We highlighted a video back in early March which showed an Xbox Insider playing PC games on their Xbox through NVIDIA's GeForce Now service, all thanks to the capabilities of the new Microsoft Edge app on Xbox.
That app is still only available for Xbox Insiders for now, but it's moved on quite considerably, adding full mouse and keyboard support in recent days. As a result, it's actually becoming possible to play PC games on Xbox with mouse and keyboard, including games such as Counter-Strike: GO and even PlayStation's Death Stranding.
Here's what Tom Warren of The Verge had to say about his experiences with it:
"Currently, I can stream Google Stadia games and use mouse and keyboard on the Xbox, but I’ve also been able to successfully stream PC games from Steam to an Xbox through the browser.
I’ve played Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Death Stranding, DOTA 2, and a bunch of other PC games that simply aren’t available on Xbox right now."
Interestingly, Warren wasn't able to access these games via GeForce Now, which reportedly isn't working on the new Microsoft Edge app right now, but instead used an app called Parsec to stream the games from his PC to the Xbox browser. As a result, he noted that "latency / connectivity isn’t always the best."
It's still early days, then, and it'll be interesting to see how this develops ahead of the new Microsoft Edge app getting a full release for all Xbox users in the coming weeks or months. Best case scenario, we could be playing the likes of Counter-Strike and even Runescape (!) on our Xboxes in the not too distant future.
Excited by the potential of playing PC games on Xbox? Give us your thoughts in the comments.
[source theverge.com]
Comments 6
This is neat but the vast majority of games I play on PC are VR based, or stuff like Townscaper, with very few I want to play on the TV.
I'm sure I'm bound to use it at some point, probably for Talespire.
Sooo its the best value gaming PC you can get? It's pretty crazy what you can do with these new machines.
When I was reading the title, I just thought that the old rumour that you can install win10 on the console is getting real =(
Are there any notable games on GeForce Now that aren't on Xbox to begin with? There are only a few problems with Xbox (consoles) — and Game Pass does make up for them in my opinion, but I understand others feel differently — and one of those problems is the number of games. Xbox One and Series X / S has about 600 games less than the PlayStation 4 / 5, and about 1,000 games less than the Switch. I think it would help Xbox if the game library were increased a bit more to match the competition, possibly with more indie titles or ports of games that have otherwise been PC-only, but maybe GeForce Now would help with that problem as well.
Total War: Warhammer would be perfect. Just releasing on XBox with the control requirements would be ok.
Edge X - cloud PC gaming on Xbox.
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