The Coalition has dropped Operation 6 for Gears 5, offering a new wave of multiplayer content and challenges for players to tackle over the coming months.

As outlined last week, the new content drop brings with it a new map called Speyer, a new King of the Hill variant known as Control, and many character skins, including the fan-favourite character Armoured Hoffman. The developer has promised more drops coming in the future, faster than ever before, with Operations now expected to receive a mid-season drop.

Horde is also receiving some attention, as a new event known as Escape from Kadar seeks to change-up the mode, featuring some unique enemies and weapons in a ten-wave battle.

There’s a lot of new content in Operation 6 and we can’t wait to dive in and try out all the new additions. We’re also excited to see what’s coming over the course of the year for Gears 5.

Will you be trying out Gears 5 Operation 6? Let us know in the comments below.

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