Ex-PlayStation Boss Compares Xbox's New Strategy To SEGA, Says It's A 'Balancing Act'
Image: Xbox, PlayStation

Xbox effectively going "multiplatform" over the past year has been big news across the gaming landscape, and the latest update on this new strategy was the announcement that Forza Horizon 5 would be coming to PS5 this spring.

Speaking to Reece Reilly of 'Kiwi Talkz' recently, ex-PlayStation boss Shawn Layden shared his thoughts about Microsoft's gaming plans going forward - suggesting that a multiplatform strategy could be a bit of a "balancing act" when 'exclusives' or 'FOMO' in his words (aka the fear of missing out) is no longer there for a platform:

"Multiplatform is a strategy, particularly in a world where the cost of development is increasing dramatically, multiplatform means widening your addressable market as the marketing guys say. Just giving more people a chance to see it...

So, I certainly can understand, appreciate and welcome that, the ability to have Xbox games appearing on other platforms. What does it do to their brand? Yeah, I think it makes the conversation harder...how do you create the FOMO?

Trying to do that by bringing everyone to your platform, saying - 'if you're not here, you're missing out' - but if it's available on all platforms, that's one of your marketing tactics you can't use. You can't say it's only available here if it's available everywhere, so it's a balancing act. Increasing my addressable market - yeah, that's good - [but] I'm making it hard to sell the 'only on my platform' story."

He then talked a little about SEGA's transition to becoming a 'software-only company" and how the idea of a successful multiplatform strategy has "historical precedence":

"I mean, I was in the business when SEGA brought their Dreamcast titles to PlayStation 2, and in time SEGA became a software-only company, and it was a great transformation in that respect - they're doing great. So, it does have historical precedence."

Back in December last year, Layden also questioned whether Sony would be right to consider putting PlayStation 5 games on Xbox - with it potentially coming down to "additional sales versus the brand impact, all the aggro'".

Following the Forza Horizon 5 announcement, there are already claims Halo and certain other titles could be up next for other platforms. And although Microsoft is focused on making gaming bigger and more accessible than ever, it says it's still in the hardware game.

How are you feeling about Xbox's "multiplatform" future? What are your thoughts about Layden's comments? Let us know below.

[source youtu.be]