When the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake was announced at the latest PlayStation Showcase last week, many feared it would be tied to the system permanently. While the wording suggested that would not be the case, we now have official confirmation it will definitely be a timed exclusive.
As expressed by the game's senior designer Tully Ackland, it will be a timed exclusive for PlayStation 5 and PC. Unfortunately, how long that window will be hasn't been shared, but we're hoping it's a year at most.
It's good to get some clarification on the matter. While Ackland doesn't specifically mention Xbox, we can't imagine a world where the exclusivity deal ends and it doesn't make its way to Xbox Series X|S at some point.
If you can't wait that long, you can dive into the original game thanks to the magic of Xbox backwards compatibility. It was even enhanced for the Xbox One X and looks absolutely fantastic on that console and Series X specifically.
Happy that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a timed exclusive? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 67
I can wait for the XSX version, especially if they change the combat to something more like FFVII Remake. That said, it's cool to see that Jennifer Hale is reprising her role!
Nice! So, again, Xbox goes for a head shot while Sony goes for the legs.
Frankly if sony are going to keep playing dirty and buying up timed exclusivity on games Microsoft should do the same
when Microsoft does it strangely its out of order but when sony does it its ok
Looking forward to playing this day one, never played the original but recently got into everything star wars
Atleast xbox elitists will still get to play this eventually instead of not at all
@Hellosmoothskin Explain? Isn't Stalker a timed a Xbox Exclusive along with all the other "launch" exclusives" they announced at E3. I guess its ok when MS do it though like they did with Tomb Raider and Dead Rising 4 last gen.
Will keeps tabs on the game, not overly fussed though...might get it for ps5 might wait for series x
This will be a day one purchase for me when it's finally released for Xbox.
Good it makes sense that Xbox should get it considering its history with the series. Currently playing the original on Series S and it holds up pretty well though i do hope combat has a big upgrade.
@UltimateOtaku91 Very strange to conflate console shortages with elitism. I have two Series Xs, a PC, a Switch and PS4. Still don't have a PS5 yet because they're impossible to find.
So yea, I'm glad I can not be fussed with it on PC and just wait out an Xbox version.
@InterceptorAlpha by elitist I meant those who refuse to get a Playstation/Nintendo console
Removed - trolling/baiting
And so the old time exclusive complaints will begin. They are all at it. One of the many pitfalls of capitalism unfortunately.
@UltimateOtaku91 as if it makes sense financially/time investment for most people to own all 3 consoles lol! I got Xbox and Switch. Most people can only get one or two tops. The elitists are those who shun those who don't have all 3...
@UltimateOtaku91 So you are talking about people like me? I refuse to get a PlayStation. Switch i wouldn't mind having for the party games and Mario games, but not until they release a 4K console...
@WallyWest better example was Microsoft doing it this gen with the next gen upgrade for Yakuza Like A Dragon. A patch effectively...
However, Sony have gone a lot harder on timed exclusives this gen. They dont have the same financial clout on acquisitions so they go down this route.
I dont like either doing it to be honest. But it will inflate sales and ultimately thats what both aim for I guess.
@UltimateOtaku91 cant call them elitist. They may only be able to afford one console.
I sometimes think you are misunderstood on your comments on here but that one was really misguided.
@Jaxx420 lol without capitalism, we wouldn't have videogames, or if we did, it'd be like one console. Imagine a government created videogame lol! And some companies do timed exclusives more than others (that would be Sony).
@Trmn8r Agree. And timed exclusives in videogames is childs play compared to other industries. Capitalism does have its benefits. But pitfalls too all the same.
@armondo36 I mean in a year or so, pretty much all of the games from the studios Microsoft bought will only be on Xbox. So I’m not sure I understand your point about them being “embarrassed.” Nothing embarrassing at all about Microsoft Flight Simulator, Forza Horizon 5 or even Death’s Door, a game in the mix for GoTY, being a timed exclusive.
@OliverOwen @Trmn8r I'm just saying because it's timed exclusive that for people like you who will still get to play the game eventually yet people still moan about timed exclusives, imagine if it was full exclusive.
Over theast couple of weeks all i see is people moaning about sonys timed exclusive dealings yet seem to forget Microsoft do the same thing and even took away one of the biggest third party developers from Sony/Nintendo players yet that's fine..
Final fantasy 16, star wars KOTR and forspoken are games that xbox "elitists" will eventually be able to play on their xbox console, same can't be said for Sony elitists who want to play starfield and the next elder scrolls.
And the reply is always the same, you want to play starfield then get an xbox system (I did) and then the same can be said to those xbox players, you want to play star wars KOTR or final fantasy 16 first or play as spiderman in avengers then buy a playstation. It's the same thing.... But in a less harsh way to its competitors
@Jaxx420 OK I understand by elitists I meant those who just refuse to touch another system, I wasn't aiming my comment at any specific person
I'll wait for it to come to Xbox to play it..
@UltimateOtaku91 There’s lots for reasons why people don’t want a PS5 that aren’t just because “Sony”. Like the PS5 is really really big and awkwardly space o.O not sure where I could put it in my living space with barely any room with the machines I have. it’s not like Sony has a slim model or something like the S yet.
@mousieone I can agree with you on that it's nearly bigger than my TV lol hopefully they don't take too long to make a slim version, does make you wonder if the PlayStation 5 really needed to be that big
@UltimateOtaku91 I think the key difference that makes it more frustrating is with 3rd party timed exclusives. 1st party games being console exclusive is an accepted practice by all 3 console companies. But, these 3rd parties, who traditionally release cross-platform, doing timed-exclusive deals gets annoying. Yes, it's still better than it remaining exclusive indefinitely. It's just that it's becoming a tacky marketing strategy. I'm fine waiting for this and I'm not necessarily convinced it will be good neither, coming from a low level, game porting dev. Just an odd thing to see from a company like Disney, especially, considering the game was an OG Xbox title.
@UltimateOtaku91 It needed to be that big because they had to overclock their hardware to try to compete, when they realized XBox had better chipsets. Overclocking generates more heat and requires more space for dissipation.
Considering the fact that Sam Maggs is writing for it and they've said it's gonna be remade for a "modern audience" there's a good chance it's gonna suck anyway.
Let's just all be happy we can buy and play the original on current consoles.
I don't have any problem with timed exclusives, it will come to other platforms eventually. Especially if the said company helping with the financial/dev/production teams, heard Sony helping the development teams for this game. So I'm glad Sony did this so I could get a KOTOR Remake that I always want. Also I'm glad I have a PC.
@LX_FENIX Now that's something concerning, the original was already perfect, hope they don't change the main plot. I'm okay with them adding some more side quest, if anything I hope they add more side quest & contents.
@uptownsoul the very same? The exact same? Same exact people? Hmmm?
@UltimateOtaku91 They are all ready tweaking things, but heat is a major issue for both tower like designs. I do think we’ll see a slimmer version but like PS3; what will be sacrificed.
@Trmn8r that’s my issue with it. Aspyr hasn’t really done stuff to inspire confidence with the project.
I don’t really think Disney cared who did the project. Aspyr wanted to and EA didn’t. Aspyr got approval probably then went shopping for people to help fund the license etc. I know I have fundamental issues with Aspyr, but once they got the Disney OK I really don’t think they even tried to get MS in on the project. In fact; I think it’s only timed now because THQ bought them. Which is another issue, wouldn’t someone else be better as lead?
@Trmn8r sony don't have the kind of money Microsoft does, they can't spend billions on new developers so they have to stick to cheaper timed exclusives, even when they bu developers lately they are lesser know cheaper studios, this is mainly because outside of the PlayStation brand sony are performing poorly whereas Microsoft rake in billions off the pc software alone.
Also Disney aren't going to say no to sonys cash or Sony used spiderman in some way as leverage
@armondo36 Just wait something serious is brewing behind the scenes which lot of top insiders are hearing. Microsoft will bring some serious damage very soon.
So a game that was an Xbox exclusive is now a PS exclusive, funny how that works.
@uptownsoul I didn't say that. My statement was meant to convey that you're being hyperbolic towards the fandom, not the subject matter. Clearly. The same people back then aren't necessarily the same people in the fandom now. In fact, a good chunk of people swapped over to Playstation long after that incident because shortly after that games completely dried up. The OP's statement leaves wiggle room for fandom alterations like that; yours does not. You seem to want to be rude for no other purpose other than to a) get into a fight or b) be a bully. Either reason has no purpose in polite, constructive discussion.
@UltimateOtaku91 yes and no. Microsoft doesn't give Xbox unlimited money to waste. They still have stockholders to account to. So, I don't think the budgets are as far off as you think. Profits are a goal at some point.
@uptownsoul so you do this on PushSquare then too?
@UltimateOtaku91 @Trmn8r if anything the Sony gives more money to SIE. Bethesda cost a lot of money and right now there hasn’t been a return on investment. Up until recently Xbox was a side project.
@WallyWest They always seem to forget that Xbox does this too.
@Rafie Exactly and its not like they stopped they are still doing it to this day, Stalker is a timed exclusive among other games. In fact timed exclusives has been a common thing from MS since the 360 days and its only really now that Sony are playing that game as well.
Look i hate timed exclusives as i think its half measure and i don't like half measures, either make KOTOR a PS5 exclusive fully or release the Xbox version the same day. Are Sony playing dirty? Sure but guess what so are MS and Spencer with his vague wording, lies and hypocrisy, end of the day though its business and they only care about things what benefit them and them only, Spencer will lie and mislead to make MS "look better" and Sony will go hard on timed games to get more people buying PS5's. Bad as each over and both most likely laugh at the kids doing console wars and being blind puppets, sure i will defend, praise and criticize both but i'm not blind to what Sony and MS are really doing.
I’m just a humble lurker, but boy it sure does seem like a lot of people hang around these comment sections stirring stuff up just so they can go back to their preferred communities and tell everyone how awful the fanboys are here.
@SplooshDmg attack of the accountant. You’ve reveal yourself o.o Yeah I figured it was something like that but I’m still not sure you can treat studious that still have obligations as an asset yet. As many of them are still under contracts to make content for other people.
@UltimateOtaku91 maybe if the PS5 wasn’t so damn ugly.
@SplooshDmg @.@ I just left work thanks. sighs
I’m the go between. I literally had to make a power point to explain how you have to have a debit and credit to the customer facing staff because they weren’t doing both and the accountants were losing their sh%! In that way only they do where they are Uber polite but you know deep down they wanna Nuke something anything just something . But it comes out “see what you can do” :/
The gaming industry has really mastered the art of stirring up entire communities just by using a single word. They say "exclusive" and everybody's going nuts.
LOL story of an xbox fan: WAITING
@SithThanos big wet fart
@OliverOwen why do ya refuse to get a Playstation!!???? You’re missing out on so much!! I have a PS5, XSX, Switch, PSVR and Oculus Quest 2 an i love them all!! I have to say PS5 is my number 1 console. The PS5 an XSX are pretty much identical but what Sony has extra is the games quality. Don’t get me wrong, there are some fantastic games on Xbox, Forza, Gears, etc but they can’t touch games like TLOU 1 an 2, Uncharted, God of War, Spiderman, etc. Fanboyism only hurts you in the end.
we waited 15 years for that remake. one more year wouldn't hurt
Still of the fence with this remake.
Aspyr have only done ports and remasters.
Can they handle a proper remake FF7 style?
Jury is out for me until we see actual gameplay down the line.
Would have preferred Bioware to be back on dev duty.
Not sure why Sony pay for timed exclusives. When you see that a multiplatform game comes out and 80+% of sales are on PlayStation you feel like they are wasting their money.
I have PS5 and Series X and I will wait until it is on the Series X as that is the game's console home.
@Hellosmoothskin You sure do love farts!
@Tasuki Kind of like what will happen with Hellblade.
@trev666 Honestly, after the entire Bethesda going forever exclusive, Microsoft has already done a lot of that. Sony is now in the position to fight back with such deals.
@Royalblues 100% this. Just play games, have fun, and don't crap in the cereal of others. It's exhausting for all parties involved.
This is pretty much where I am in my life. I no longer have the drive to buy all systems, let alone every AAA game on day one, or at all. I may buy both one day, but I didn't last generation, or buy the half step upgrades.
@BrilliantBill Microsoft buying Bethesda isnt at all similar to sony buying timed exclusivity on KOTOR. if the company owns the studio they have very right to make a game exclusive.
why is it when sony buy timed exclusivity on games it doesnt get moaned at but PlayStation fans always point out Rise of the tomb raider from 2015 and then say look Microsoft do it to so therefore its totally justified. If you have to go all the way back to 2015 for an example then its obviously not as prevalent from Microsoft as they make out it is
@trev666 Well if you want to go down that rabbit hole. Microsoft bought a studio that formerly released almost all of its games on PS consoles in the first place.
@BrilliantBill so what they didnt pay for exclusivity like sony do they paid for the studio
@Bmartin001 I’ll wait for it to come to iOS to play it.
@uptownsoul nobody on pushsquare or Nintendo life are talking about or complaining about Xbox exclusives. They’re too busy playing Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Deathloop (lol), and Breath of the wild. And soon Metroid Dread. 🤤
@AgentGuapo Fart
@sjbsixpack I plan to get a PS5 one day. I'm super happy with my series X, but one day, for God of War and Spider man and others, I'll get a Playstation. There's no rush, they'll always be there, (as opposed to now during this shortages haha) fanboy wars are weird, but I suspect it comes from an economical standpoint as maybe they can only afford one console and both don't want to feel like they made a bad choice on what they invested in. Which is a shame because no matter what console you buy, you're not losing, not with all the games coming out. Xbox has gamepass, PlayStation has blockbusters. I guess, in my opinion that could change, Xbox could start releasing heavy hitters (they kind of starting to) and that I think has some fanboys worried, going back to the whole investment thing, and not being able to afford to buy both, which leads to a low grade fear that grows to a high temperature debate and so begins the trolling, the arguing and the inane review bombing. I'm the other hand, those who brought an Xbox have also invested their trust into the company to rebuild what it lost many years ago, hence why they can be more defensive.
@SplooshDmg You left out the part about them also exhibiting traits of objectophilia. Farts.
P.S- Fart
@Royalblues Which exclusives we talking about? Bethesda stuff?
@Hellosmoothskin wise words my friend. Fanboyism is nuts!! It’s like some folk treat their choice of console like their football team!! You love your team, they are the best team with the best fans!!! Hence the term fanboy. The Xbox Series S is a neat little console an a steal at £249.99!! I bought Series S before the X for my 7 year old twin boys. Only reason i bought an X is they decided they wanted the XSS in their bedroom after their grand parents bought them a 4k TV. Otherwise i’d have stuck with the PS5 an XSS.
Basically, Sony are wasting money on third-party timed exclusivity and annoying gamers around the world with marketing ruse since the PS5 was announced while Microsoft are acquiring game studios to have a better and more varied games library and subscriptions for their multi-platform Xbox business.
I had all main consoles last generation (the only one I didn't get was Vita) and I am not doing that this generation because unless you have a lot of time, space and money is somewhat pointless. It's logical that most people only get one or two consoles per generation. Nothing wrong with having all of them but it's unusual and overkill for most people.
Here, some people suggest that having one console is being a fanboy but in reality those "fanboys" might have bought a SNES, PS, GameCube, Xbox 360, PS4 and now Series X/S. Just a balanced example (Nintendo 2x, Sony 2x, Microsoft 2x). Based on my gaming experience (Nintendo-Sony-Microsoft), I decided that the best option this generation is Series X. I also have a Switch Lite but I use my Wii U more.
This is a bit off-topic but when I bought an Xbox One after getting a PS4, at first I didn't like the size and the separate power unit but then I realised that it was better built, cooler and quieter than my PS4. The Xbox One X was a wonderful revision. Now Series X is the most powerful console but it's very quiet and the best engineered and designed console of the generation while PS5 has an overkill size and cooling because they decided to overclock it at the last minute when Microsoft revealed their technical sheet.
Glad it's only timed, but shame it has to be that too.
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