Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Is Free To Play On Xbox This Weekend

When Xbox unveiled this weekend's batch of Free Play Days titles yesterday, they didn't tell us about a surprise fifth addition that would be added today! It's arguably the most interesting as well - the new Test Drive game from last year.

Yes, from January 24th (today) until 9am UTC on January 27th, everyone on Xbox can download Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown via a free trial on the Xbox Store that includes access to the entire game with no limits.

"This free limited trial version offers all players unrestricted access to all game content for the duration of the event. Save data can be automatically carried over to the full version of the game. To take part in the free weekend on Xbox Series X|S, players can download the trial version of the game by visiting the Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Microsoft Store page."

As you can see, it mentions there that you can download the trial via the game's Microsoft / Xbox Store page, but at the time of writing we're not seeing the option. If you're in the same boat, it's worth checking back a bit later in the day.

Update: If you search for the game on your Xbox console, you should now see an "Install" button!

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Is Free To Play On Xbox This Weekend 2

In terms of the game itself, we gave it an "Average" 5/10 rating in our review last year, although it's been improved since then with updates and even a free Ibiza map. At the very least, it's definitely worth checking out as part of this free Xbox trial, and the full version is actually discounted by 40% in the big Xbox Lunar New Year Sale through early February.

Will you be downloading Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown on Xbox this weekend? Tell us in the comments.