Dolby Vision & Atmos Will Reportedly Be A Two Year Exclusive To Xbox
Image: Microsoft

Update: Microsoft has issued a statement (as highlighted by The Verge's Tom Warren) explaining that the original blog post was a mistake, and "there is no exclusivity agreement of either tech on Xbox."

"A blog post was mistakenly published by a local Xbox team that included inaccurate information regarding exclusivity of Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision on Xbox Series X|S. There is no exclusivity agreement of either tech on Xbox."

Original story: A since removed Xbox Wire page from France may have inadvertently revealed that Xbox will hold two years of exclusivity for Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.

While the article may have been removed, one eagle eyed Twitter user grabbed some screenshots of the news post. Although Dolby Atmos has been available since the launch of the Xbox Series X|S, Dolby Vision has only just begun rolling out for insiders for gaming purposes. According to the post, "both technologies will remain exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem for two years."

Currently, Xbox Wireless Headset users can take advantage of a six month trial for Dolby Atmos. Activation of the trial is only available up until September 30, in which users will then have to pay for a license from Dolby to fully utilise Atmos.

There's actually a third party controller which comes bundled with Dolby Atmos as well. The RIG Pro Compact is heralded as the "world's first Xbox controller to include Dolby Atmos", meaning there's no need to pay for the license. You can even take the controller with you and make the most of the superior sound quality on another console. We were pretty impressed with its results.

It's not surprising that there could be a two year exclusivity deal with Xbox and Dolby, as there's currently no support for PlayStation users. Whether the announcement came too early or was misjudged remains to be seen, but if its true, it sounds like we may hear something very soon.

Have you used Dolby Atmos or Vision on your Xbox console? Let us know in the comments below.
