While many potential customers are still battling to get a next-gen console, it seems the UK retailer GAME is actively encouraging people to test their luck in-store. A special promotion is offering customers the opportunity to pick up an Xbox Series S along with FIFA 22 for as little as £84.99 when trading in an old console.
The promotion is set to be available in-store from October 1 until October 10 with a range of different options available. PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch are all eligible, and GAME has put up a handy table of all the offers:
You'll need a GAME Reward Card to participate, and of course, the console has to be working with all the correct opponents (no missing thumbstick or dodgy triggers here). GAME has put up the full terms and conditions if you have any queries.
It goes without saying the copy of FIFA 22 will be a digital code, as the Xbox Series S is digital-only. But the bundle is going to offer you the powerful next-gen machine at a significantly lower price, as long as it's in stock of course.
Will you be attempting to pick up an Xbox Series S with this offer? Let us know in the comments below.
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[source game.co.uk]
Comments 17
I'd trade in my one s for one if I only had to pay 85 quid extra but not 150
I think supply is out stripping demand with the series s in the UK by a long way.
Now the series x is the other way round, and we can’t get enough of them in the country.
Good ole business strategy there 😂
100% agree.
The people that want to upgrade to next gen right now want the best tech, so the Series X or PS5.
The people that will long term want a Series S will still quite happily be playing COD and FIFA on their One S or PS4 this year.
Maybe these types of deals and bundles may tempt a few sooner though.
@Dezzy70 It's a shame they didn't use the parts to make more Series X consoles. I understand the logic behind the S, and maybe they're waiting to see how Christmas pans out. Series S is a great system, but it doesn't have that allure like the PS5 and Series X. People wanna feel like they're investing in next gen, not briskly wading through the shallow end.
I nearly got an S, but was very lucky enough to get an X.
I hear the S is more popular among mostly Sony fans, people who want something for game pass but not for next gen oomph.
I don't know...I'm not a scientist but...I also think the S kind of looks weird
I'm glad with my Series S. It is the only reason I'm on next-gen since launch as Series X prices are real high here in Brazil.
I think Series S is made for countries like Brazil, india and others where MSRP are really agressive.
I'll leave some information for comparison here:
Brazil minimum wage is: R$ 1.100 (~ $192 USD today)
Series X at launch costed : R$ 4.999 (~ $920 USD today)
Series S on the other hand costed R$ 2.999 (~ $550 USD today)
I've had some discounts and cash back stuff and paid R$ 2.199 (~ $400 USD) at the time on Series S.
Problem in Brazil is that games are seeing by the government as toys, and toys here are the products with highest taxes, with creates all this mess.From the R$ 4.999 (~$920 USD) retail price, at least R$ 1.665 (~ $305 USD) are from taxes.
for those reasons Series S is a total success here.
Will be interesting to see how it pans out with the series s. I mean Microsoft have bought into it now so they cannot stop supporting it game wise.
If was them I would have gone a disc less series x at £350 and kept parity of systems, a bit easier on developers as well. Also it would have allowed for one production line almost.
I think Sony got it right there as the digital PS5 still flys of the shelves as the series s in the UK has shelves full of them.
I call it the ticking over series s. They sell a little slowly and it keeps some money going back into the Xbox game division, whilst they try and make more series x.
Time will tell but I would have gone with a disc less series x at £350.
However it seems to work in Brazil well going by a reply on here.
So maybe it’s horse for courses.
@Dezzy70 I agree 🙂 at least the X is doing well. But I agree nonetheless 😎
The x is doing very well, sells out in minutes when it comes on line.
I have managed to get one for me and 3 for friends including one this week from Argos but it’s very hard dedicated work.
@Dezzy70 personally I would have preferred a disc version of the Series S for £280.
I get what you are saying about parity, but for my two kids who have HD TVs and us being on a budget, selling their Xbox Ones for around £100 and upgrading for £150 each is a no brainier really. And Game Pass is such great value that allows both to enjoy the latest games on their own consoles without an issue of doubling up every purchase or taking turns with discs.
For me as an old man though, I still like physical and all non Game Pass games we own are physical, so the S wipes out that library. Also I want to play physical games from previous consoles so I’m holding out for the Series X and will enjoy it on our main TV which is 4K.
It’s not too bad a deal if you value fifa 22 at £60.
In the US, they’re currently offering about $300 credit for PS4 pro trade ins. The Xbox Series S is priced at $299 before tax, so it’s a better deal, as you’d only end up paying about $20 in sales tax, of course this is without fifa though.
Sounds like a great plan.
So I think you will end up with 2 x series s
And 1 series x.
Enjoy them all and the gaming and hopefully all in time for Christmas 2021.
I’ve gone all digital this time even though me series x has a hard drive, also with GPU I don’t mind being all digital as all Xbox studio games are on there day of release. Like FH5 etc.
Then I just pay for the odd digital game like assassins creed Valhalla.
@Dezzy70 yeah, we are gonna be all kitted out by Christmas I hope.
Game Pass Ultimate really is a game changer. There are far too many games for me to complete so I’m rarely having to buy new games anyway because I always have something great to play on there.
It’s the series x that is hard to get hold of.
Argos is good but you just have to keep trying and refreshing if not in stock in a store near you.
Then all of sudden one appears but you then have to be so quick.
Make sure you have it already in your trolley and you are logged into you account with a payment method already set up.
I got one for a friend Sunday night and picked it up Monday. True persistence is required though.
Lose the fifa 22, and you got yourself a deal
@Dezzy70 Series S is a brilliant little unit but there there is more stock than demand in the UK. It's been readily available most of this year here, it's not the same everywhere.
But there's absolutely a large market for it in some territories and demographics.
If the deal was slightly better for trading the launch XB One I would consider getting it as a second room system, going back to XB One is slow and hard.
That's pretty good. Though while most of my Xbox games are digital I still have a lot of movies on disc so I wouldn't want to trade in my One S for one and then also have to fork over for a separate 4K Blu ray player.
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