One of the highlights of last month's Xbox Game Pass lineup was Ubisoft's Immortals Fenyx Rising - in fact, you recently told us that it was your favourite Game Pass addition in August 2022 by quite some distance!
We're fully in agreement that Immortals Fenyx Rising is a really great surprise in the Ubisoft library, offering up a Breath of the Wild style open world adventure that we've been enjoying extensively for the past couple of years now.
In our review from back in 2020, we gave it a "Great" 8/10 rating. Here's a snippet:
"Immortals Fenyx Rising undoubtedly owes a huge debt to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, borrowing wholesale as it does from its core gameplay mechanics and narrative structure.
However, what Ubisoft Quebec has come up with here also adds enough of its own spin on proceedings, with a strong personality and sense of humour sat alongside some brilliantly designed puzzles, flashy, satisfying combat and a huge world full of secrets, treasures and Ancient Greek mythology to discover."
Of course, with the game joining Xbox Game Pass recently, many more players are finally able to get hands-on with it, so we're interested to know what score you'd personally give the game based on what you've played so far.
PS: Don't forget that Immortals Fenyx Rising is also part of the Pure Xbox Game Club this month!
What'll it be? What score would you give Immortals Fenyx Rising on Xbox Game Pass?
Comments 31
9 from me, it exceeded all my expectations.
Fully enjoyable and vivid graphics. Some of the puzzles can be a bit annoying - gave it an 8 in score
9, definitely. Same as @Fenbops it exceeded all of my expectations. I tend to drop off open world or generally long games nowadays but Immortals stuck its claws in and didn't let go.
I put in 5-10 hours when it first dropped and recall it being a solid 7. I may have been fresh off my first and only completion of BOTW, which I was lttp for.
Both good games
It's a 7-8 for me. I'm having a lot of fun with it. My only complaint is the enemies are not very challenging but super tanky. I ended up lowering the difficulty because the combat was boring after a while, it just took so long to kill things.
The vaults and challenges are a lot of fun. The hidden quests are entertaining. The exploration feels rewarding and everything looks and runs beautifully on SX.
Superb. Brilliant. 9/10
Love the comedy
A 6.5, maybe 7. It was essentially a decent open world adventure, a bit grating in the tone. It was fun enough, just a little generic in feel to me and sort of boring in gameplay. Someone else above me talked about tanky, but easy enemies and I agree completely with that and that’s a huge pet peeve.
The writing is great and it’s refreshing for Ubi not to have so many fetch quests you lose interest.
The first DLC was awesome! The second and 3rd kinda lost my interest but amazing game! Can’t wait for the next one
I liked it, but dropped it. I'll finish it later. It's not what I was expecting but still a 7/10 for me.
Unfortunately bought it (and sold it) so GP wasn't much of a factor for me, but 9/10, awesome game. I hope they do a sequel.
I didn't enjoy it so I didn't get far, but I gave it an 8, it just wasn't my style of game, but for what it is, it seemed great and I'm sure people that like this style will love it
I haven't played much yet but I love it so far.
8 for me. I initially really disliked the character styling, they look like dolls to me. It has grown on me considerably however in the 15 or so hours I have played. The environments are beautifully done and the colour work is really special. Overall it has greatly exceeded my expectations.
You guys are so easily pleased. It's mediocre and the controls are imprecise. Hated every second of my 4 hour go and I bought it at a store. Traded it as soon possible.
I played a bit so far (around 10h) and it is ok in every single thing but it still feels like and Ubisoft game (as in a bad thing for sure)
It’s a fun game, but there’s much better out there. Though the combat is pretty janky and dull.
It’s a 9 from me - a lovely game with great graphic lovely puzzles and who doesn’t like flying with wings.
This game absolutely exceeded all expectations. I am so surprised at how well it plays on my Xbox series. It's got an incredibly cool story dealing with the Greek god's with some platforming, puzzles and action combat to keep everything tied together. I was really surprised at how much I like this game, I'm about 15 hours in & there's Soo much to explore I had no idea the adventure would have this much depth.
One of the first titles I grabbed when the XSX was released. The game was very good, but the crashes and saved game sync issues really got to me. Recently picked it up cheap on pc but even now that issues is still there in a small way. Incidentally, Assassins Creed: Valhalla had the same issue too.
9/10 for me.
For me it didnt give me breath of the wild feelings at all. It felt like an orginal new game.
Refreshing game from u ubisoft.
With games like this i get excited about ubisoft again, same as the new mario rabbids game on the switch, amazing!
So i am really excited about the new asassin creed game reveal. And also for the new splintercell game (build from the ground up)
They made mistakes in the past, but i really hope they come back stronger.
@themcnoisy why can't you just have your own opinion why do you have to come in here and insult people's intelligence? As if you're some Superior gamer above everyone else who recognizes things that other people are too dumb to see?!? You're just another toxic gamer who's who's mad at the world and thinks you're smarter than everybody else that lives in that world! Well guess what I read every single comment and you are the minority you are the 1%, so you are a whiny little baby who is just a pretentious spoiled brat know it all! But thanks for informing us how dumb we are and how easily pleased we are I appreciate your comment king of all gamers!!!
An awesome game and probably the best this year for game pass. Sods law I bought it on release as it was only £35. Game pass has been a bit boring this year tbh, but this is a step in the right direction.
@BlazeGawd007 jeez, I'm the baby? I said y'all are easily pleased. Not exactly the worst insult in the history of humanity.
It's an article about if you liked it. I didn't. Is my opinion less valid than yours?
Anyway please don't respond, I look down on the likes of yee. (That's sarcasm by the way).
I give this game an 8! This game is gold but they need to work more on the controls
I really, really enjoyed it, up to a point. I thought it was a nice to change to the usual, unintentionally hilarious moody, violent, sweary video games. The combat felt a lot more streamlined than Ass Creed and the world was interesting to explore. However the boss fights were a tedious old slog, they weren't hard to beat, it just took forever to whittle down their health. Not fun. At all.
Pleasantly surprised. Ubisofts best game in years IMO
I bought it when it first went on sale like over a year ago, loved it. But I wish I had the DLC, every DLC pack has a completely different game style. Looks so fun, wish it was included with XGP... But I say that for nearly every game with DLC in XGP haha
I vote 0
Because so bad Implementation on pc game pass
No achievements
No xbox app support
No gamebar support
Next time add native plz
@themcnoisy A bit condescending don’t you think? Just because someone likes a game that you don’t doesn’t make them “so easily pleased”. They just have different tastes then you. Guess some people just need to feel superior over others even with things as meaningless as taste in a video game. I personal thought is was a solid 7/10. Definitely has its issues but I still had fun with it.
@A01 Agree. How dare Ubisoft forces players to get a Ubisoft account (Ubisoft Connect) just to play this game via Xbox Gamepass. Wasted 2hrs downloading it and cannot play it. Not everyone wants a Ubisoft account.
@Howling_Fog and your score is fair.
I can't fathom why someone would be give it a 9 or 10. Although scores are arbitrary, it does feedback to developers who then provide more of the same. And I honestly don't want more of immortals fenix rising.
And it wasn't to feel superior. In fact if you met me I'm one of the least egotistical people you are likely to meet. I was a member of Pushsquare (sister site) for a while and instigated gaming nights and forum competitions. I suppose writing something like that on Push were I was known, tended to fare better, rather than being name called as wanting to be a 'superior gamer' I am not superior to anyone at any game.
I have disliked ubisofts output for a while now, what they build seems like a ticksheet in a boardroom. They are not designed from the heart, like say Mario Odyssey, God of War or Ori. They don't do anything new like say Arms, Detroit become Human or Deathloop. Ubisofts games exist as an open world storefront advertising their next disappointment.
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