Welcome to another November weekend! There's lots of new stuff to check out on Xbox over the next couple of days, including a large batch of new Xbox Game Pass additions, three more Free Play Days titles highlighted by NBA 2K23, the free-to-play launch of Call of Duty: Warzone 2, and the massive Xbox Black Friday Sale 2022!
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, Editor
I've got a couple of things to play for review this weekend including an upcoming Xbox Game Pass title, so that'll probably take up most of my time. I definitely want to try Pentiment though, which we gave an "Excellent" 9/10 score to earlier this week, and maybe even some Call of Duty: Warzone 2 if I can fit it in.
Admittedly, I'm going to be spending Sunday watching the first game of the FIFA World Cup 2022, but I might also find the time to play the official mode in FIFA 23 as well, or perhaps I'll just play a classic like the 2010 South Africa game!
Have a good weekend, everyone!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 28
COD MOW2. Every other game is on hold lol.
Only after the update i have some minor bugs (lags) spikes from their server. They need ro fix that asap.
Outside of that minor bug, its the best COD game ever. (Yes played them all)
Nothing but Pokémon Violet all weekend for me.
Nothing for me this weekend, I'm out for a curry tonight and the world cup starts tomorrow!
Though my main game is still God of War Ragnarok on PS5, I’ve recently got back into Forza Horizon 5 in a really big way. So I’ll definitely be traversing Playground’s Mexico, as and when I can, over the weekend.
Have a great weekend everyone!
@Sebatrox Haha yeah it's is quite a technical mess, they've got the mechanics and world design right but sometimes I wish someone decent would make the pokemon games.
Wow what a gaming day.
My brother is shopping with his 7 year old son.
For a next generation console.
Both of them have not a clue even though they have a Switch.
They have come out of one shop, phoned me lots of questions.
The conclusion from the shop is that Xbox series X has all the Lego games and the PS5 has not.
Wow what adults and kids perceive 😂😂😂
Hang on the conclusion is they are getting a Series X.
I just answered the technical questions and said go by what games you want to play.
I will say one thing, the Xbox games boxing confused them as it says Xbox one/Xbox series x.
They thought it might only work on one or the other. And also what about the series s.
Anyway I sorted that out and they have a Series X.
But Xbox should really sort out the box labelling giving mixed messages.
If it was not for me they would have not purchased a series x as they got confused.
So I’m not bad towards Xbox 😂😂😂
Phil you owe me 30% of the sale, as I’m doing better than you at selling series x consoles 😂😂😂
This weekend I’m playing God of War Ragnarok (PS5). I’m roughly twenty hours in, and the game continues to get better and better. There have been several genuinely surprising story turns, and I can’t wait to see how this particular story ends. And knowing that I’m only 25-30% through the game and there is so much more to the game that I’ve yet to uncover has me very excited. I haven’t been this gripped to a game in a very long time.
Another game I’ll be playing if I can pull myself away from GoWR is Halo Infinite via cooperative on legendary difficulty with my best friend. We grew up playing every single Halo together, and we typically play through the first three games together once a year.
I have to say, Infinite has amazing cooperative play. I know the splitscreen debacle was a mess. It’s a shame it’s not actually a feature and that it took way too long to add cooperative play online - something that should be a basic feature - but it’s amazing now that it’s here. With the open world structure, you can approach missions in a variety of ways that make it a total blast to play. As of right now, Infinite is my favorite Xbox Series X game.
I’m hoping I can platinum God of War Ragnarok, beat Halo Infinite cooperatively on Legendary, buy Evil West for the Series X when it releases in a couple of days, and complete that game before I get married on December 3rd, and go on my week long honeymoon.
Looking to finish God of War: Ragnarök this weekend. Very good game...
I'm playing Pokemon Violet..
Persona 5 Royal mostly. What a brilliant game. Happy to see it on Xbox now. Also still playing Star Ocean the divine force and Gotham Knights which both are enjoyable games.
Switch- Bayonetta 3, Easy Come Easy Golf
Sega Genesis Mini 2- Phantasy Star 2, Lighting Force
Xbox Series X- Disney Dreamlight Valley, King of Fighters 15
PS4-Resident Evil 3
I finally got hooked with Yakuza 0. It was great since the beginning (all Yakuza games are) but with so many games in Game Pass sometimes I have problems playing just one game. I'm still super early in the game but it's ridiculous (in a good way). I'm just now playing with Majima and doing all the substories I can.
I'm playing at being a rogue.
Cos I'm a cad.
Well that and The Devil In Me.
Vampire survivors is like a drug! Enough said! A bit of moonscars and return to monkey island for good measure in between. Finishing ac Valhalla at a very slow pace but enjoying it thoroughly. Have a nice weekend guys/gals! Happy gaming!
Still playing persona 5, will be for be foreseeable future. Sometimes I quickresume in and out from Vampire Survivors when I feel like listening to a podcast, since it has no story and it’s raw fun gameplay.
I am afraid, nothing but "Nioh 2"...
Pokémon Yellow Version (GB) - Mopping up random trainer battles onto my way to Saffron City.
World At Arms (Windows Phone) - Nearing what I call the end of the road.
Angry Birds Star Wars (Windows Phone) - Also nearing the end of this as well. There have been some frustrating levels in the latter half of this game to say the least.
I'm playing Halo Infinite with friends and Mass Effect.
Pokémon and nothing else
Somerville, then probably finishing off COD campaign
I'm away for weekend with my daughter so I'll prob get a bit of Division 2 in on Sunday night. Might play some Pubg if my friends are on it too.
Xbox Series X - Sonic Frontiers
Switch - Bayonetta 3, Code of Princess EX
PS5 - God of War: Ragnarök
Sega Genesis Mini 2 - Mainly Sonic CD and Streets of Rage 3
Xbox - MW2/Warzone, Vampire Survivors
PS5 - Ratchet and Clank: A Rift Apart
Switch - Zero Wing
Genesis Mini 2: Sampling several games
GOW Rangorok, what a game!
Also continuing with my grand tour of Forza Horizon games, and myself and the misses have started FH3, having finished 1&2 recently. Australia looks fun 😁
Whatever and where ever you are playing, have fun!
My plan was to continue both pentiment and persona but then I started Vampire survivors... It is almost a cookie clicker game but I simply cannot out it down!!
I just finished Saints Row 2 yesterday so will return to Sackboy on ps4. New Super Lucky Tale for the daily achievement. Will probably start Kingdoms of Amalur 360 version next week.
Halo Infinite in coop! It's bliss. It's the way it should be - with 1 or 2 friends. Sooooo good.
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