Dark Souls 3
Image: Xbox

Update: Digital Foundry has analysed Dark Souls 3's FPS Boost already for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, and has confirmed that it runs at a "near-perfect" 60fps at the original 900p resolution on both consoles.

Original story: In case you missed it, FromSoftware's punishing action RPG Dark Souls III has just received an FPS Boost on Xbox Series X|S.

While it's become common for a lot of past-generation releases to receive this treatment, apparently this one is a little different. According to Xbox's director of program management, Jason Ronald, it required a "brand new technique" in order to achieve 60 FPS on the Series X and S.

Unfortunately, he didn't specify what exactly this unique and brand new technique is... so if we hear anything, we'll update this post. Of course, some are already asking for more information about this:


Will you be trying out the Dark Souls FPS Boost on Xbox? Any idea what's changed? Leave a comment down below.

[source twitter.com]