Poll: Three Years On, What Do You Think Of Quick Resume On Xbox Series X|S?

We're now over three years into the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S generation (where did the time go?!), and if you recall back at launch, Quick Resume was one of the features that was being heavily promoted by Microsoft.

You probably know this by now, but Quick Resume allows you to instantly resume a game without having to start it from scratch, offering the ability to store multiple titles in a suspended state until your decide to play them again.

And as you can see below, it's something that was being heavily praised prior to launch in 2020:

In the years since, Quick Resume has received positive and negative feedback from Xbox fans. The positive, obviously, is how it allows you to instantly jump back into titles with no waiting around, but the negative is that it sometimes causes issues with certain titles and particularly struggles when online servers are involved.

With this in mind, we're interested to know what you think of the feature for Xbox Series X|S, and whether it's something you use regularly, or if you prefer to manually quit out of games and essentially turn off Quick Resume instead.

Let us know your thoughts on Quick Resume in the comments below - and don't forget to vote in the poll as well!

What Do You Think Of Quick Resume On Xbox Series X|S? (1,608 votes)

  1. I love it! Use it all the time!52%
  2. It's pretty good for the most part24%
  3. It's OK I guess?8%
  4. It's not that good, has a few issues10%
  5. It's terrible! Barely worth using!6%