Halo Infinite is fast approaching - we're only a few short months away from finally having a brand-new Halo title to play. Along with details about the upcoming technical preview, several more images have been shared by 343 Industries.
These were revealed as part of the most recent Halo Infinite blog, and while there are a few in-game shots, the most interesting part of the batch (in our opinion) is the concept art. Along with some up-close shots of several guns, flags and your AI companion, there's an absolutely stunning glimpse at a Halo ring which fans are going to love.
Anyway, enough small talk. Here are the images you've come to see:
What do you think about the latest Halo Infinite images? Drop us a comment and let us know.
[source halowaypoint.com]
Comments 20
It’s about time we had a bit of a campaign blow out by now, it’s October soon.
Campaign still makes me nervous, but I guess time will tell.
@Dezzy70 the closer we get the less faith I have in their campaign, they don’t even seem to have faith in it considering they’re only really sharing multiplayer. I’ve never been nervous for a Halo campaign until now, thanks to their own silence and because I found 4 to be fine and 5 to be a huge disappointment.
I hope they didn't ruin the MP with those stupid challenges to gain xp..
True they hardly giving big and showing campaign gameplay and info.
It will either be disappointing sort of average or we will get an amazing surprise and it will be astounding.
Why 343 can’t put a game together like playground games I will ever know, and they have more staff and a bigger budget for Halo.
Anyone thinking the campaign could get delayed to next year maybe March 2022.
I have that feeling in my old bones.
They have multiplayer ready we think for this year, FH5 and third party stuff.
Sony have no big PS4/PS5 exclusive this year neither do Nintendo really.
Also series x sell out in minutes so no rush from that perspective.
Also the FPS market is flooded this year with games. Farcry 6, COD, Battlefield.
Also next year Sony are releasing a lot of exclusive AAA games. HZDFW,GT7,Forespoken and GOW 2.
So far Xbox has confirmed Starfield in November.
Saving Halo campaign for March 2022 is not a bad idea.
@Dezzy70 I want to say you're talking crazy talk but...I have the same fear. I think October to November should be ripe for promoting the campaign. If we hear nothing by then, then I would assume it's a safe bet it's getting delayed
@Dezzy70 also, Redfall is also an apparent 2022 release date for Xbox. So far that's looking like Redfall and Starfield. I'm sure there will be more
Correct forgot about redfall.
I sure if there was more they would have promoted a bit by now.
The only thing they have big in promoting is FH5, probably because that looks good and ready for release for November.
Apart from FH5 it looks a little dry on gameplay and promotion of Halo campaign and games for next year.
Only time will tell, it’s been a funny year games wise.
@Dezzy70 I think they axed both Forge and Co-Op at launch, so that they won't have to push back the campaign itself. Relocating all their forces to bug-fixing and polishing off what they will release.
I also think comparing racing games to other games is not fair. A racing game is just ... a racing game. Fundamentally it is the same thing since generations ago. There are cars , there is a map. The cars go around that map.
With a game like Halo you need to cook up a good story (quite a challenge on itself with how dedicated and demanding the fanbase is on that front), make your sandbox, make a soundtrack, tons of work on performance capture plus so many other things. And then there is the whole MP.
Well hope you are right, we should see promotion and campaign footage soon then.
I mean they have a special console and controller already to go.
Ok racing games a bit easier to make but remember this FH the open world and god of all racing games to me.
@Bmartin001 it’s the only way to gain XP, there is no XP from just playing a match apparently, which i’m already irritated by.
@Dezzy70 I’m really hoping they surprise me, but it’s just hard for me to get excited when they won’t show us anything but multiplayer (something I don’t care about). With the size of the studio and the finances of MS backing them they should be able to deliver something astounding. I’d even have more faith if they pushed it back again, at least that’s give them time to show it off some and get co-op in there (again, something I don’t care about a ton, but is a huge draw for many).
@SplooshDmg Not sure tbh, i noticed they list that ‘play a game’ as a daily. be interesting to see if you can complete a daily multiple times, i’d image not if they emulate most other daily/weekly systems. My point being though i really don’t like this model, they’ve really talked a lot about playing the game your way, but a challenge based xp system is anything but , if anything it’s limiting……
@Odium @Dezzy70 I understand the worry about the campaign. But I think they are very nervous to show much after the huge and OTT backlash last year. It actually gives me a little more hope than I probably should have.
Would be nice to see SOMETHING though for the many of us who don't enjoy multiplayer. Halo is the campaign to me, solo or co-op.
@JohannVanDerSmut "Remember when we barely found out anything about a game until it came out and NO ONE complained?"
When were those days again? I still have magazines from the 80s and 90s (Mean Machines, CVG, Super Play, EGM etc.) all with previews of upcoming games and yes a reader mail section with complaints!
Admittedly the internet focuses all the hate/rage, and seems to delight in doing so, but it's nothing new.
@JohannVanDerSmut Glad to help! I enjoyed all those mags too at some point!
There's still a few of the old codgers going. Rich, who now runs Digital Foundry, used to be a writer on Mean Machines (along with Jaz, Gaz, Tim Boone and a few other legends).
Gary Whitta (who also co-wrote Star Wars: Rogue One) was on a sister publication (PC gamer I think) and now on Kinda Funny.
I always enjoy seeing those faces knowing they've been on the same journey.
And I do agree the simpler times in many ways were a blessing.
You are right that going into games completely unaware, or far less aware, was FAR more common. Though of course we CAN still do that, we just have to stay away from site's like this Hard to do as an enthusiast. I did it for a few years but like a moth to flame I eventually came right back
Here's a couple of links to trips down memory lane to keep that mood up.
Hope you have a great day!
@themightyant I agree with you, I think this is a huge part of it as well, but for me, it makes me more nervous. I understand being reluctant after the last showing, but after all of this time it shows to me they still aren’t confident in their own product. I’m really hoping I’m wrong on that though.
@Odium I fully understand that view.
I was super-worried a few days ago about Kena on PS as the marketing from Sony had just stopped, review codes went out late and the review embargo was at launch... yet it turned out pretty great. (I'm loving it)
I guess my point is (and I need to take my own medicine here) not to assume the worst, as it's far too easy to do so.
At worst I think 343 are going to release a very solid campaign, but i'm quietly confident they are going to do a little more than that.
@SplooshDmg yeah, if that is the case, and that particular challenge refreshes then i’m ok with that, because essentially you can play and still level up without hitting the other challenges. I have no issue with challenges per se, just didn’t want them to be shoe horned in. by way of example, tie challenges to kills etc only really rewards better players, i’ve been playing 40 odd years and i’m still average at best at FPS…. any way, i’m still excited about the game, drumming up interest with my 10 year old for launch and hope to try out the flight this weekend.
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