Update: Sadly, Hyenas developer Creative Assembly has been hit hard by today's news, warning that it has begun a "redundancy consultation process" that may lead to job losses. Here's a little sample of the statement:

"We have made the incredibly difficult decision to begin a redundancy consultation process in some areas of our UK operations, alongside ending development of Hyenas. This may, unfortunately, result in job losses.

"Our commitment to our projects and players has not changed; we will deliver more incredible experiences to our players all over the world for decades to come."

Original story: Remember Hyenas? This was an upcoming multiplayer shooter being created by the UK studio Creative Assembly for SEGA, but it's been announced today that the game has been cancelled along with a few other unnamed projects.

In a translated press release from Sega Sammy, it was explained that "in response to the lower profitability of the European region", a few in-development titles are being scrapped. Here's a quick look at it:

What makes today's announcement so surprising is that Hyenas seemed like it was almost ready to go. There was literally a closed beta for the game just a few weeks ago, and the player feedback was generally pretty good.

Alas, it appears we're never going to see the full version of Hyenas on Xbox unless there's some kind of big misunderstanding in this SEGA press release. That seems kind of a crazy decision to us, but it is what it is!

What do you make of this? Let us know down in the comments section below.

[source segasammy.co.jp]