Rumour Mill Continues To Suggest Xbox Might Have Acquired More Studios

Last week, we shared some comments from Windows Central's Jez Corden who highlighted that, despite not having any hard evidence, he believed "there's a very good chance" of at least one new Xbox acquisition in the works.

Since then, Microsoft has hinted that it has "more than 23 studios worldwide," appearing to suggest that an acquisition could be announced very soon, and there have been some teases that up to three new studios might be revealed.

VentureBeat journalist Jeff Grubb has also added his thoughts on this in recent hours, stating that the rumours he's heard on the topic are "all over the place" and he's far from confident about this, but he's heard that Hitman developer IO Interactive, Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios and Crysis developer Crytek could be involved.

As we say, all of these reports have been reluctant to confirm anything thus far, so there's every chance the acquisitions could be different, there could be less of them, or there might not even be an acquisition on the cards at E3 2021.

We'll find out for definite this Sunday!

Do you think Xbox will have an acquisition to share at E3 2021 this weekend? Let us know down below.
