"Sniper Elite: Resistance was already a great game with just its single-player elements, but the addition of its unique and clever multiplayer modes adds so much fun to the game. Taking on the story with a friend and knowing that at any moment a human element can be added to your obstacles is an incredible idea and goes to show that Sniper Elite: Resistance was created with one thing in mind: creating a great time for the player."
"As someone who hasn’t played the series since the first game, getting to experience how the franchise has changed over the last 20 years and evolved really shows how much Rebellion Developments has put into making a realistic but fun WW2 Sniping experience."
"A case of evolution rather than revolution, Sniper Elite: Resistance uses what came before to create something that's familiar, but consistently fun and occasionally tense. Plentiful collectibles and unlocks throughout the campaign, and a fantastic invasion mode, ensure this will last long past the final mission."
"Sniper Elite: Resistance offers up just as much, if not more than Sniper Elite 5 did. But despite a new campaign, a new story and a new protagonist, it still doesn't take enough steps to right any of the notable wrongs from Sniper Elite 5. But regardless of its shortcomings, Sniper Elite: Resistance is a fun and satisfying shooter. Just don't expect it to do much more than the previous games."
"Sniper Elite: Resistance serves as more of a stopgap than a full-blown sequel to Sniper Elite 5, so much of that experience — including its highs and lows — carries over two and a half years later. Its sniping action truly is elite, but the gunplay surrounding it still needs work. Equally, the Invasion Mode is again a standout while enemy AI remains frustrating at times. It is more of the same. However, when that similarity is a fairly unique model in the first place, Sniper Elite: Resistance just about gets away with it."
"Sniper Elite: Resistance offers more of the same action with virtually no surprises and a dull World War 2 story. That’s perfectly fine considering that the Rebellion team is still great at the one thing they’ve dedicated their career to doing: creating tightly designed murder playgrounds for those who want to vent their real world political frustrations in the safety of a virtual shooting gallery."
IGN (6/10)
"Sniper Elite: Resistance is a modest retread for the Sniper Elite series, rather than an exaggerated goose step forward. A near total lack of innovation makes Resistance seem like little more than a Sniper Elite 5 remix, rehashing everything from the skill tree to the traps and enemy types, and serving up some sniping sandboxes that are for the most part a bit too similar to locations that have featured in the series’ prior entries."
"In the end, Sniper Elite: Resistance is a fun game that you'll probably enjoy if you liked the last few, but you'll likely enjoy it even more if you're new to the series. Some of its signature moves, like the gruesome killcam and the solid sniping mechanics, are getting a bit stale here as the series has mostly stopped innovating across consecutive sequels."
As we type this up and post it out to Pure Xbox, Sniper Elite: Resistance has a Metacritic score of 76 and an OpenCritic rating of 74 - respectable numbers but nothing mind-blowing, then. Still, this latest Sniper Elite title is live now for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers, so why not have a go for yourself and see what you think? Just remember to pack your binoculars for the occasion.