Last week, we poured over 343's 'Digsite Deliveries' blog post that detailed loads of old, unreleased Halo content being added to the Master Chief Collection - and the team is now back and at it again. This new post, 'Digsite Discoveries', is showcasing even more old school Halo content being reworked for MCC on PC, and the team is really going above and beyond this time.

What instantly stands out to us within this week's blog post is that 343's newly-assembled mod team is turning an E3 trailer into an actual playable segment of game. Yep, Bungie's infamous Halo 3 trailer from E3 2006 is currently playable "from start to finish" and will be released as a Master Chief Collection mod in the near future once it's been fully polished up.

If you need reminding of this classic clip we've dropped the trailer up at the top of this article - and we're getting serious nostalgia watching through it again in 2023. The fact that this is going to actually be playable soon for PC MCC users? That's kind of crazy!

Elsewhere in Digsite Discoveries, the team has detailed some old unreleased Halo 2 maps that are now available as a Master Chief Collection mod pack, alongside opening up about what else is being worked on. There's some wild stuff in this post, like the fact that the Digsite team is looking at porting Halo Wars character and weapon models into MCC as proper first-person props!

To be honest, the whole blog is well worth a read to see what the team have been chipping away at in recent months as the Master Chief Collection on PC really starts to come into its own. We can't wait to see what they dig up next!

Are you surprised to see this sort of thing being worked on in an official capacity with 343? Let us know if you'd love to play through this trailer down below.