Ubisoft Reiterates Far Cry 6 Is A Free Upgrade
Image: Ubisoft

After last week's news that Horizon: Forbidden West wouldn't be getting a free next-gen upgrade - a decision which was quickly reversed - Sony then came forward and said future games will require a one-time £10/$10 charge to upgrade from PS4 to PS5. Coming off the back end of that controversy, Ubisoft has now reiterated that Far Cry 6 will be a free upgrade for all next-gen owners.

For Xbox players, this of course means the use of Smart Delivery, something that was already known for the game. What makes the news interesting is Ubisoft's timing on the matter. This fact hasn't slipped past fans, who have easily been able to see why this news has been shared again.

It could all be a huge coincidence, but the timing of everything seems to suggest it was planned to ride off the current discussion in the gaming community. It's always nice to get confirmation that a third-party studio will be honouring a free upgrade, especially when others, such as EA, are demanding more for titles such as Battlefield 2042.

Far Cry 6 launches on October 7 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

Are you happy to see Far Cry 6 has a free upgrade? Let us know in the comments below.

[source twitter.com]