
Topic: General Xbox Series X|S Thread

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@BlueOcean Thanks, yeah I watched that one a couple days ago. Coincidentally I too had never played any of the Yakuza games but decided to try Yakuza Kiwami since it was just sitting in my Plus library. Been absolutely hooked on it! The change in gameplay may put me off from trying the new one but its definitely on my radar now. Great we get exposed to games we otherwise wouldve passed over with services like GWG, Gamepass, Plus etc!



“According to the folks at DOMO Capital Management, under their new partnership GameStop will get a cut of all digital revenue produced by the Xboxes they sell. So, if you buy an Xbox Series X from GameStop and then download a digital copy of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla? GameStop gets a cut. Or sign up for Xbox Game Pass? GameStop gets a cut.”

So Rand and RDX gang was right!



@Senua So they overclocked the console, decided to use liquid metal and the fans size two years ago when they probably realised that Microsoft's next gen console would be more powerful than expected.



With MrDalekJD's video side by side in slow motion, you can really see how empty the stands are due to the greatly reduced crowd density...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


120fps high octane racing enthusiasts will hardly care about things that are out of focus. But I will say let’s wait for the final build.



^^^This. When it comes to a game like this seeing empty stands for 3.2 seconds in the beginning of a race is a welcome sacrifice for buttery smooth motion when you're actually racing. A game like 2k or Madden or Fifa would be more of an issue but here most certainly not imo. For a launch game I think it's a great tradeoff, can't wait to see how good subsequent Dirts and Forza games look!



When he's turning I can clearly see how smoother 120fps is in the video (in slow motion because it's a 60Hz video) posted by redd214. In the Yakuza video the difference between 30 and 60fps is massive. I stopped playing some games this generation because of that (Monster Hunter World, Fallout 4...) so I'm always going to choose high frame rate even if the resolution is lower than 4K. I think that Dirt 5 will be fine, they have improved the game recently.



@Senua I wasn't saying it as a criticism but as an observation. You don't really notice at 'normal' speed but can see how empty they are by comparisons

It does show some of the sacrifices they had to do to get a 1440p frame out in just 8.33ms

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Eurogamer wrote:

My experience with Series X over the last few days, above all, has felt like an experience of Game Pass' potential - not just to be a nice bargain or player-friendly add-on, but to genuinely change how we think about games. It is whisper quiet - mid game, with TV on mute, I genuinely couldn't hear it. It didn't once get hot, or even beyond slightly warm (...).

In plain English, the console is super fast, which means you boot, load in and get playing games in a matter of seconds, and can toggle between them, suspended in place, at a whim. This is the Series X at its absolute best, and also its most impactful: jumping in and out of your library is very different to how it feels right now on any other console or PC and suddenly the experience of working through a backlog is transformed (...). It's door-opening, on an intuitive UI I found settings quickly, and features immediately easy to understand and the result is a shattering of the barriers to playing what you already own (...).

How genuinely forward thinking its vision is too: a step away from forcing you forwards - from the idea that you must need a new console to play its exclusive games, to the idea you might want one, to make your old games better, to make your vast and dusty pile of shame new again, to actually be on display in your home. This is a console that, like the PS5, is coming roughly six to eighteen months earlier than its truly tentpole games but a few days with the Series X tells me it doesn't really need them. It's the console itself I actually want.

Edited on by Banjo-



Greedy Sony is back at it again!


To elaborate, one of the new features of PS5 is being able to get hints and tips on what to do in a game as opposed to looking stuff up online. However, the caveat here is that Sony has literally locked this feature behind a paywall, i.e. you need to have a PS+ subscription in order to access it.

If Microsoft were to add something like this on Series X, they would absolutely make it available for free. It's common sense, you want people to have as streamlined of an experience as possible. Take cloud saving as an example, you can store your save files in the cloud for free on Xbox One and Series X. On PS4 and PS5 however, you need to have a PS+ subscription for that. There are just some things that should be available to everyone and this new hint feature is absolutely one of those. I genuinely would love it if Microsoft copied this for Series X and made it free for everyone just to spite PlayStation users who are seemingly accepting this.



@LtSarge Sony has gone downhill this generation as for policies and consumer rights.



@BlueOcean I genuinely hope that Microsoft will lay on some serious pressure on Sony next generation so that we can see these restrictions removed. Since Sony did well with PS4 this generation they are getting more and more careless with their decisions. That's why I'm holding off on buying a PS5. I want Microsoft to pressure Sony into making more sensible and pro-consumer decisions so that I can invest in a PS5 down the line. But right now I don't even want a PS5 if the company behind it behaves like this.

That's why competition is a good thing and why I'm so glad that Microsoft is back in the ring with full force once again. Otherwise this generation would've been full with poor decision-making from Sony's side with no other alternative to choose from.

Edited on by LtSarge



@LtSarge They can have easily put their exclusives on the service to massively increase their subscribers, no need to do such anti-consumer moves.



Worried about Dirt 5's visuals....

Forza Horizon 4!!
Q: How does Forza Horizon 4 leverage the power of Xbox Series X? What improvements have you made to the game’s textures, draw, framerate and resolution? 

A: Now optimized for the Xbox Series X, experience higher fidelity graphics and faster performance in Forza Horizon 4, similar to high-end gaming PC Ultra settings. Explore beautiful, historic Britain and drive hundreds of the world’s greatest cars in native 4K Ultra HD, now at 60fps. Take advantage of clearer visuals with increased shadow, reflection, and particle effects quality. Get behind the wheel faster than ever with Quick Resume and dramatically improved load times. The Series X update is a free download to all Forza Horizon 4 owners and Xbox Game Pass subscribers.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


I read that they are also going to increase the draw distance LOD.

Edited on by Senua




In the above image, you can see the effect of Global Illumination. If you look at the structures on both the left and right, you can see the areas with more shadow as you would expect in reality. Both are quite obviously different.


This again shows how Global Illumination is really helping. In the X1X version, their is no shadow under the desks (just look at the bottom right and how much darker everything under the desk and floor looks - as you would expect), making them look 'weird' in the room, not real - almost floating - yet on the XSX version, there is shadows under the desk and chair - the lighting is much more 'realistic' - The Ambient Occlusion on the X1X version is poor by comparison and the more I look around, the more areas that I would expect to be 'shadowed', darker are not...

The images Tweaktown picked are not exactly the best to show off all the tweaks, but even I can see the difference the Global Illumination makes - and will be much more obvious when I actually get to play the game on my big 4k TV.

Its ridiculous to say there is no difference - but just goes to show you can look and not see - especially if you want to sell an agenda...

Edited on by BAMozzy

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy I can’t see the differences between the images apart from darker shadows on the XSX screenshots, they both look very similar. It’s difficult to see any changes unless we see them on a big 4K TV and I’m sure we will see a difference then. Not too long to wait now though!

I’m not sure if anyone on here uses Boomerang Rentals but there’s now a new Series X games section but wondering if it’s any different to the Xbox One games? For example, according to the site Watch Dogs: Legion is out on 29th October on Xbox One games section but on the Series X it says it’s coming 24th November, it could just be an error but surely the Xbox One version will just automatically be optimised when I put it in the Series X?


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