It's that time of year where the horror fans among us start thinking about what spooky games we might play over the Halloween period, and this year, I feel a little stuck to be quite honest. I've spent some time with the likes of Resident Evil 4, Layers of Fear and Amnesia: The Bunker already in 2023, and I think I'm ready for something a little different for the spooky season. Something that hits on those creepy, atmospheric notes, but maybe isn't strictly a horror experience.
And for some reason, that sentiment has led me to looking back at the original Gears of War. Maybe I just have a hankering for the series anyway? Maybe I'm feeling particularly nostalgic? Who knows, but as soon as I started to whittle down my options I couldn't help but think about Gears 1 - and its amazing 'Mad World' trailer that I've thrown up at the top of this article.
This game, and indeed that launch trailer, are both iconic at this point - and the original Gears could have easily been turned into a flagship horror franchise exclusive to Xbox. Of course, as you play through the first Gears you quickly realise it's not full-on horror, but the atmosphere created in the game's Mad World trailer does carry over to the full game - and it's something we've definitely missed from the series since.

And so, while a replay of Gears of War is in my plans over the next few weeks (as long as can I find the time), I now see myself wondering what's next for Gears. I've already ranted about how much I miss the series as we enter Gears 5's fifth year as the latest mainline entry, and now I find myself hoping that The Coalition channels some Mad World energy into 'Gears 6'.
Don't get me wrong - I've loved the vast majority of mainline Gears games, and Gears 5 was a huge improvement over the fourth game in my opinion. And yet, I really do miss the atmosphere of those first few titles in the series - Epic Games created something special with the original Gears of War trilogy, and I don't want Microsoft to get too far away from what made Gears awesome in the first place.
I mean, just watch the Mad World trailer. Who doesn't want more Gears that channels that energy? While I'd love a spooky new Gears game to play this Halloween season, for now I'll be sticking to what is probably my 20th playthrough of the original game. And at the same time, I'll be hoping that The Coalition is crafting its own 'Mad World' with Gears 6 sometime in the near future.