The latest episode of the Xbox Two podcast took place last night on YouTube, and as part of it, Windows Central editor Jez Corden appeared to hint that Xbox might be working on some kind of deal with Hitman studio IO Interactive.

Asked about whether Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment acquisition talks would resume and "maybe see new additions like IO Interactive", Corden teased that fans should "keep an eye on IO Interactive."

Corden didn't elaborate further, so keep in mind this doesn't necessarily mean any kind of acquisition is on the cards. It could instead be some kind of publishing deal, for example, and these might be very early talks anyway.

Interestingly though, IO Interactive did recently open up a brand-new studio in Barcelona that will become "an integral part of IO Interactiveโ€™s plans for the coming years." IO is currently working on developing (and publishing) an all-new James Bond game, and also has "a brand new IP in active development."

Do you think IO Interactive is working on a deal with Xbox? Give us your thoughts in the comments.