Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries has just deployed another update for the game's multiplayer suite, and there are quite a few improvements, additions and changes tucked into this patch.
First up, the team has added a new multiplayer map to the game in the form of 'Dredge'. OK, it's not entirely new — it's a tweaked version of the 'Countdown' map from Halo: Reach — but it's new for the Infinite sandbox and the more maps the merrier, eh!

Halo Infinite's 'Death Cam' has also been tweaked slightly. So, when you're taken out and are waiting to respawn you can now rotate the camera, and switching to spectate a different Spartan has also been sped up. Good news for us that spend plenty of time waiting to respawn...
Another change made to the core multiplayer experience relates to the in-game dialogue. 343 has added a new option to be able to toggle on & off the 'Personal AI dialogue' option, so you don't have to hear your little AI companion during online matches if you'd rather keep things quiet.
Most of the other changes — bug fixes aside — are for Forge, and the custom match Observer mode. The team has added a 'reactive' water plane object and collapsible menu options to Forge, alongside making some audiovisual improvements for observing other players in custom games.
If you want to read through the full patch notes, they're available via the Halo Waypoint website.