The free-to-play behemoth that is Splitgate is on a roll right now, and the team took to Twitter yesterday to jokingly (but officially) announce that the game will feature a type of Forge mode before Halo Infinite gets one, with 343 recently stating that the new Halo won't include the level editing feature at launch this December.
The team responded to a KFC Gaming tweet of all things, which requested people to "trigger an entire gaming fanbase with one sentence". Apologising in advance to Halo fans, the Splitgate team had the following to say:
This did trigger a lot of Halo fans in the comments, although the Splitgate team went on to explain they (probably) won't call it Forge mode, despite it acting as a map editor where you can "place portal pads anywhere you want".
Despite what you might think, the Splitgate crew are legitimately huge fans of the Halo franchise, sharing their memories of the Halo Reach launch on Twitter the other day, and you can feel a heavy influence in the game as well.
Additionally, in case you missed it, Splitgate was recently granted an additional $100 million (!) in funding, which the team says it will use to take the game "to the next level" and grow to "become the next big AAA studio".
What are your thoughts on Splitgate so far? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 13
Halo didn't invent the map/level editor so I don't see the fuss
Good on Splitgate. At the moment, I know Splitgate is fantastic, but Halo Infinite is a big question mark still. Hope to see them have continued success.
These guys at least have a pulse on social marketing.
Game marketing team: "Our game has a map editor which we'll refer to by the name of the map editor in another game because it will create internet commentary, but it's not actually called the same thing, and isn't really the same thing, and isn't actually terribly unique in either game, anyway"
Internet: FOR THE HORDE!!!!!1
Good effort I say. Shows a confidence and level of whimsy I like in a developer 😊
@SplooshDmg Halo will have them with paid cosmetics, though.....
@UltimateOtaku91 I think the fuss is, Halo Infinite is a flagship title by a multibillion dollar company, and has been in dev for 6 years. Splitgate was an independant passion project by a much smaller team.
Fair play 🤣 I wouldn’t be ‘triggered’. 343 deserve to be made fun of for their complete mismanagement over the last 10 years with the Halo franchise and now Infinite. 6 years and a $200 million plus budget and they can’t release a game in a full state. Awful.
Good for them.
This marketing would seem dangerous (you don't want to become just the "waiting room" for a much larger title) but I think Splitgate's devs understand it's their destiny to be the landing zone for retired Halo guys who already hate Infinite and are content with competing in a smaller pond.
That's hilarious. And also well deserved. It is nice to see companies getting called out for being poorly ran.
@Fenbops A game that's literally an iterative enhancement of 7 other games and a remaster bundle of 5 of them.
@JohannVanDerSmut I don't really think it's about "Forge." I think for "those in the know" (which would be anyone paying attention to that tweet), it's not just about Forge being late, it's that that's one way of naming the total mismanagement/fail of a game with that amount of dev time and that amount of budget, being delayed a full year, and STILL not actually being even close to ready for launch with all its parts. "Forge" is kind of code for "343 repeatedly demonstrates they're a 2-ring circus and can't deliver a project as promised, even years late and over-budget." Multiplayer doesn't have Forge, single player doesn't have series-staple co-op. How do you have $200mil and 6 years, including a year past target date and a public gameplay video, and still have large pieces of the game missing? Nobody cares that Forge is late. It's just the total package that Infinite is basically Cyberpunk with the patches publicly landing before copies were sold. It's just a meme at this point. We fans meme about it, but I imagine water cooler talk in every studio in the industry right now is "don't be like Halo!" as a running joke of how not to run their project.
Only played Splitgate for the first time a couple of days ago as my son had been playing it. i quite liked it, felt like a solid shooter but for me it had huge Halo vibes which kind of made it feel somewhat …:cheap….(that may not be an accurate way to describe it) . I’ve ended up deleting it as i really want to get into Halo infinite on release and don’t think i’ll have time for another shooter on the go, was really hoping i could get my son into Halo too, to move him beyond fortnite, but suspect i’m on a hiding to nothing.
Halo Infinite without Forge is still a bigger game than Splitgate can ever be. As someone who enjoys playing Forge, I take no offense at all.
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