Lies of P recently got an Xbox Game Pass launch window of August 2023, so in the next few months we'd expect to see plenty of this upcoming Game Pass soulslike in action. Speaking of which, this week's Game Developer's Conference has delivered another extensive look at the title, featuring over 10 minutes of fresh gameplay.

We've dropped the video up above, which is well worth a look if you're interested in this upcoming Xbox Bloodborne-like. It might not match FromSoftware's infamous PS4 title beat-for-beat, but it certainly reminds us of the Elden Ring developer's 2015 PlayStation exclusive.

Hopefully we'll get a nailed on release date for this one sooner rather than later, but yep, as things stand you can expect Lies of P to hit Xbox Game Pass this August!

Are you hyped to get your hands on this one? Let us know what you think down below!