Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Is Confirmed To Be A PS5 Timed Exclusive
Image: BioWare

When the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake was announced at the latest PlayStation Showcase last week, many feared it would be tied to the system permanently. While the wording suggested that would not be the case, we now have official confirmation it will definitely be a timed exclusive.

As expressed by the game's senior designer Tully Ackland, it will be a timed exclusive for PlayStation 5 and PC. Unfortunately, how long that window will be hasn't been shared, but we're hoping it's a year at most.

It's good to get some clarification on the matter. While Ackland doesn't specifically mention Xbox, we can't imagine a world where the exclusivity deal ends and it doesn't make its way to Xbox Series X|S at some point.

If you can't wait that long, you can dive into the original game thanks to the magic of Xbox backwards compatibility. It was even enhanced for the Xbox One X and looks absolutely fantastic on that console and Series X specifically.

Happy that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a timed exclusive? Let us know in the comments below.
