Redfall has just hit Xbox Game Pass this week, and admittedly, it hasn't released in the best state - with Xbox and PC players encountering crashes, bugs and all sorts of glitches so far.
If you've not run into anything like this yourself just yet, here's a look at what you've potentially been missing out on. Some common glitches seem to be enemies and NPCs freezing, with some even taking on the famous T-pose. We'll drop some of the funniest glitches we've seen so far down below:
Redfall hasn't been very well received by lots of critics so far, with many claiming it simply doesn't match the usual standards of an Arkane game. The good news is that outside of rare crashes, the regular bugs and glitches on display above seem to be mostly harmless. Arkane will likely already be working to fix some of these bugs as it pushes to get a 60FPS mode ready for Redfall.
Here at Pure Xbox we gave Redfall a 6/10, labelling it an experiment that delivered mixed results. If you would like to learn more, be sure to check out our review: