
Topic: The Forza Horizon and Motorsport Thread

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Ive enjoyed Forza motorsport so far but I've lost progress twice in my single player race campaign because their was an online connection issue. Why do I have to be online for your career race? I can't even select it in on offline mode.

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


I've been thinking about going back to forza horizon 4, has anyone played the fortune Island expansion? Interested to hear folks thoughts on it. I got the FH4 complete edition for 72p when it was on sale in Sweden but only got the chance to play the lego expansion before it got revoked out my library!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


@R1spam It's been a while since I played it, but it's not as 'different' as the Lego Expansion for obvious reasons, the terrain is more like the rural northern areas from the main map. There's a small coastal town, but the rest is mostly fields/hills/mountains from what I remember, with minimal trees and a feel of maybe the Scottish islands (Shetland etc) I think - with some really winding roads up the slopes etc which the main map didn't really have.

The main 'story' mode in the expansion is a treasure hunt of sorts if I remember correctly, with clues given to the location of various treasures scattered around the map as you progress. Still has the usual selection of races as per the main game too, so plenty to keep you busy. If you enjoyed the main game, I suspect you'll like this too.



@dmcc0 cheers for that, I've been thinking about FH4 so much recently and this sounds like perfect excuse to jump back in! I'm from Scotland and also know the peak district well so two of the three main game areas really clicked for me. If its anything like some of the real roads I've driven up on the West Coast of Scotland, it will blinding. Cheers for the info, redownloading FH4 now

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


So I've "finished" Forza Motorsport (2023) after 33 hours of playtime. I did the four main tours in career mode and seeing as how those are the only ones you get achievements for, I figured I've finished the mode. The other available tours get added and replaced over time as this is a live-service game, so I'm not going to bother with them.

So what did I think about the game? Well, to sum it up, it was a good but very disappointing entry in this series. We waited five years for a half-baked overly realistic game? Not worth it in the slightest. The fact that you're forced to play through the same track twice (practice and race) because otherwise you won't get enough credits to purchase the required car for the next tour is just BS. I don't care if that's how it's supposed to be, the previous games weren't like this and I liked that setup much better. Not to mention that there is a severe lack of tracks. In terms of actual content, there's so little here because the idea is to release new content over time. Which begs the question, what the hell were the developers doing during those five years?

It's a good but very disappointing game.

Edited on by LtSarge



For anyone who has not bought this game yet and is on the fence about doing so I picked a copy of this game up on disc from Argos for just £9.99


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