Xbox Fans Hoping For 'Marcus Fenix Collection' News After Phil Spencer Revisits Gears Classics

Update []: Don't get your hopes up about this! Phil Spencer has revealed that he's been playing the Gears games with a colleague at work, so there seems to be nothing in this - unfortunately!

Original Story: Remember a few years ago when some sort of Gears of War remastered collection seemed to be constantly churning away in the rumour mill? Well, those rumours have died down quite a lot over the last year or so - but Xbox boss Phil Spencer's recent gaming activity is getting people's hopes up once again.

Basically, Phil has been spotted revisiting Gears of War 2 and Gears of War 3 recently - two titles that have long been rumoured to make up some sort of 'Marcus Fenix Collection'. Phil has only been playing the Xbox 360 versions of course, but the timing of this fresh Gears activity from the Xbox boss is certainly intriguing.

Furthermore, if you check out Phil's Gamerscore activity relating to both of these titles, you can see just how long the boss has left these games alone before revisiting them. He earned a Gears of War 2 achievement in April 2009 before a flurry of fresh gamerscore was earned starting December 23rd, 2024 - while Gears 3 has an achievement gap ranging from January 2013 to January 2025.

Ultimately, we don't yet know the reasons behind Phil revisiting these classic Gears games. Our theory is that the Xbox boss is most likely refreshing his memory before Gears E-Day comes out, while some folks on the series' subreddit are hoping that it could relate to this mysterious Gears collection. You never know, maybe the boss simply fancied playing some old school Gears of War over the holidays!

Anyway, we'll have to wait and see if anything comes of this - we obviously have the Xbox Developer Direct this week, alongside other opportunities for Microsoft to make some Gears-related announcements throughout the year. All we'll say is, probably don't get your hopes up about a remaster collection just yet.

What do you think Phil's up to here? Talk to us about this discovery down in the comments.