
Topic: The Forza Horizon and Motorsport Thread

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@ralphdibny Actually I had FH2 thanks to GwG a few years back but didn't get too invested into it, don't remember why. I tried FH4 thanks to GamePass as well and had fun with it so naturally like you when they had the sale for FH3 on the MSM I got it. Started playing it and it just hooked me. I kinda want to go back to the other games just to see the different areas but at the same time I don't want to start all over if it's just more of the same and doesn't have a linking story.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@ralphdibny @Tasuki Yeah, there is an official list, kind of... I'll elaborate further on in this comment.
And there's also a Fan Wiki, which I can definitely recommend browsing through if you really want to know all there is to know about the game.

The thing that you do have to keep in mind, especially for the "I want to cross off things in the right order" sentiment, that there ISN'T really a right order. Once you've opened your first festival, events which are obviously always on a predetermined place on the map, it is entirely up to the player when and how to get to the next festival, or how to take on the bucket list events, and of course, depending upon all those factors and more, you'll also each experience a different order of unlocking barns and hidden cars or races. It's not an open world racing game for nothing, after all...

As mentioned previously, I can definitely recommend the Fan Wiki, so here it is, along with some other handy links:

Probably stating the obvious, but the Fan Wiki can also be used for information on any other game in the Forza series, including the mainline Forza Motorsport games.

The two achievement sites can also be used for any other Xbox game, including previous gen consoles.

Happy reading!

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Xbox Gamertag: ThanosReXXX


@Tasuki fair enough, I imagine the story is probably quite similar for all of them (start a festival, promote a festival, race in festival etc). I was shocked that I enjoyed Forza horizon so much, before that I hadn't played a non-kart racing game since like...the GameCube probably? I dipped into NFS Most Wanted on the Wii U but I didn't play it very long.

I think I probably liked it because it isn't a typical racing sim and there are loads of crazy races that are off road or just across farmland. The open world makes it very enjoyable. Also the setting, particularly for 4 is attractive, just to see a location inspired by the UK and being able to drive all around it.

I am quite keen to try out horizon 1 and 2 though to see the different areas. I'd have to buy them physically I imagine because they arent on the store any more. I think one of them is set in around Italy and I'm not sure about the other one.

@ThanosReXXX cheers for the resources, I appreciate it! I'm not so fussed about doing everything in the "right order" per say. I just wonder if there's anything I'm not doing that could trigger another event appearing (in Horizon 4).

I think I got a bit confused because every time I'd go to a race, I would already be in the correct car to race it. It kind of made me thought the game was only showing me events that were applicable to the car I was in at the time. Of course I don't know much about cars and the in game stats and categories go straight over my head so I wouldn't know which car to select that is different enough from my current car to test it out. I also wondered if the seasons (in Horizon 4) changed what events were available

See ya!


@ralphdibny Yeah I am not a big racing game can either. I don't like Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo. I mainly like arcade racers and mainly the ones from the early 90s, stuff like Outrun, Top Gear, San Francisco Rush, Crusin USA to name a few. While I can appreciate how technically games like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport are dealing with all the upgrades and parts and such just bore me. I guess I am like Tom Cruise's character in Days of Thunder lol, I don't understand the mechanical aspect I just want to drive. Forza Horizon games are different though I can just relax drive around and do what I want to do. In many ways it's my relaxing game, a game that I play when I just want to turn off my brain so to speak and just get lost in it by driving around.

As for locations the first Horizon takes place in Colorado in the US just one state so it's kinda small from what others have told me. 2 takes place in Southern France and Northern Italy which is bigger then 1 but of course not as big as 3 or 4. Then of course you have Australia and the UK. As size goes I hear some people say Australia is bigger but others say UK is which I don't know I haven't played 4 much. Regardless I hear great things about 2, 3, and 4. I guess as far as scenario goes it's a personal preference of course.

@ThanosReXXX Thanks for the info. I will definitely look them up when I am not playing the game probably on my break at work lol.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki I think you are spot on in that it is quite a relaxing game. You can take it up a notch by increasing difficulty in the races but generally yeah it's just a fun and relaxing experience to whip around the map at breakneck speeds

I bet Colorado is still a cool location though. I've never been to the US (was planning to go in 2020 before the pandemic hit) so should be cool to see it in a game like Horizon. I've been to northern Italy and I can imagine that being quite good for a game like this. We had some hairy situations on the road out there with some nutters trying to over take us on a thin winding mountain road. It was scary when a tourist coach popped out from around the corner! The overtaker nearly ended up over the edge!

I think the Australia map felt a bit bigger but it's probably down to perception. There's probably other things that make it feel bigger like the speed of the cars and what points you can actually drive across. Horizon 4 has a huge lake for example which you obviously can't drive in.

The UK map in Horizon 4 isn't 1:1 to reality though, it's kind of inspired by different terrains/locations across the UK which is probably why a fair bit of it is set in Scotland because they have much more varied landscapes up there. Its a lot flatter down south where I live. It's still really cool to see Edinburgh castle in the game though!

See ya!


@ralphdibny You're very welcome. My pleasure. As for any useful info on Forza Horizon 4, for that I'll just tag @NEStalgia in here, because he might be able to tell you details of Forza Horizon 4 that nobody else can, seeing as he even stops to marvel at the detail of the underbrush in graphics/quality mode...

All kidding aside though, he definitely has played it a lot, so he might be able to tell you something useful.

@Tasuki You're welcome as well. As for the older Forza Horizons: get them all, while you still can. The latest installment is actually the only one that I don't have (yet), but I'll get it eventually. For 3, be sure to also get all the DLC, if you don't have it already. Both DLC packs are tons of fun.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Xbox Gamertag: ThanosReXXX


@ThanosReXXX Yeah as mentioned I have FH2 due to GwG. I am not sure of the first one is BC with the Series X but I imagine so a quick Google search will answer that. I did manage to grab the DLC for 3 as well before they took it off the store. Sadly I never got the DLC for 2 before it was removed another point to why digital stuff is evil, but that's another subject. I do plan on get 4 at some point as well.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki Back when 2 was on GwG, it was also on deals with Gold, and that was the so-called 10th Anniversary Edition which, combined with the Complete Add-ons pack, has just about everything included. On deals with Gold, that only cost me €25. And the game itself was around €20.

I already had the 360 version on disc, but I double-dipped for the Xbox One Edition. If you do a little bit of an online search, you'll probably still be able to find a physical copy of that same Anniversary Edition. Might still be worth getting, depending on how you look at it. Don't know about all those extras, though. I've seen some of them still present in the online market place, but not all of them.

Oh, and the first game is indeed also backwards compatible. Albeit the Xbox 360 version. The original version was actually released on the original Xbox, and then re-released on Xbox 360, which is the version that also works on Xbox One and Series S/X.

Here's a handy list with ALL backwards compatible games on Series S/X:

On a related side note: it's actually amazing how good the original Forza Horizon still looks to this day. The difference between the OG Xbox and Xbox 360 version is only a minor upscale, some clean up of textures and a slightly smoother experience overall, but it wasn't enough for me to double-dip on that one as well, so I only have the OG Xbox version.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Xbox Gamertag: ThanosReXXX


@ThanosReXXX I figured the first game was just didn't confirm it. I am sure I can find a copy somewhere, I have several used game stores in my area plus there's the internet. It's just a matter of me buying them and figuring when I would have time to play them.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki For online shopping in the States I can definitely recommend LukieGames and eStarLand, two very well-regarded web shops with solid service and warranty on all your soft- and hardware purchases.


Here you go:

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Xbox Gamertag: ThanosReXXX


My brother has been sitting on Horizon 2, waiting for me to visit to boot it up (I got it for him for christmas). We've already played through Horizon 3 & 4 and their DLC. I'm so excited for a whole new Horizon world to explore. That Italian Horizon 2 setting looks sublime.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes You can't go wrong with any of the Horizons games from what I have heard, it's mainly what region you prefer.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Random question for fans of the series but what game is best out of WRC 5, WRC 8 and WRC 9? And how do they compare to Forza Horizon, if at all?

That's a genuine question, I know certain iterations of games can be better than their later counterparts, WWE comes to mind but I also haven't enjoyed a FIFA game since FIFA 2000 on the PS1 (but then again I don't like football, so 2000's arcadey gameplay is genuinely fun!)

The reason I ask is that I have the PS3 version of WRC 5 from PS Plus and I wasn't intending to continue my sub when it runs out in a month or so. I also have 8 from Games with Gold and now 9 is available for £3.19. I'm kind of blitzing through some of these PS Plus games to see if any are worth buying when my sub lapses, so I'm trying to prioritize and I wonder if WRC 5 is worth it when 8 is available to me and also whether I should pick up 9 at the cheap price so I'm not tied to any sub to play a game in the series.

I know it's a bit random and my logic is convoluted and I probably should just play one and see if it's any good but I thought I'd ask anyway to see if any fans of the franchise have any thoughts on the topic!

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


I don't normally get hyped for upcoming games but I am tentatively excited for Horizon 5! Looks awesome and the track record for the Horizon games so far has been great so I think I will allow myself a little bit of hype 😅

See ya!


Purchase question.
(I only have a Switch.)

My brother's family want's to pre-order Horizon 5 for my brother for Father's Day. My brother has Xbox One, and I believe he bought premium edition via xbox store last time, for Horizon 4. Historically speaking, has buying the Premium Edition cost less than buying the Standard Edition and buying all those DLC packs later?

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes I'm not sure if it's cheaper but I think the ultimate edition of Horizon 4 included all the DLC except for a recently released car pack

Horizon 3 had an ultimate edition and a separate expansion pass.

So theyve done it differently on the last two games so not much help really, sorry 😅

See ya!


Don't have a modern Xbox, but I signed up for Game Pass Ultimate so I could stream games to my tablet.

Played a bit of Forza Horizon 4 last night and the streaming experience has been pretty good so far, and I was even able to use my Dualshock 4 without any issues. Need to test it more rigorously before I come to a final verdict, though I'll be immensely pleased if it continues to hold up this well (mostly interested in the Forza Horizon games & Flight Simulator when that lands).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


With the recent announcement of FH5 I got the itch to fire up FH3 again. I love how easy it is to get back into these games after not playing them for awhile. Not only that I forget how relaxing these games can be and how easy it is to lose track of time when playing them.

With that said I managed to get enough fans to fully upgrade one of my festival sites to its max level and find a couple more barn cars last night.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki nice one and I completely agree with you about the drop in/out nature of Horizon. It's a good game to fill the time if you haven't got a long period of time to sit down and play. Or to keep your hands busy while you are on the phone to someone.

I actually don't think I've played a game that kind of fits that role in such a long time that I can't really remember any similarly styled games.

I think both 3 and 4 and even the upcoming 5 are just going to be the sort of games that I'll still be playing on Xbox for years to come. A bit here and a bit there, maybe I'll "finish" them one day!

See ya!

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