
Topic: All Things Diablo Thread

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With Diablo IV in beta now, and previous Diablo threads archived I figured a new place to discuss Diablo was needed. We can discuss everything Diablo here.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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So did anyone check out the Diablo IV beta this weekend? I wasn't able too due to not pre-ordering it, but I will be participating it this weekend since it's open.

In the meantime since Diablo 3 is done now, I have been thinking of playing through it again since there more then likely won't be anymore major updates tweaking classes and such.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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I have to say, now it is going to be long wait for June release. I have very positive fibes from the beta.

"Wake me... when you need me."

Xbox Gamertag: Justifier1651


Totally agree, never played any Diablo before, but absolutely loved this! @Justifier



Well, got to max level with a Druid and will get the unique item for getting to level 20 in the beta. I sunk in about 15 hours this weekend with the game. I didn't want to stop to be honest but 1) The fact that I wasn't getting more XP and 2) I want to save some stuff for release made me stop.

Here's my thoughts.

Overall this game felt to me what Diablo 3 should have done at some point. I like the open world there is so much to do, in fact I didn't even do the main story (saving that for the release) Instead I did side quests and Dungeons. The open world really mad the series seem fresh and new don't get me wrong D3 is great but after being stuck in confined areas in the game it's nice being able to explore the world. I love the crafting system too big step up from D3. And the graphics where beautiful.

The main complaint I had and it's not with the game itself it was the class I picked. The Druid was a fun class to play but one big problem I was and maybe it was the build I did but trying the druids main way of attacking would use up the spirit without generating and the only thing that did was a Melee attack which meant standing around beating on adds when a boss is attacking you. Hopefully they will fix that before release.

I do love the skill trees, and love all the options, on top of that you can start your build right away unlike D3.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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its the first diablo game i ever played

love how dark the game is, it has a strong atmosphere.



Well recently started this game up, finally, and I am enjoying it. I decided to do a Necromancer more specific a shadow Necromancer. Not sure if anyone else around here is playing this game still.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Just got my Shadowmancer to level 25 already and I am really enjoying this game. There's so much to do. Definitely a huge step up from Diablo 3.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Figured with Diablo 4 coming to Gamepass today it was time to bring this thread back.

Looking to get back into it this weekend. Haven't played it in a few months mainly because I got wrapped up in WoW so it will be interesting to see what's new.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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I started on the 28th and I love it. I'm doing a rogue which works well with my play style. I'm a newbie to diablo. Only played the 3rd game last year and now this.



So is there a reason to even grind or level up in diablo 4? Missions seem to level up with me, so I'm just wondering what I should be doing here. Going straight for the end goal and follow main mission markers, or get sidetracked with every little thing I find( which doesn't sound appealing now if I'm being honest). Any feedback will help.



@NintendoByNature It all depends on your play style. Me personally I like to see and do everything, but if your in a rush to get end game ready to raid then that's fine too. I usually have a main character which I will do everything with and then alt characters that I just level up as fast as possible to get raid ready.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki good to know. And I guess that kind of answers my question. It really doesn't matter whether you level up or not. More or less, it's how much do you want to see in the game.



Really enjoying just wandering about destroying stuff. I imagine the coop experience would be good fun too especially on dungeons


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