Rare Xbox Achievement Up For Grabs As Double Fine Celebrates 'Rocktober 13th'

Happy Brutal Legend day! The Xbox 360 classic is now officially 14 years old, and developer Double Fine is hosting a special "Rocktober 13th" celebration to mark its birthday - which includes Double Fine founder Tim Schafer!

Schafer will be dipping into multiplayer matches in Brutal Legend throughout the day, and this presents a unique opportunity to snag a rare achievement called "Six Degrees of Schafer". For this, you need to either have played the game with Tim himself or someone else who has already earned the achievement before.

Regardless of whether you care about the achievement or not, Brutal Legend is definitely worth a play on Xbox all these years later - and the best bit is that it's both backwards compatible and included with Xbox Game Pass!

Hopefully one day we'll get a sequel, but there's no news for now - Double Fine simply says it "would be a cool thing".

Are you going to jump back into Brutal Legend today? What do you think of it? Tell us below.

What Do You Think Of Brutal Legend? (45 votes)

  1. Amazing game, I loved it!44%
  2. It was pretty good, yeah31%
  3. It was OK, bit overhyped18%
  4. It wasn't very good really2%
  5. I thought it was terrible!4%