It's crazy how much support Halo: The Master Chief Collection has received over the years. From its rocky launch to where it is today, it's been a steep climb for redemption, but one it's ultimately risen to the challenge of. But even all this time later, the game is still receiving support, and one of the things developer 343 Industries is now investigating is raising the player count.
Speaking on an Xbox podcast, the game's producer Sean Swindersky revealed that the team is investigating player counts above 16. He stated: "If we can add more people... obviously [looking at] the performance and some of the other consoles... if we can add that kind of stuff to go higher than 16 players in these classic games and help it get up to 40-60, that would be wild."
We imagine this wouldn't work on every map, but some of the larger scale Big Team Battle maps would be great with an increased player count. Sandtrap comes to mind with its barren wastes and hulking vehicles. If this ever does come to fruition, hopefully we might hear something in the coming months.
Would you like to see an increased player count in Halo: The Master Chief Collection? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 7
Wish halo 5 was still getting the kind of support mcc gets but I understand that team got switched to infinite.
That sounds like chaos but I would love to play that.
I’d love to try a 60 person match in MCC. Haven’t played Halo in years, so I’m rusty now, but I’d try to blast off my rust quick.
Given that everything so far since the MCC's revival in 2018 has also been preparation for Infinite (Flighting, PC release, Battle Pass, The Exchange, crossplay, etc.), I'd guess this will be preparation for the introduction of a Battle Royale mode in Infinite.
@Grumblevolcano The only BR in Halo is BattleRifle.
@PuppyToucher Me too. Just played through the series again but had to stop at 5 because it doesn't have the accessibility options that made the MCC playable for me (FOV and reducing camera shake/sway are especially important for gamers with motion sickness).
Man forget older consoles, make it for PC and next gen Xbox folks! Can easily pack those bad boys. But also, if they get it on older consoles even cooler, just excited so forgive me Xbone owners, excellent console, would highly recommend making the jump to S or X though!!
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