
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - On Indefinite Hiatus

Posts 3,741 to 3,760 of 3,797


@nomither6 Is it $50 in the states? A year on CDkeys, at least for UK, is £25. That stings if so mate.

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Bob_Salat well i looked on CDkeys, and theyre as low as $7, but theyre all out of stock



@nomither6 Ah yeah the only downside to it is the frequency of things going out of stock. I have multiple alerts for codes to be restocked, usually out of luck though.

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


I loved playing through the spyro trilogy. The controls are perfect and the driver is collecting everything. Which I did. Getting to 75% is the easy part, the last 25% is the challenge.

I quite like the humour and character designs. The secrets and uncovering them for the 100% completion is rewarding.

Collectaphon games are not for everyone. But outside of a couple of levels, it's pretty straightforward in a similar way to the original crackdown. Which also got a lot of hate for it's simplicity. Contrarily, it's a bonus for me.

The comparison to Mario 64 is fair due to the times they released. But they offer differing takes on the genre. Mario is significantly tougher creating a wider challenge, which for some is more rewarding. These days, I just don't have the willpower to overcome failing an easy jump multiple times due to a bad camera angle or geometry. In this regard spyro gets it's mostly right, as the open design has less opportunity to gazump your progress.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7


@Balta666 Bom Dia! Can you change my tag on the tag list please mate? Should be this for some time now 😂 Ta.

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Balta666 Muito Obrigado!

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Happy holidays everyone! I hope everyone can spend them with with their loved ones (and many games on the side).

There will be a slight change around here for next year but I will add a post next week (and tag everyone at that time)



@Balta666 Same to you friend! Boas Festas!

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Hello everyone!

Let's start with s bit of house cleaning after holidays mess. Our good friend Ralphdibny has kindly asked me to create a new forum's topic so I can manage everything on my own, therefore from the 1st of January this topic will remain as legacy content and I will tag everyone to the new one.
Let's raise our glasses in thanking to the good/hard work he always did for this community!

Also please let me know what are your votes for next month. As always suggestions' list in the link in my signature. Thanks

@Tothington91 @MAC26 @vidjagames @Justifier @Tjuz @nessisonett @crippyd @Krzzystuff @sib @LeanerFasterStronger @cracked_seal @Mr-Fuggles777 @Mundaney @KilloWertz @antifyre @Magabro @themightyant @ZeD @K1LLEGAL @Balta666 @Bmartin001 @R1spam @lookupmore @Lavalera @frabbit @FraserG @WCB @TooBarFoo @SeriousSatan @xMightyMatt14x @BaldBelper78 @TuckNorris85 @Grail_Quest @Jsb5150 @Mamabear @liljazzy2 @Dydreamr @XFinest_KnightX @Elufachi @Amical @Supermutant @revluke @Akropolon @olskoolSEGA @HarmanSmith @Dr_Devious04 @EliteSlayer @Pepa27 @MaxC @NintendoByNature @ralphdibny @Captain_Chozo @HelloCraig @BlackMayge @kyleforrester87 @RDDMarston @Utena-mobile @oliverp @OldManLopan @jedinite @Bnasty0303 @PeaceSalad @Angelus74 @Pastellioli @DoomGuy_117 @Ricky-Spanish @Yousef- @RBRTMNZ @BaldBelper78 @MjJmediablogger @RobertPayne556 @XxHyperspudxX @SixShootinRonin



@ralphdibny Thanks Ralph! 🍻

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Balta666 We’re having similar ‘engagement’ issues over on PSQ 😂 I would love for this to continue and appreciate everything you are doing. Am I correct in thinking my vote for GhostWire is the single vote?

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@PeaceSalad yes, that is correct. Yeah, above all I want to hear what the community wants to do. We can always stick to a not so strict monthly rule or more games each time for example.



I'm probably not playing this month since i just bought visions of mana. I don't mind playing each month of the game is engaging. Spyro didn't hold my attention once indy came out. I've been pretty involved this year but it's usually just a couple of us playing each month. I'm good with whatever you guys decide though.



Happy new year everyone. Hope you all had a good break and got in some gaming. Wishing you all the best for 2025 and beyond.

@Balta666 unfortunately I haven’t taken part in several months, but I still read every post here.

Looking at my annual wrap ups I play less and less games each year and I just don’t have time to play an extra game per month anymore. On the rare occasions I do I’d more likely pick a game of my choosing off my lengthy and ever increasing backlog.

It’s a shame as I’ve always enjoyed playing together and sharing our thoughts, but unfortunately I just don’t have the time right now and don’t see this changing anytime soon. Too many life commitments and live services.

Of course if I have time or the game selected matches what I want to play I’ll gladly join in. I know that’s perhaps not all that helpful but just want to be honest and don’t want to give false hope.

[Edited by themightyant]



I think it is time to say it was good while it lasted. Thank you for the collaboration but I will not create the new forum's topic.



I'm playing Nine Sols right now. Challeging but super fun and satisfying. Plus it has sliders so you can bend the game to your talents.

Xbox - LordDieAlot

Xbox Gamertag: SpartanZVM


@SixShootinRonin I played it during the holidays. It is a really good Metroidvania with a very very challenging gameplay focused on parries (which is a mechanic I am not very fond of). I have to say I. The last three bosses I decided to lower the difficulty as the previous ones took me hours (literally). Enjoy!

[Edited by Balta666]



@Balta666 Thanks for all your efforts mate, you did a decent job and it has been fun.

Muito Obrigado!

P.S. you can join us on the Push Square Game Club, I’m sure there is plenty of overlap.

I Have No Idea Where This Will Lead Us, But I Have A Definite Feeling It Will Be A Place Both Wonderful And Strange.

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad

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