Bright Memory 1.0 was an example of a very affordable Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S launch title on day one this past November, and as of today, it's actually dropped in price by another 20% for the next two weeks.
So, what is it? Basically, Bright Memory is a "lightning-fast fusion of the FPS and action genres," created by the one-man development studio FYQD using Unreal Engine, originally releasing on Steam. It holds a 'Very Positive' rating on that platform, but the big downside is that it's only about an hour long, so it's more like a demo than a full game.
This shouldn't be confused with the planned 2021 release Bright Memory: Infinite, which is expected to be a much longer and more in-depth game whenever it launches later this year, and is looking visually spectacular.
It's a low price for a reason, then, but if you're looking for a quick action-RPG experience for just a few pounds / dollars on Xbox Series X and S, it might be worth a go. Let us know if you've tried Bright Memory in the comments below.
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Comments 8
Interesting. I never knew that this game is available on Xbox, not to say that it is Optimized for SX. Thanks for the heads up.
I've played through the game 3 times, which I think is testament to its quality. I really enjoyed it, and cannot wait for the full release. Bright Memory: Infinite will definitely a day one purchase for me...
They really should make this free since it is a demo for the upcoming game. If people walk away impressed, they’d have better chances of making the full game a hit.
All I heard of this game from people that played it was very negative. Does not help the exact same game is available on android and iOS for $1.99.
Still a rip off...maybe if it was £1.99
Such a weird strategy here - the low price makes it seem both cheap and too expensive at the same time. Just put it in Game Pass or don't charge at all.
I've played Bright Memory and had a really fun time with it; even recorded it with my brother and made the playthrough our Christmas Special for 2020 (first Xbox Series X recording on our channel). It is extremely short, even for someone who prefers shorter experiences like myself, but it's a mostly solid experience in that short time (the one hiccup being a flash-bang scene with very little cover) with an excellent feel to it's shooting and upgrades.
I'm very much looking forward too Bright Memory: Infinite!
I keep forgetting to play this. It was on my list of games to play when the Series X came out and this was cheap, but then I always end up moving on to something else.
Like I already mentioned, this has been about this cheap before. I'm not sure if it went up much since launch, but around then is when I actually looked into the game and it was cheap then.
I won't have a problem paying essentially $7 after tax even if it only takes me an hour. A good gaming experience is a good gaming experience, but I can't disagree with others that think it should be on Game Pass. It's not like the one man developer wouldn't have still gotten money from it.
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