Phil Spencer Reveals Which IP He'd Like To See Revived On Xbox

Xbox boss Phil Spencer is often spotted playing Xbox in his spare time (you only have to follow his gamertag to see what he's up to), so it's fair to say there are some old franchises he'd love to play again on modern systems. Well, at a recent Tokyo Game Show panel, the boss talked about one Xbox franchise he'd like to see revived.

When asked about returning IP, Phil said that the MechAssault (and MechWarrior) games are something he'd like to see modernised. In fact, the Xbox boss says that he feels the franchise "was ahead of its time" back in the original Xbox days. Check out Phil's thoughts in the clip below:

Phil went on to say that there are no plans for the franchise right now; warning fans not to take this answer as some sort of hint or "leak". He then referenced Xbox's huge leak from last week in a jokey sort of way - at least he sees the funny side of things!

This probably wouldn't be top of our list when it comes to old Xbox revivals, but it's cool to hear Phil's take on what would be good to bring back. We're sure there are plenty of fans out there who'd love to see a new MechAssault title!

What old Xbox IP would you like to see come back? Drop your thoughts down below.