
I disagree with almost all of this review (and that's fine, reviews are subjective, not everyone needs to love everything). But it seems like the reviewer was just expecting something different and decided since it wasn't that, it was therefore not good. The stealth is very prevalent, but there are options for every playstyle. You absolutely can go in with fisticuffs or a gun, running frantically and improvising weapons as you scramble away from fascist goons. The melee combat is actually really tight IF you do it correctly-- instead of spamming your attack buttons, try to parry a punch and then counter with the opposite fist (if you catch a punch with your left, throw a right at them). The open world areas are very dense and can take up a great deal of your time, but almost all of it is optional. If you want, you can absolutely just blast through the main story missions. If you have game pass, do yourself a favor and check it out.
@oopsiezz from what I've noticed so far, it seems like enemies will use their guns more often if you are using a gun, if you go in fists raised they tend to do the same, so I think maybe it's like an adaptive difficulty thing? Not sure if it's an intentional mechanic or if I'm connecting dots that aren't there.
@GiantBoyDetective You are right. Also, what some people call daft AI is to give players some room in case they're approaching an enemy from behind. We all know how awful some stealth segments can be in games like The Last of Us. The gameplay in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is more flexible and adaptive.
Pretty deep into it, I would give it a solid 7/10 personally.
I'm not going to talk about this bad (imo) review... Everyone can have their opinion. I just want to ask why people like meanbeanegg are still allowed to comment? The only reason he is here is to cry about everything that is xbox related and to justify any criticism against xbox... Every time IGN has a bad review for an xbox games it's good now it's bad... Every time purexbox has a good review for an xbox game they get paid by Microsoft but now the review is great 😂. Clearly he doesn't like anything xbox related and that fine but why should we see his crying comments on every post on a PURE XBOX site? And he is not the only one just one example.
@GeorgeKal They also said that the only honest review is the only one that rated the game negatively. 😂
@awp69 When the average meta score for a game is in the high 80's based on over 50 reviews, chances are they're more accurate than one dude's opinion.
I've played the first few hours of the game and as a lifelong fan of the Indiana Jones franchise, I personally love the game thus far.
@posthipster Indy is WAY more polished than Stalker 2.
After playing this game for a few hours it seems that this reviewer is not a fan of this kind of gameplay, which is fine. It seems that maybe because of the first person view the reviewer was thinking it would be more like Doom 2017, the more recent Wolfenstein games or even GoldenEye.
I also noticed that this reveiwer tends to write alot of articles about Call of Duty and XDefiant so given that its seesm that their favorite genre are FPS games which Indy is not.
Indy is Bethesda game true and true something like Fallout where yeah theres missions but the joy comes from exploring the world. Also Indy is not a gun guy yeah there's a few scenes in the movies where he uses a gun (and I am not counting on the sword man scene in Raiders where that was adlib by Harrison Ford due to him being sick) but for the most part he also tries to think his way through a situation before resorting to a gun.
Anyway I give props to the review to post his truthful thoughts and feeling and honestly I dont think he was wrong, or purposely trying to give a bad review of the game its just didnt mesh with his type of game style. It would be like asking me to review the latest Forza Motorsport game which I would score low because I am not a big fan of that game play.
@FraserG I understand that you may have limited reviewers to review games and this isnt a knock against you or the reviewer of this game, I am not going to pretend to know how you select your reviewers or even if you have others (Sorry if that came out wrong but I am not sure how big of a staff you have) nor do I care about the meta score of the game but would be interested in another opinion of this game. Perhaps maybe by someone who likes more open world games like Fallout, Skyrim etc. Again not sure if the author isnt a fan of those games just an observation.
Sorry for the long comment this is just somethings I thought of after seeing everyones hate for this review and how different this author's score was to everyone elses. No disrespect to you or the author from me and maybe I am completely wrong but this is just my observations. Keep up the good work both you and the author of the review and don't let the people get you down.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Maybe give an update or how would you score it. I'm in the second area now and got so frustrated with one of the sequences I was yelling at the TV. Never a good sign. I REAAAAAAAALLLY want Indy to be a great game, but it's coming across poorly so far, despite the amazing environments.
I think their being bit overly harsh. I've played probably 3/4 of the main story now and it's been awesome thrilling adventure that over shadows the combat gameplay. It feels like a Indiana Jones simulator and if you've seen the films , then that's the exact gameplay your going to get. You can't praise the game for being authentic and then cuss it for for the stealth combat that makes it authentic to the films. Do you really want Indiana Jones cameo with wild guns blazing like a call of duty game? It wouldn't work in the way they designed it aswell. What's cool about this game the open missions are set up like the newer hitman games, to make it feel less linear. Also, once you have done the main story, you have 11 other world locations to explore through tons of other side content.... Norway , Ethiopia, Peru , India and so on... My only criticism are having guns to be used because as soon as you fire one, it's way too hard to fight off all the NPCs.. couple of bullets and your dead. So what's the point of that impossible play style? Your forced to do stealth.
I was a bit concerned about this one myself (haven't enjoyed the movies after Last Crusade and most of the IJ games are meh) but about halfway through, I have to put this up with my favorite games of this year and it might be my favorite on Series X overall. Great story, great performance by the cast, fun gameplay and from a first person perspective it's like you're participating in an Indy movie. It's not Uncharted or Tomb Raider, series that this IP inspired, but that's a good thing and I'd say I like it better than any of the TR games I've played (1-3, LAU and the reboot trilogy) as well as all the Uncharteds except 2.
Not to keep harping on this but now that I’m almost done with the game I cannot believe y’all have it this score! It’s the rare game that actually improves in the second half (more an action) on what was already a strong first. Just wild
@Gabrielmpf yep, basically a dressed-up personal opinion based on what the game’s not. Based on what it is (not what it isn’t), the game is excellent. My only major qualm is the motion sickness
Amazing game start to finish.
First game that made me 100% in a long while.
Can't wait for the DLC. It is definitely my GOTY for 2024.
@Gabrielmpf Right the reviewer was thinking it was going to be like a CoD campaign Doom, or Wolfenstein just because it was first person. Obviously they ignored the fact that it's a Bethesda game and never played Skyrim or Fallout 4.
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