As Xbox has begun scooping up other development studios to start making some really unique-looking new titles, some of the platform's biggest franchises are taking up less of the limelight these days. There's nothing wrong with that — Halo, Forza and Gears certainly feel like they've had their time to shine over the years — but we are starting to miss the latter in particular - especially as we approach Gears 5's fourth anniversary.

Yep, in September it'll have been four years since Gears 5 launched, which is the longest we've ever had to wait for a core Gears title. It's looking like we have an even longer wait on our hands too, with recent reports suggesting that Gears 6 has only gone into full production pretty recently.

That's fine and all, we want The Coalition to take as long as it needs, but do you guys up in Vancouver remember that pretty big cliffhanger you left us on in the last game?! No spoilers here, but if you've played Gears 5 we're sure you're as eager as us to find out what happens next...

It isn't just the story beats that are fuelling an excruciating wait either. Gears 5 was a bloody good game — in this writer's opinion the very best that The Coalition has crafted so far — and we really, really want to see what this team can do on Unreal Engine 5. Gears 5's Xbox Series X|S port was phenomenal - it remains one of the best-looking games on current-gen!

In recent years we've actually headed back to the Xbox 360 titles for some Gears shenanigans, especially since Gears of War 3's FPS Boost update that makes it feel like a modern game. We were half expecting a 'Marcus Fenix Collection' of sorts to launch since though, and with every passing Xbox Showcase that seems to be less and less likely.

Whatever happens next, we just want more Gears in some fashion! We'd be happy with that much-rumoured collection no doubt, but to be honest, we're just as eager to see a proper new Gears game from The Coalition. Gears 6 could really be something special, and we may just have to do an Xbox Series X playthrough of Gears 5 pretty soon to remind us of what the team pulled off back in 2019.

Are you hyped for more Gears? Let us know your spoiler-free thoughts on what you want from Gears 6 down below!