Excited For Halo Infinite? The Official Art Book Is Arriving This June

Halo Infinite is currently going through an extended development progress, and recent updates have shown that the work is paying off. Just recently we had some gorgeous screenshots to lay our eyes on, and The Art of Halo Infinite book dropping on June 29 looks to further quench our thirst for more information through some visual eye candy.

The Art of Halo Infinite is now available for pre-order on Amazon for £27.19 and is based around the upcoming game. Created by Dark Horse, the book is set to look at the art design behind many aspects such as Master Chief, the world, weapons, and more. It's being created in collaboration with 343 Industries, and is going to be an interesting insight into the upcoming title.

"343 Industries have given Dark Horse access to the art and artists who've brought Halo Infinite to vibrant, vivid life. It's all here in unparalleled detail, the heroes you've grown to love--the Master Chief, the brave soldiers of the UNSC, as well as the weapons, vehicles, villains and vistas--and of course, the eponymous and magnificent environments of Halo itself."

The game's art direction has been an inspiration not only to the book's publishers, but fans as well. Just recently one member of the community crafted a wonderful mock-up cover art for Halo Infinite by mixing in elements of Halo: Combat Evolved. It's all looking to be more visually appealing to what we saw last year and we can't wait to see more.

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[source amazon.com]