Lots Of Games Are Discounted By 90% On Xbox This Weekend (January 18-19)
Image: Gear Club Unlimited 2 - Ultimate Edition

Looking for some cheap games on Xbox during mid-January?

Well, it's time to bring back our 90% discounts feature! Looking at the current deals on the Xbox Store, there are plenty of games that have been discounted by 90% until at least the start of next week, including some AAA titles.

In the table below, we've highlighted every single one of these 90% Xbox discounts that are available over the coming weekend. Don't forget about some of the "Just For You" deals that are available on the Xbox Store for certain players at the moment as well, such as the EA Sports UFC 5 Ultimate Edition that's also available at 90% off.

Xbox Games Reduced By 90% On Xbox This Weekend

Game UK Price US Price Discount
10 Second Ninja X £0.79 $0.99 90%
Action Henk £1.19 $1.49 90%
Aggelos £1.19 $1.49 90%
Aven Colony £2.49 $2.99 90%
Borderlands 3 £5.99 $5.99 90%
Brawl Chess - Gambit £0.83 $0.99 90%
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition £2.99 $3.99 90%
Clumsy Rush + Brawl Chess Bundle £1.24 $1.49 90%
Clunky Hero £1.24 $1.49 90%
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour £1.59 $1.99 90%
EA Sports PGA Tour £6.99 $6.99 90%
EA Sports PGA Tour Deluxe Edition £8.49 $8.49 90%
EA Sports UFC 5 Ultimate Edition ("Just For You") £10.00 $10.00 90%
Gear Club Unlimited 2 - Ultimate Edition £2.49 $2.99 90%
Golazo! £1.24 $1.49 90%
Monster Energy Supercross 4 £2.49 $2.99 90%
Monster Energy Supercross 4 (XSX) £2.49 $2.99 90%
Monster Energy Supercross 4 Special Edition £4.99 $4.99 90%
Monster Energy Supercross 4 Special Edition (XSX) £4.99 $4.99 90%
MXGP2 £1.29 $1.49 90%
Nova-111 £0.79 $0.99 90%
Pumped BMX+ £0.79 $0.99 90%
Pumped BMX Pro £1.19 $1.49 90%
Super Mega Baseball 4 £5.49 $4.99 90%
Super Mega Baseball 4 Ballpark Edition £5.99 $5.99 90%
Syberia 3 £1.67 $1.99 90%
The Serpent Rogue £1.59 $1.99 90%
The Sinking City & Sherlock Holmes Bundle £7.44 $7.99 90%
The Swindle £1.19 $1.49 90%
Ultratron £0.79 $0.99 90%
Valentino Rossi The Game £1.29 $1.49 90%
Woodle Tree 2: Deluse+ £1.07 $1.29 90%
XCOM 2 Collection £7.99 $9.99 90%

Here are some other highlights we've picked out from the 80-85% range in this weekend's Xbox sales:

Games Reduced By 85%

Games Reduced By 80%

Grabbing any 90% (or 80-85%) offers on Xbox this weekend? Let us know in the comments down below.

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