Sony kicked off their PlayStation Showcase with a big announcement - the long rumoured Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake, but it doesn't look like it will be launching immediately onto Xbox.
According to the PlayStation Blog, it will be a "console exclusive on PlayStation 5 at launch" - the keywords there being at launch. It sounds as though we'll be getting it, just not the day and date it launches. Instead, it seems like it will be another Deathloop scenario, we hope anyway.
As for the game itself, it's being developed by Aspyr Media, who most recently worked on porting games such as Star Wars Episode I: Racer. The trailer doesn't show too much outside of some iconic Star Wars imagery.
It's exciting to finally know the game is real and coming, we just have our fingers crossed it will be arriving for Xbox one day.
Are you excited for the Knights of the old Republic Remake? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 113
A timed exclusive so I'd say 12 months later it will hit xbox consoles, but still it's a system seller as star wars is massive
And If they make a limited edition KOTR series X or ps5 Ive got to have it
I don’t think it’s a question of whether it’s coming to Xbox. Just a matter of when.
@Xenomorph_79 was waiting for this automated reply and expect many more, they showed more gameplay in the first 10 minutes than xbox did in the entirety of their E3 presentation
@Xenomorph_79 What are you talking about? That GT7 looks just impossible FH5 is doomed now.
I have both consoles and the only thing that I was really excited about was Wolverine and that’s definitely years away. I’ll take Forza Horizon 5 over GT7 any day of the week.
@Senua forza horizon and GT7 are different games, ones a pure racer with better car visuals and models with deep customization whilst the other is an open world style game with more focus on graphics for the environment.
Though as a whole for me forza horizon 5 looks beautiful and I hate traditional racers so won't be touching gt7
@Xenomorph_79 I agree looks pretty baren for playstation this year apart from kena Bridge of spirits and dishonoured 3. But still wouldn't call the show rubbish.
Suppose helps having 26 studios
Don't like that Disney is allowing this with Star Wars. Doesn't bode well with stuff like Indiana Jones and Marvel as a whole. Feel like people should enjoy these without needing three different devices.
Sony showcase was this.
30 minutes.
Mainly multi platform games
Some remakes, I hate remakes.
Last ten was ok from Sony Studios, but waiting patiently will be required.
GT7 will be the usual boring racing simulator it is.
Thank god for Forza Horizon 5.
Honestly it will be very embarrassing for them if someone does a side by side gameplay comparison of both GT7 and FH5.
Yeah I was afraid this was going to be the case, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered opening with it. It's so unnecessary, this definitely feels like the sort of game that should be on all platforms considering how beloved the original game is.
Didn't realise the article was about sonys playstation showcase?
Could of sworn it had something to do with star wars....
Please someone put them side by side for fun.
Project Eve looked incredible, I think originally it was announced for xbox one as well as Playstation and PC, I'm not sure If this is still the case.
Even with Playstation timed Exclusives they take forever to launch on xbox. We still don't have FF7 Remake or Fall Guys both games have been out for over a year now.
@Chaudy yeah project eve was a surprise, definitely takes inspiration from bayonetta
I'm sure fall guys will land on xbox before Christmas and final fantasy 7 will hit gamepass when it does come to xbox for the fact it will be nearly a 2 year old game
It's okay. Xbox got Bethesda, Elder scrolls and Starfield. I thought Sony's showcase was pretty weak. I'll get a PS5 in 2025, if any of those games are even out by then, but honestly, God of War looked like the same God of War I've already played, Spider man 2 will be like Spider man, I was nice to see them say "we are working on games" but when I think about Halo, Forza, fable, Avaowed, Redfall, Perfect dark, InExiles next game...all on gamepass. Ponies will undoubtedly swallow their offerings and act as if the showcase was a showstopper but really, it wasn't
What the show case has shown me this new generation is Sony are not the big boys anymore and are not going to get it all their own way this generation.
Time 2023 hits Xbox studios will be releasing big hitters in their stride and pushing game pass even more.
Sony this new generation seem more systematic than ever before so far.
Yes we have had fable before and perfect dark but that was many many years ago.
Elder scrolls will also be looming come 2023
Also a new gears of war.
It’s going to be an interesting generation this one.
I wonder if people who feel so strongly about gran turismo 7 will feel the same way about the new Forza motorsport when it's clearly taking steps to be more like gran turismo. Personally, I really don't understand all this comparing between two fundamentally different games with cars in (FH5 vs GT7) but people can do what they want I guess.
The one thing I got from the PlayStation showcase is that they are willing to let Microsoft dominate the rest of the year when it comes to releases. Halo infinite and Forza look brilliant but like Sony at the start of the generation, they cannot just give themselves a pat on the back.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to kotor, and I don't really agree with it being exclusive but it is what it is
@Dezzy70 I thought that too, about Sony no longer coming across as the big boys. Xbox first party games, game pass. PlayStation first party games, 70 pounds. I think Xbox has a lot more to offer this time round.
Not bothered about Wolverine in itself; but basically this shows Insomniac has free reign with Marvel properties; and these will never come to Xbox.
KOTOR i’m sure will, so I can wait for that.
Still, at least this means if I ever fancy myself a PS5 down the road I can play through their Marvel Universe.
Edit; and between reading the article and commenting, i drove home from somewhere so completely forgot what article I was posting on. My bad.
Will be interesting to see how much Xbox gain on Sony this new generation. They definitely will gain ground.
@Xiovanni Not really Aspyr has Xbox issues. Whilst on the surface is poor choice that studio barely releases on Xbox. Not surprised. Not happy just not surprised.
@UltimateOtaku91 no they did not the first 3 minutes was the Sony commercial with the people playing living chess. And also, Did you forget Forza Horizon 5 preview at the end of the E3 which literally showed actual people playing the game or the Stalker 2 trailer? Halo MP trailer?
Don’t get me wrong I’m not dissing the Sony presentation by any means but calm the bravado a bit yeah? What the guys said was uncalled for but don’t make it worse yeah?
Sony throwing money at 3rd party devs for timed exclusivity, what’s new. I bet this wasn’t cheap. It is what it is, when it comes to remakes of absolute classics like this I’m always wary of what the devs will inject into the game or change, so I need to see more than just a CGI trailer to be even the least bit excited about this.
Definitely excited about the Insomniac games. They might be the best dev studio on the planet. I haven’t heard a peep about a Wolverine game anywhere, so that was the big surprise for me. God of War 2 looks like more of the same, which is fantastic. The first one was one of my favorite games of the gen. KOTOR was a great game, but I’ll be able to wait for it to go on sale. The games I’m most excited about on PS5 seem like a long way away, so I’m definitely glad I have both consoles.
@oconnoclast I don’t know they still haven’t released Jedi Academy 2 on Xbox and that one isn’t BC either. And yes you can play Republic Commando in BC mode but you can also play Ninja Gaiden Black and that didn’t stop KT.
Like you In just confused about it.
@Fenbops Yep Sony yet again money hatting third party games.
That's why I won't listen to people criticising the Bethesda purchase - Sony already acts like they have 30 studios the way they keep pulling these stunts.
Can't believe even EA have allowed them to do it (I'm assuming they're the the publisher given it was originally a Bioware game).
These timed exclusive lot better release at a discount when they hit Xbox or in a deluxe edition for the same price - I'm not buying old games at full price ffs.
I'll get this bit it'll have to be cheap when it hits Xbox or I'll wait for a sale
Definitely a bit lame for Xbox but it's no secret that Sony are pushing hard on the timed exclusives this gen.
In the long term Microsoft will end up with a greater first party depth of games due to investing in studios themselves as opposed to one-off deals.
Kudos to Insomniac however, definitely the Sony Studio that stands out as the sole reason to own a PS5 at any point in the next 5 years.
Buy a big third party publisher so competitors can't play their games at all
Pay for timed exclusive deals so even the competitors still get the game after a certain time
I honestly don't get why people complain so much about sonys timed exclusive business, would you rather them just buy square enix flat out?
@pip_muzz Agreed, if I ever get a PS5 it'll be for Insomniac, although I worry that what made Spider Man great (the movement) won't be available in Wolverine, so once you're past the "sharp claws, yeah!" bit whether there can be much to it.
Think while the Xbox studios are looking in good shape, possibly a few smaller studios added or a bigger group might help if they can bring in some more blockbuster IPs (and in doing so stop Sony hatting them) - as so far this generation too many of the biggest 3rd party IPs have been made timed or console exclusive to PS
@UltimateOtaku91 I’ll say this about the two consoles. I love my Xbox and PS, but whereas PS4 had a clear exclusives lead over Xbox One in both quantity and quality, it seems pretty apparent that lead is nowhere near as prevalent this generation. As a matter of fact, I would say that as far as exclusives are concerned, it will be a matter of personal preference. Whether you enjoyed the Xbox e3 showcase or this Sony showcase more is probably highly dependent on taste in games. Xbox has to have an edge in the WRPGs and “shooters” of all types, Sony still has the edge of in 3rd person adventures and JRPGs. I prefer the Xbox controller layout, but I love the haptics one the dual sense. There’s a lot to love with both of the consoles.
@UltimateOtaku91 Would be something if they were at least upfront about it.
When am I going to get to play FF16, one year or two? Will Sony get a DLC for it to extend exclusivity like they did for Remake?
Why is Forspoken 2 years?
Why are FF14 many others still exclusive despite it appearing timed exclusivity is over?
It's one thing to know you have to buy the other console to play it (and remember Xbox you can get a PC or use the cloud too) but not knowing is just a pain in the ass
@Widey85 Xbox have the new Indiana Jones game being developed by Machine Games at Bethesda, so the shoes on the other foot in this case. It's not like all Marvel and licenced games are locked up with exclusivity so I'm ok with it. I bought a PS4 to play Spiderman and I'll definitely be picking up a PS5 at some point too
That said, with how far off all these games are I'm glad I got the Series X first with Forza Horizon, Halo, Starfield etc... All coming before most of the Sony must haves.
There is no way in this day and age it will be the same game mechanics. An action-adventure with light RPG elements perhaps?
@Hypnotoad107 I agree with you, the main reason this gen I have both is because for the first time both Consoles have exclusive games that interest me and wasn't going to miss out
@Widey85 you have a good point, would be easier to know exactly how long and for people like me who own both consoles I'd like to know if when it does come to xbox will it be on gamepass as I could potentially save money otherwise I'm buying it on the machine I can play it on first
Well Xbox have this fall to themselves.
Now it’s simply Microsoft:
Advertising advertising advertising
The hell out of FH5. Halo free multiplayer and get some campaign footage out there and advertise.
Also get many many more Series X consoles on shelf’s for sale.
Got it Microsoft, simples.
You have made this happen for this fall now don’t waste it.
I'm so sick of remakes and remasters I just decided to not buy a remake or remaster again.
@Dezzy70 in terms of playstation yeah they have absolutely nothing but dishonoured 3 and tbh is probably their weakest year in a very long time.
But xbox don't have fall all for themselves as nintendo have some heavy hitters coming out aswell which we all know will sell millions upon millions each before Christmas, plus the xbox still has a shortage of series X consoles, but I encourage people to atleast get the series S for the holiday period as its cheap and value for money but unfortunately people will still flock to the port machine
These comments are hilarious. That was a very good showcase.
Totally agree with you.
Remakes and remasters are getting way out of control.
The thing to do is not buy them and then they will stop. Perhaps then they can focus on new games.
Wow the salt in this thread is real. Relax. Sony had some good stuff in their presentation. No need to feel threaten.
@Hypnotoad107 One of the most sound comments on here. Salute!
@UltimateOtaku91 Well, they out put out Destruction All Stars, Returnal, Ratchet & Clank. They have Deathloop and Kena this month.
Nintendo have nothing for me this fall but I understand they may do for others and of course the the switch OLED in October.
In the UK the series s is not doing much, selling very very slowly now. They are sitting on shop shelves almost gathering dust.
Series X, some dropped today sold in seconds and minutes.
I think the UK like the more powerful and best version of a console they can buy the Series X.
Most think £250 no, if I’m gonna buy Xbox I will spend £200 more and get the best one.
I was actually a bit disappointed by the Sony showcase. The two games I'm really hyped for are SpiderMan 2 and Wolverine; two Marvel titles developed by the same studio. Everything else were multiplats I'll be playing on Xbox and God of War 2 which we already know about. The gameplay was very God of War. I'll play it and love it, but it's just not something I get excited for.
The good news for me is, by the time Spidey 2 comes out I MIGHT have found me PS5. At least I know I have some time lol.
The remakes need to quit. Stop selling us on nostalgia. Take a risk. Same goes for comic book stuff. It’s all just remakes. Make a new KOTOR with the new canon.
Meh. "Timed exclusive" just means the latter consoles get the more definitive edition, with dlcs and the bugs all patched, etc.
@oconnoclast pfft no FF game is worth trying to hunt down a unicorn. Persona maybe but FF I can wait for.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@UltimateOtaku91 Port Machine? Do you mean Nintendo? Sorry just caught your post there.
@SplooshDmg that’s how I feel. It’s why the the DQ 3 Remake looks so much more interesting. I don’t hate the idea of Forspoken and it’s a good get for sure. Just not up alley
@WallyWest imagine contributing to the conversation instead of flaunting the fact you can afford both consoles.
@mousieone yeah I was talking about Nintendo haha I love my switch but it has so many ports/remasters.
I actually like the look and premise of forspoken but that's probably because I love isekai animes and forspoken is basically an isekai.
@UltimateOtaku91 Yeah I love my Switch, but it’s like I’d rather have a game made for it rather than a port of game made for anything else. Unless it’s an older franchise like the Crossbell stuff finally coming Westward. I’m so sick of the argument well the Switch could run that of it was optimized right. I feel like it needs to be why not just make a new game for Switch. this is coming out weird and I’m not meaning it to.
@SplooshDmg yeah it is what a lot of people want. I’m a little worried about 12 but as long as it retains the DQ feel I’ll be alright. It’s like I’m still on the fence about Arise -_- and I love Tales games.
@mousieone yeah I understand what you mean, like the 3ds? The 3ds got so many games made specifically for it, no ports or remasters either. What happened to games like fantasy life, ever oasis, style boutique, nintendogs, Disney magical world etc only developers invested in creating switch only games is capcom and maybe square enix
I think it's awesome that they're remaking this, but at least in my case I've beaten this game at least 6 or 7 times so if we never get it that's OK lol. Still going to PC anyway right?
@mousieone I said i have both because i didn't want to be accused of being a fanboy to one console. I did give my thoughts and i said i'm happy both PS and Xbox has a good future.
@Xiovanni its like saying that since the original Resident Evil game came out on the Playstation (PS1), the remake should come to Playstation as well (PS2) at launch, but NO, Nintendo Gamecube got the remake and Playstation wouldn't get the remake until 2015
Awesome announcement, Sucks we dont get it day 1 but at least it's still coming to Xbox..
@UltimateOtaku91 don’t make me so nostalgic. But yeah I miss the games that were developed for the 3DS that took advance of its features. I mean Nintendo’s offerings do, but yeah others not so much.
@SplooshDmg Demo did suck. I’ve read reviews and the story feels like a typical Tales game but dark. We shall see how I feel. Square is okay provide its like Tokyo RPG factory but DQ 11 was good.
@WallyWest not that you are one but people can be a fanboy and own both consoles. Yes people are making rather heavy remarks but the way the win is to keep it constructive.
@SplooshDmg I think if the people handling the remake are the ones he hands the series to it might be fine. If it’s Team Asani it will be find. Let’s see how the remake turns out
@Xenomorph_79 fanboys at their best.
@SplooshDmg Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler have variations of the same battle system. Dragon Quest needs a DQ battle system (I’m a little worried about this “command” system Horii spoke about) but that’s part the issue. The bigger issue I have to when they do multiple characters into a story like OT. Gameplay wise I like the OT battles system but the diverging character paths doesn’t work for me. BD the story is cohesive but I hate that variation of the battle system. As a result I can play OT but BD is unplayable to me. I have a lot of faith in project triangle
Kotor, GOW, and wolverine were dope to see. Still not worth buying a PS5. Kotor will play on my series X. Xbox can we get so e exclusive character games on the series consoles? Green lantern made by 343i? The flash by playground? A justice league game made by the coalition?
@Xenomorph_79 Yeah those games like Avowed, Starfield, Elder Scrolls, Perfect Dark, etc are all so close! Lmao
@Xenomorph_79 The reason they have nothing is because they have already released a bunch of exclusives this year. Xbox pretty much only has Flight Sim so far which isn't exactly a system seller. Horizon 5 looks amazing but im skeptical about Halo Infinite as the last few haven't been up to standard.
Is this a remake or remaster?Because if it's just a remaster then I have no for ps showcase I thought it was pretty bad as did the majority over on ign until the last 5 mins....only game that I was slightly jealous over was the Wolverine announcement and Venom in Spidey 2 was cool..insomniac are a good developer, anyway Wolverine not be out until atleast 2024..probably later..maybe il get a ps round about then
Edit* little glimpse at the mentality of the majority of the ps loyalists ...push square even said the showcase was good but not good enough...and people are crying saying the article is wrong and the show was the best thing since sliced bread pretty much etc lol.....funny every show ps put on seems to be brilliant no matter how dire according to the majority of ps fans lol...and no I'm not saying the show was dire, far from it..but they have had dire shows and the fanbase is just the same lol
Have to say that the Sony show was amazing for me. So many games look incredible and if Wolverine is half the game Spiderman is (its Insomniac so no reason to expect anything less than the highest of standards) then I can't wait.
I really don't understand why people think what was shown last night was rubbish?!? Do you not like gaming? Just showing GoW alone would make me excited let alone all the other stuff. KotOR, Spiderman 2, Wolverine, UC4, Forspoken, Ghostwire, Project Eve, Guardians of the Galaxy all excite me and all look impressive?
In truth I'd love more of this for Xbox. Seeing more on Callisto Protocol, Elden Ring, Fable, Indy, Starfield to get me excited for Xbox in 2022. But would that be rubbish as well?
@StonyKL People don't tend to want to see multiplat games on such shows
This & Wolverine were the highlights for me, the only things I did not know about yet.
I do think the Kotor launch exclusive sucks for people that don't own a ps5=/. But this also makes me wonder if the Indiana Jones game from Bethesda will be exclusive in return?.
Overall I was a bit disappointed with the conference, it was good but not amazing.
Was hoping they would do a bit more than what people already expected. I really had my fingers crossed for MGS, Silent Hill, Resistance, Killzone (Or another first person / more linear game.)
@StylesT really? Maybe I'm a different breed. I'll enjoy games whichever machine they come to but then I own all 3 main consoles so perhaps that's why? Perhaps it's a glass half full when it comes to gaming. There's more amazing games that I can physically play and more on the way. I'm excited. Just can't understand negativity on these things really.
That's what they also said about the FFVII Remake....
Christ the fanboys on both sides are rabid on this post... truly nauseating. Step back and get some perspective.
Sony's show was pretty good, not amazing, but pretty good. It had a nice mix of what is coming in the next 6 months (GT7, Deathloop, Guardians, Ghostwire Tokyo, Tiny Tina, Bloodhunt, GTAV, Uncharted 4+LL) what is probably coming later in 2022 (God of War, Forspoken, Tchia) and some things to look forward to in the further future (probably 2022/3+: Wolverine, KOTOR, Spider-man 2, Project Eve)
Yes it was a little short on 2021 big hitters and solid dates (hardly surprising considering COVID) but to be honest they front loaded the new gen with Miles Morales, Demon's souls, Ratchet, Returnal.
Surprised Kena (EDIT: which hopefully releases in 11 days!) didn't get a showing but I suspect they are hard at work finishing it and don't have time for a new trailer. Looking forward to that one. (at least after a few patches)
Lastly it's a shame KOTOR seems to be a timed exclusive, never a fan of that.
Regardless it's a good time to be a gamer, regardless of what platform you play on... even better if you play on several.
**Updated** - found news that Project EVE appears to be PC / PS5 / XSX / XSS now, looks like they ditched the past gen versions.
I remembered it being announced for PS4 / XO and was watching thinking I've no idea how they'd run it!
@The_New_Butler Absolutely! It was definitely a lopsided presentation, without the last 10 mins it would have hit a lot differently and some of the teasers were definitely there to paper over the cracks.
But there was enough for me to be excited, perhaps not for others, that's fair, we're all different.
You are right it's sometimes difficult to separate the genuine comments from the fanboys (both flag waiving kind and those with unconscious bias) just always a shame to see so much vitriol over others conferences and how the same usual suspects are immediately there to grind their axe regardless.
Also agreed the "on Gamepass" bit is magnificent for us Subscribers and helps elevate any conference. Not least that you know there are plenty of other smaller gems hitting the service that aren't even mentioned. It's a marvel... just never enough time!
Just like FFVIIRemake, eh? One day... as long as Sony doesn't renew their contract, which they will if this turns out good and is a big hit, sells a ton of PS5s.
@SplooshDmg yeah that’s my biggest gripe about OT. And I love the style but I dislike the disconnect stories at first. . BD has a similar combat but it’s not the same and the art style (softer character details but heavy backgrounds) made it jarring for me. And I like Alliance Alive (Need to finish but I like it) but that’s softer details all around. I’ve got a lot in the backlog though so I’m comfortable waiting on Tales at least until somethingg the city Crete hits me etc come out and change my mind. It looks good though just on the fence
@themightyant Agreed. All these fan sites are toxic. Sony's show was really good. Xbox has some excellent releases this year. Metroid Dread is coming in a month. Good times all round. 😎
Every time a remaster comes up I’m gonna type this.
Enough is enough lets focus resource and time on new games, dam sodding feed up with having a new generation console playing ten year old games etc I played ten years ago
I might as well be ten years younger the way this generation is going, boring boring boring.
@Originut yeah but
It’s also coming to PC. UNCHARTED ON PC
@EVIL-C I think that too is a little extreme. There's many decent people on here, otherwise I wouldn't post at all. But article's like this about 'the opposition', as they see it, attract fanboy 'console war' guff like a moth to flame.
Agreed, it's good times for gamers, lots of interesting releases all round. Q1 2022 in particular looks to be stacked. No doubt a lot of Q3/4 2021 releases that understandably slipped due to the pandemic. There's so much lined up in fact I think some may deliberately push themselves back to avoid some of the bigger hitters.
@The_New_Butler That's exactly the difference. I watched the PS show horrified and laughing, mostly. I expected "look at these new worlds PS is going to bring" and instead I saw "here's a bunch of 3rd party games you can buy on Xbox either immediately or later, plus our predictable sequel blockbusters you already knew about, some remasters, plus DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY!" There was honestly nothing at all in the presentation that would make me buy a Playstation at all if I didn't already have one, and there was almost nothing in there that interests me to buy other than GoW that was already a given, and Eve that's interesting (but i'd get it on Xbox.) Might bite on KotOR, even if it's when it's cheap on PS when it launches on XB. But it was one of the very flattest presentations I've ever seen.
MS's E3 show, had a lot that did interest me (starfield, flight sim, FH5, Halo, especially of course.) and a lot that didn't interest me (stalker, etc), but the narrative changes when it's 40 minutes of "here's a ton of things you can try in your sub if it interests you even slightly. Even things that don't grab me, I can look with interest and say "hey, I'll give it a try!" Whereas 40 minutes of stuff that costs $60-70, if it's not a sure bet, it's a hard pass until it's deep on sale in 6 years so it garners no interest. Spiderman 2, Wolverine...hard pass, don't care about Marvel. But if that was a presentation with a Game Pass service, I'd have piqued my interest and figured I'll give it a try. It definitely changes the narrative and interest level. People gripe about never pleasing gamers, but if you're going to charge me $60-70 for something in an industry that now has a lot more competition, it has to be something I absolutely unequivocally love and is tailor made for my tastes, otherwise it might as well not exist. As prices go up, so does the amount of scrutiny on what you buy, and you only pay for sure things. Which is why it's Marvel, Marvel, Marvel.
GP really does change the way you perceive what's on offer, and generate hype for things you might not love. If I transpose the presentations, put the PS showcase games in Xbox's show all on game pass, and put MS's showcase into the PS showcase, no Game perception changes. Suddenly Flight sim is cool, but I can live without it. FH5 is cool but similar enough to 4 I can live without it. I still super into Halo? Not really. Definitely waiting for a sale. Red Fall? Not even slightly interested. Starfield is preorder material though. Most of the 3rd party? Hard pass.
And on the flip, the 3 Marvel games on GP, sure I'll try them. KoTOR is worth a revisit. I'll even try GT7, looks nice....
There's a big part of perception that comes from "buying all this is impractical so I need enough things that tell me I absolutely love it.
I do hope GP works as an actual monetization stream and not just a glorified paid "try before you buy" service. It really does open up what you're willing to play, and really opens up experimenting with new IP. I'd love to see the industry adopt that standard more completely and maybe we could be done with all the "safe" (boring) games.
Lots of fanboy arguments here. I hate that KOTOR is exclusive, even if for 6/12 months. FF7R too — such an amazing game. I don't like exclusives for gamers, but the companies have to sell their box/brand so I understand it.
KOTOR may have never gotten a remaster unless Sony put money into it. This is one of the good things about exclusives. Games that don't have the budget, get the budget to make the game they want. I am just glad it is coming to Xbox eventually. It is ironic because this was an Xbox exclusive on the OG Xbox!
KOTOR years away
spiderman 2 years away
wolverine years away
sick of remakes and remasters
sick of money hating for timed exclusivity
The original was a masterpiece, but I'm concerned that Aspyr Media don't have the pedigree for a remake.
They've only ever handled ports, so I'm on the fence with this.
Should have gone back to Bioware.
@SplooshDmg Yeah, nothing is as fiercely daring as a Disney license! Push boundaries, defy limits, seek new frontiers, license Disney films!
If this were the food industry their response to pushing the edge of culinary exceptionalism, the finest ingredients, and avante garde creations would be opening an Applebees franchise.
To a point, it's "me". I've always bought Playstation for very "Playstation type" games, and only now have I finally realized what I thought was "Playstation type" games, was really "Japanese-type games that won't run on a Nintendo." Now that Sony has completely cut itself off from Japanese development short of some splinter studios for bespoke tech work, and Polyphony, and I'm seeing the result that "Playstation type" games simply don't exist anymore. And the ones that do are timed exclusives from Square. For me, that's the whole entire reason I bought Playstations was that type of game. That was the whole love affair with the platform right there. Without it, it's just a more restrictive Xbox plus a handful of licensed movie games and a few remaining tentpole franchises.
The other half of it, is yes, I know this presentation isn't representative of their total output. They're holding their cards close, they're doing a Nintendo "We have nothing to say about Bayonetta 3 and Pikmin 4 for like 6 years, please enjoy Hyrule Warriors again and check out the Doritos Animal Crossing Island sponsored by Frito Lay(R)"
If I were to guess, all these "new IPs" they're working on. They're stalling. They know MS's onslaught comes out in about 2-3 years so they want to keep their big guns under wraps so they can challenge the big WRPG cycle late in the gen head-on. It's smart. But it's also underwhelming.
But I also think they're in a rut because they had all their studios cranking out major releases at the tail end of PS4, and now into PS5. The tanks are empty. Anything new will have to be so many years away they'll be PS6 cross-gen. I truly don't believe they were ready at all for new hardware. They could have coasted on PS4 for a 10 years cycle and done fine. And their software teams seem to have been geared up for that all along. Their AAA games take 5+ years to make, they just released everything on the old gen, and they launched the console as they launched the dev kits. Financially they're doing good marketing and making out ok, but it feels hollow.
And why does God of War 2 not have the same outrage at the graphics Halo had?
IDK, some people seem to just love love love last night's presentation, and I honestly can't fathom what about it made them so excited. Ok, GoW footage is anticipated, so that excited some folks, but nothing else about the "last 10 minutes" grabbed me. And the first 32 minutes consisted of Ryan's cardboard cutout personality (how does anyone stay awake at his board meetings?) a weird commercial that was just plain confusing, and rerun E3 trailers from Ubisoft and Gearbox. Oh and GTAV and this remake. I guess it's really just super hype for Marvel stuff that stoked people? I figured we were were done with that, and I was never into it. I'd rather buy Skyrim a 5th time than anything Marvel. I'll play it if it's GamePass/Now or deep discounts, but they want $70 for Marvel? Wake me when it's $20. MAYBE I'll bite if it's a game drought. Spidey 1 & 1.5 were enough. I don't need more of the same on rails game. They were already watered down from inFamous. It's depressing seeing Insomniac turned into a Disney factory. Activision should have bought them and put them on CoD.
The variety of new worlds and properties is what made video games fun. All sorts of creative things that you didn't get from other media. That's why Bethesda is popular, they still deliver that (though Deathloop looks pretty filmy. I wasn't interested before but I'll give it a go on Game Pass. I dig the 70's vibe.)
But yeah, we've move from video game franchises being about video game properties designed for video games. Wolf, Quake, etc. And moved into games imitating film with licensed brands. It ruins the whole uniqueness of games. Worse, Mad Max was a license, but it worked and recreated a niche world in a new way. These games latch onto pop culture fads. Marvel, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings. Game of Thrones. I see so little creativity. Indy at least has been dormant for a long time, but Tomb Raider and Uncharted already created video game Indy universes. Do we actually need the licensed version?
I wonder who gets the rights to Frozen. Frozen: Beneath the Ice. Frozen II: Elsa's Revenge. Frozen III: New Darkness. Frozen Driftbreaker (Racing). WOOO AAA AWESOME CAN'T WAIT!
@NEStalgia Harry Potter is one of the few I'm looking forward to, if they manage to capture the mood of the films / books and the "that's cool" bits where they use spells.
If however it's just boring tutorials (the classes) and then just endless duels with magic then yeah it'll be no different to many RPGs.
I get what you're saying, and I do hope we get some new IPs that have a rich lore and backstory, with strong storytelling.
I suspect many developers have turned to film IPs as a quick-fix for lore and brand awareness (particularly this, but free lore helps too) - while in the past they'd have either come up with their own (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect, Dragon Age all pretty good for that) or used books (Witcher series for example).
In recent years, I'd say (for me at least) the storytelling / background lore has often been better in "indie" games such as Last Stop, Tell Me Why, Lake, The Forgotten City and Call of the Sea - with many big hitters either having the bare-minimum in story or missing the mark entirely.
In the last few years, I'd say only Spider Man, the Hitman trilogy, the Outer Worlds, Immortals: Fenyx Rising and Witcher 3 out of all the blockbusters I've played really had stories I wanted to see through to the end.
Too often, it feels the story was forced in at the last minute to support some "cool gameplay" the developer or publisher wanted to do, or to feed their game-as-a-service which will drag on and not give me a satisfying conclusion.
Fingers crossed as there seems to be more competition for single-player narrative games (as Sony tends to be stronger in those and Xbox will want to compete) we'll start to see more of a revival again - hopefully similar to the 360 days where I remember loving the lore of Mass Effect, Halo 3 and so many others...
@Widey85 Yeah, Harry Potter still interests me. I've never been a big fan of the franchise and it's hype as a pop culture fad, but I did love the world and lore (more than Harry's story), so I'm crossing my fingers that it turns out great. Plus the IP's been kind of on hiatus for a while so it doesn't feel as stale. I love when games, like KotOR create a whole new perspective and lore around an existing IP. In the case of KotOR, I actually like Bioware's SW world more than the films. It made me buy and watch all the films again at the time, only to discover I don't really like them a whole lot, but loved the game's take on it. HP could be the same. Hopefully. But I do worry it'll just be "run around and shoot stuff"
And in fairness to Bioware. Mass Effect was literally their way to do a KotOR spiritual successor without the Lucas license. And DA was their way of doing Baldur's Gate spiritual successor without the WotC D&D license. So those kind of game from 3rd party IP, but were reinvented in shop. But yeah, the great part about games used to be these new worlds. TES, Infamous, Doom/Quake, Starcraft, Zelda, FF, Max Payne, etc. etc. Even bringing book series to life like D&D gave it a very different take from the film world. Now, that's all just 'mixed media pop culture" it feels so shallow. I don't watch TV. At all. I don't watch movies, basically at all. None of it interests me. I play games. I remember when the EA movie tie-in games were a running joke. This all feels so hollow now.
Hitman is fantastic....and of course IOI is moving on to film licensed Bond. Although, at least they're doing their own take on Bond, and Bond is a lot less abused and underserved as an IP than other stuff. That and Fenyx you really nailed some of the top stories to me as well. Spiderman not so much. The whole game feels like a watered down inFamous. Beautiful setpieces, likable characters, but very underwhelming from Insomniac. If I'd never played inFamous it would have felt better, I think. That remains the best superhero game I've built its own lore.
I guess it all goes back to what Layden has been saying with needing to "de-risk" the content. I know it's always worked in the media industry, but I can never quite understand why so many seem to like paying for bland and insipid content. "Low risk" pretty much always means "disposable and forgettable." "More Marvel" is definitely not what I was hoping to see from Sony, that's for sure! Of course the best parts of MS's roadmap are probably 5 years out, too!
@blinkx01 I wonder what happens with 2. Obsidian developed it, but I have no idea who owns it. Would be weird if KoTOR1 was Sony exclusive and 2 was Xbox exclusive...
@NEStalgia Yeah I find that the TV series I find intriguing are often the ones cancelled by the US networks after one or two seasons - but I'll be fair to them, and least in that world they take risks on some new ideas.
It probably is why indies have appealed so much to me (and I can thank Game Pass for getting me past the "is it worth the risk" issue I used to have trying them) as they take risks and aren't afraid to think small if need be.
For every TV series, film or game I love with out-there sci fi or historical lore, there's one I love that just deals with one family, or one person's everyday life with a small twist (What Remains of Edith Finch, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Last Stop and Tell Me Why all did this brilliantly - while Lake did it with no twist at all).
While sometimes I want to play the big superhero or be Bond or 47 and save the world, sometimes they could also stick to simpler themes - I enjoyed Europa 1400: The Guild because it was "be a human in history and try to make something of yourself".
You're right it's often too samey in the AAA area now - I am hoping that Game Pass allows more risks though, particularly with the pet projects MS seems to let each developer have alongside their big ones - although out of the big ones Fable might be awesome if it gives you the freedom to play as you please ("if you want to not save the world and just live out your life as a blacksmith, feel free!" type thing).
As for Spider Man no I'd not played inFamous and hadn't read the comics so it was a pleasant surprise - I mean the story was workable but the acting was good enough to draw me in.
Fingers crossed anyway, as I think with Unreal Engine 5 and others being even more developer friendly (hopefully) we'll see indies putting out great narrative games that look great / draw you in, while the AAAs don't go too far into GaaS and give us some great single player stuff again...
@NEStalgia I’ll have my response to you later o.O
@GhanaViking I don’t think so. Aspyr is now owned by THQ, a really big company that would have funded a project like this. Plus the fact Sony’s is only listed as a publisher and the game isn’t exclusive tells me that their contribution is less than that.
@Widey85 Interesting you'd say that. I have the same issue with TV shows. On the rare occasion I like them, they're cancelled, too! I still haven't really gotten into the indie world yet. Most of it is too small for my liking. That "AA" tier is where it's really at for me. Always really has been. But GP does let me dig into more of them freely.
Also interesting what you said about liking stories that deal with one character or small group of characters. That definitely appeals to me most as well. Interestingly, that's a cornerstone of Japanese storytelling which is one reason it appeals so much to me. Gravity Rush was panned in the west for focusing on boring mundane every day tasks for Kat. I loved it. And it's a very Japanese way of telling a story. To me that's where it's all at. That's what engages you with the character and their world. But...apparently Westerners on average have no interest in that. Even the writers on Gravity Rush 2 were afraid it would be "too Japanese for the West" - and it was, unfortunately. That storytelling was mostly what was meant by that. Unfortunately for me, that's what I mostly want more of.
Yeah, with Game Pass, we already have Bethesda saying it lets them do single player and take more risks. They were saying that even before they were getting bought out. I remember Todd saying something about that, and he was shocked about the buyout with no idea until just before the rest of us found out, so he sad that truly as a 3rd party. We now know FO76 was multiplayer because they couldn't fund single player anymore. So that definitely helps the first party risks. IF GP is sustainable as an actual revenue/sales model for 3rd parties, I think that really unlocks the door totally on diverse games. If it's only sustainable as a paid demo program, the way Rockstar uses it, to get you to buy the full priced game, I don't think i'll really foster that much diversity in 3rd parties.
Spider Man. Well, it's safe. Can't get safer than Spidey, really. Other than Star Wars. inFamous 1 was a grittier comic. inFamous 2 more over the top. 3...was....rushed to market. Ok game, but not a great introduction to the series IMO, and very cut-corners. But when I play Spidey I just feel like I'm playing a streamlined watered down inFamous with a less interesting world. Good actors, but it's just NY being NY. inFamous gave you this dark "Empire City", It's NY, but it's not NY, very opressive, dark, a much more interesting environment with more mysterious characters. But most importantly, some of the gameplay is dated today, yes, but generally the action felt more interesting, more complicated. Spidey has pretty basic action sets, and the stealth feels kinda boring, ripped right from Arkham. I don't care about Marvel (at all), but I bought Spidey because Insomniac never lets me down. But Spidey, I's just shallow. Most of that I think is the Disney license tying them down. The action in Second Son is great, but the game itself felt very empty. 1 and 2 has some dated elements, but if you happen to have PS Now and can play them, I'd recommend giving them a shot if you like Spidey. 1 leaned into the "GTA sandbox" too much but had the better world. It's not a new game and it doesn't play like one, but the action just felt so good and the varied powers were more fun to use than the various web slings on repeat.
@NEStalgia Yep might look them up.
Also tempted to give Saints Row 3 a try that someone mentioned on the GTA thread as I do enjoy pottering round the open world stuff.
I think the line between indie and AA is now getting pretty blurry - Last Stop, Call of the Sea and a few others were all as polished and in some cases almost as long as AA games.
I'm uncertain whether to place Yakuza LAD as an AA or AAA, but it's one I'm enjoying that places a lot of emphasis on friendship and ordinary life - I just have to take breaks from it as the dungeons can go a bit long and shred my nerves, while the grind can be a bit much in places.
Using those I know with Game Pass as a guide, and seeing how the gaming world is going, I'm pretty sure once they're out of the growth stage (where initial costs are high to get started) it'll be more than sustainable - both for MS and 3rd parties.
So many games now have DLC and other things you can buy, as well as buying to keep games you really like, that I think there's a lot of monetisation routes.
Multiplayer games can use it for a big starting base fast, smaller indies can use it to cover development costs (so all DLC sakes, game sales outside GP and from people wanting to keep it) are profit, while big single player AAA games can get a big chunk from Microsoft (more than covered by subs once critical mass is reached) and still sell DLC and cosmetics etc.
It strikes me as being the best of all worlds in that respect - try before you buy for games you truly love, try the base game before the DLC, try / enjoy the games that are good but you don't need to buy right now.
I've bought many of the games I've mentioned on GP, and I've bought DLC for many others including the Forza games. If anything with less risk and more games to tide me over quiet release periods / waiting for sales, I'm trying more genres than ever, being introduced to more devs than ever and yet actually spending more as I don't feel the pressure of having to research a game loads before potentially wasting loads on it (MS Rewards helps there too)
Kotor 1 and 2 are some of the best rpg games ever.
Let's hope it's at timed exclusive.
Spider man 2 , wolverine are huge exclusives for Sony, but personally i don't really care for marvel games. I also don't really care for final fantasy games, but this is also a big plus for Sony since it's a very popular title.
@Widey85 I don't know that I'm spending more overall, but I'm getting a lot more bang for my buck in a way that takes nothing away from the industry, and it causes me to spend more engagement time with the platform. I'd say that my subscription fee siphons money toward the sub and away from Sony/Nintendo, and lets me watch the sales to buy some of the favorites for lower prices. I get more for my money, but the same mount of money goes into the ecosystem either way.
That's the part that can pay off for them. These companies are competing for time more than money, and GP ensure the majority of my game time is spent in Microsoft's world. That also means most of my game money goes into MS's world. Maybe at the end of the year I've spent my $700+ on games either way, but Sony's model lets me play 10 games max. Microsoft's model lets me engage with a ton of content, they get the fee for 2 games+ up front, lets me shop smarter on sales (got Scarlet Nexus for $40 on sale, that does make it easier to just buy more games overall without exceeding total spend.) Critics will say they're "losing money" but they're not. I wasn't going to spend more than I did, I just got a lot more value and walk away a more satisfied customer. Nobody lost anything in the transaction. And I didn't buy used games where nobody actually made any money.)
But it sure does require a different mindset from "A sale not made is money lost." Neither MS nor square gain anything if I buy 2 games this year for $70 vs. buying Game Pass for $180 and play 200 games. Nobody loses a dime. But they get a happier, more engaged customer who breathes the ecosystem and the same profit.
Turning that into continuous revenue that can sustain not just MS but the 3rd parties though.. I'm still hoping it really works out.
@bladerunner I know Marvel is such a big profit maker right now, but I still think it's a mistake to have TWO of their exclusives be MCU titles, PLUS highlighting a third (multiplat) game from MCU. It's too many eggs in one very popular basket, but it does little to reach different audiences. It's a big profitable basket, but it's all still one basket.
@NEStalgia Also, even if GP wasn't profitable once it gets out of the initial growth stage (which I'm pretty certain it will be, for the reasons I mention above), there's a reason Microsoft will never really care.
Businesses like them with huge profits from corporations (even my employer, a mid level UK one pays them millions) need to show their consumer division can engage - subscriptions have now become the favourite method of many behemoth companies.
They've got huge business subscriber numbers, but as far as I'm aware Gold and GP are by far their biggest consumer subscription numbers - much higher than their home Office 365 users I bet.
Consumer engagement numbers are the kind of thing shareholders love - they have value as data (as a last resort in bankruptcy or something), value for cross selling and even just for positive brand awareness so the customers think of you when they have their own companies or look for laptops etc.
I think that's the reason Microsoft are "all in" on gaming - nothing to do with profit, instead it's about engagement numbers and gaming giving the brand a positive impression which corporate-facing but profitable parts of the company can't do
@NEStalgia Yep pretty much where I was going with my last post
@SplooshDmg Yeah I think you hit on two important parts there. The first is the "hybrid" movie/game where it's not really a game anymore. Isn't that what Speilberg and Lucas were on stage at Matrick's X1 TV reveal trying to tell us was the future of film (not games) before Remedy showed their literal hybrid movie/game? And we all screamed and threw tomatoes at the stage and railed until they killed it all with fire? And then Sony did it and people started celebrating it.
The second is books. Goes along with the Japanese take on games too. We come from a world were video games were largely descended from books. Lots of text, lots of reading, lots of filling in your own blanks, and lots of literary format dialogue and plot devices. To me, a "proper" game is a descendant of a book (or an arcade activity.) Japanese games are still by and large a decedent of books (or arcades.) Except for the ultra-Westernized games Sony likes to fund. Thus the western obsession with books imitating film and TV feels so alien, ans feels like exactly the opposite of why I enjoyed gaming to begin with. I'm, also, much more a book guy than a film/TV guy by far. Though I seldom do read, because that time goes into gaming. Games with lots of dialog that descend from books..... That's a big part of it. I expect a game to involve a lot of reading. Japanese games, AA's etc still tend to have that. AAA has moved to celebrity screen actors and exposition. And the West has accepted that film is a superior medium to books. Which, we already knew, thus the disastrous reading level mainstream writing, the lack of funding of libraries, and the 255 twitter limit being just too much for the ticktockstagram generation
@Xiovanni who did they hire? I
@SplooshDmg a my problem with quantum is that the gameplay just felt really really stiff. It's a cool game, but I never really enjoyed battles, and the tv gimmick was ok but much too long. But I spoiled it by not playing all at once and forgetting the buttons, too. Still after battles against the same soldiers, with the tanky guys, it just got to repetitive. Control can suffer from that too, bit the pacing keeps it more engaging.
I suck at fire emblem so I rarely see it though, but it's such a tight srpg. The standard bearer, really. I admit though the whole incest theme of Fates really put me off. Camilla is a meme. With double-Tifa sized..... Hands... 3H really righted a listing ship amazingly well.
Ooohhh Trails is soo good. I kid you not, that's my most frequent use of my PS5.... The psp ports of 1 and 2 currently lol. Though it's slow going.
Also, Ys. Specifically VIII. IX is good, wish I got the PS version because it runs trash on Switch, but not as good as 8 where the environment is great, and the story very memorable. If you like your games as books, Falcon has you covered. They're PS first though. Switch and PC too with recent titles. Xbox will happen after Phil gets smash on game pass.
Tim was trying to tell us many things! Though screw that milkman mission and the invisibility...
As of now I’m out. The person they’ve hired to ‘rewrite’ the game is pure cancer. At least I got to experience the original at the time in all its glory.
@The_New_Butler I honestly don’t know what else she’s worked on but she’s a former writer for the Mary Sue. I’ve seen her past tweets, she’s just the type Hollywood and AAA devs like to employ these days. Everything is sexist, racist and misogynist and she loves to fight the patriarchy. There’s no way her politics won’t be injected into anything she’s involved with.
Why does KOTOR need ‘rewriting’ anyway!? People love the original and it’s story.
@The_New_Butler time will tell.
@NEStalgia I hear so many good things about the Trails games but I do not have the time to invest in playing them all. Is it a series you can jump into the most recent game with and understand wtf is going on?
@SplooshDmg Rift Aparts story was alright to be fair. Pretty forgettable though.
I’m with you with FF7R. As a huge fan of the original that remake was so awful in so many ways imo. They got some things right and the nostalgia felt great at times, the music alone was phenomenal, but everything they added or even slightly changed was bad. The ending was an absolute ***** show I hated it. I even hate the direction they took with the Yuffie DLC. I’m not even interested in part 2 now or anything to do with the FF ‘remakes’.
@Xiovanni that website is the equivalent of throwing bleach into your own eyes.
I really like FF7 remake The end was bad though
I actually liked Anthem aswell
Had this come out more toward the beginning of the Non-Stop Remasterathon a few years ago I would probably be excited. Now, after Mass Effect, et al I'm rather bored with playing previous gen games with a fresh coat of paint. Go ahead and have an exclusive, Sony. As much as I love KOTOR I won't be buying for PS5 or Xbox because meh.
@themightyant Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply everyone was terrible. Certainly not the case. However when articles like these get posted, one side gets game x where the other doesn't, it often devolves into a cesspool of tribalism and ignorance. I strongly dislike it, but I understand it, cause I was that way in my teens, and I can't believe how dumb I was back then to hate an entire platform and miss all of its positive offerings.
Why is the game being rewritten AT ALL? The writing was the star of the game. That was the whole point of the game. That was the whole point of missy of biowares classics. It's problem is it looked old, simple, and played clunky with dated UI problems which got in the way of experiencing the story. If your rewrite it, it's not the classic anymore. Any line involving the word "meatbag" should be made into bumper stickers.
And yeah, it gets tiring that it seems like "writer" in the games and film industry seems now synonymous with "preachy political activist.". I'd be ok with it if they're were a war of ideas, but as is, it's just a broken record of writers that generally can't separate their own politics beliefs from their work because they see themselves on a crusade to fix everyone through their writing. That type of person really can't separate their own ideology from their work because it's a filter through which they view everything. It's like getting a nun to write a book about the devil being a misunderstood anti-hero. They just can't do it. It opposes their most cherished beliefs too much and conflicts with too much incontrovertible Truth for them to consider any such viewpoint.
@Fenbops Yeah, the purists will tell you you have to play the whole series, and they all do form one big story that's arguably the most connected continuous plot in gaming.
But, I think you could play one of the later ones without being totally left out. Yes, the story is built upon the prior, and knowledge of characters, events, and history entrances the meaning of everything, but they also contextually introduce things so you're not in the dark. 3 on switch, maybe pc, too? Has a graphic novel to catch you up as well.
Basically trails is a subseries of legend of heroes. 1-3 include some significance to past LoH games because the history of the wars and kingdoms is connected, but it can otherwise be stand alone. Best as a series but understandable alone. I also heard that 1&2 can act as a prequel in you played 3 first.
4 is a little weird, because it acts as a finale not only to the trails subseries but also the whole legend of heroes saga thus far. So those of us who never played the old loh games suddenly get an influx of characters we have no idea who they are. It actually merges both series casts and ties up the whole arc.
If you're looking for an entry point but don't want to or can't go back to trails 1 and 2, I think you'll be ok starting with 3. Not sure starting with 4 would work ... That would be a majorly overwhelming cast and state of events to pick up in the middle of with no clue. But 3 is perfectly doable. The past events are at rest and new events are just getting into motion with lots of explanation of the current events, so it's a good second act. 2 gets a running start from 1 and 4 gets a running start from 3, AND the last loh game. 3 is a fairly neutral start.
@SplooshDmg I really need to sit down and play through all the rest of trails. I've played parts of all of it and not all the way through any of it lol. Even the vita one you can't get anywhere anymore. It's just so wonderfully cohesive, and while it falls into anime tropes regularly, it also misleads with them on purpose.
I was going to play it on Now while I'm streaming more than using switch until dread comes out, bit Now only has the PS3 version, not the PS4 version, because Sony reasons, and a lot of QoL features are missing. The saves carry over though.
Ys is a very very uneven series. A lot of the UI feels familiar from trails. But it 8 is the serious high point. Origins (it's on xb) is supposedly one of the better ones as well. 8 is just really good though. 9 is ok. It's good, don't get me wrong, but it's feels like a step back from the highlight of 8. In many ways it's the hack and slash sister series of the complex turn based trails/loh series.
@SplooshDmg Yeah, any western studio that could do it right is either out of business or owned by Microsoft now. Or Bioware itself which is both a shadow of it's former self, and actively working on the next entry of this games spiritual successor, ME, already. I could see any Japanese studio doing it better easily. It's a very text heavy game. It's a systems based rpg with tons of player agency. RGG would be so perfect for it, their format really is close to the magic years of bioware. Although I suspect that Fantasia and Donald Duck Quackshot are the last times we'll see Sega touch a Disney license. Fortunately.
With Sony involvement and modern western game design from anyone that's not bluepoint on a remake, and news of the rewrite, I fear the remake will no longer be an RPG and instead an action adventure game with rpg lite mechanics. If that's what it becomes I'm not even interested. I thought the game was a cool thing at first. I LOVED the og, but tried to play again on x1x and just couldn't feel the clunky systems. But if they remake it as an action adventure... I'd rather go back and try the og again.
All Yakuza is a slow burn. You don't even unlock the economy system until like chapter 6 of Yakuza 0, lol I adore every bit of that series! That lad just kind of copied and tweaked DQ, and did it by name right in the game is beautiful.
Ys6..hmm which one was 6? 8 is fantastic for sure. 9..I think I can say it's really good, just less so. Bit I'm not actually to far into it yet. And it runs like pure trash on switch. Might actually buy it on ps when it hits sales. I've only played some of origin, but what I saw, I liked. It's no 8 though. That may be bias though. Also a slow burn. The first act of 8 is so slow. And then it gets interesting.
Arise will be my goty I'm sure of it!
@SplooshDmg Not sure what happens with RGG without Nagoshi though. That's my worry with them. But I just adore their games. Not sure if Judgement is too much grittier/gory than Yakuza, the trailer with the fly infested corpse is a little off putting but I really should try that while it's on Now. Getting the sequel on xb if I like it.
Haha, Hori knew. Nagoshi had to get his permission before even asking square of they could use DQs name in the game lol. The hilarity of Sega asking Square "can we advertise your franchise in our games?"is unsurpassed!
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