The Outer Worlds has a major upcoming expansion, Murder on Eridanos, arriving later this week, and as part of it, lots of fans and outlets are reporting that the game has received a 60FPS upgrade on Xbox Series X.
The likes of Windows Central have confirmed that the game is now running at 60FPS (or close to it) on the next-gen system, but according to some early fan reports, it still remains at 30FPS on Xbox Series S.
If you want to test it for yourself, the game is part of Xbox Game Pass for console, and we're assuming Obsidian will provide more official details about this update in the very near future. What a busy day we've had!
Excited about this? Have you tested the update? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 10
Great game, but I finished it like 3 months ago. I'm not replaying it this soon just for 60fps. Still, great news for those who haven't played it yet.
Once I'm done with Doom Eternal I'm starting on Outer World's.
I downloaded the game this weekend, what a nice surprise
does this make it officially X|S optimized?
Finally! Will I replay the base game? No, probably not but I will pick up the expansion pass and enjoy the DLCs in some 60FPS glory.
@magicismoney That's actually a good question. I haven't downloaded it yet since I don't have it installed on my Series X (finished it quite a while ago on my One X), but I have been considering re-installing it to play the game's DLC, and this would be a good excuse. That is as long as I can find a save that will allow me to play the first DLC since for no reason you can't just start playing it. Not replaying the whole game again even though it would be great to try it on the Series X.
Enjoyed the game, but the sometimes constant and long load times really hurt the game at times. The worst being opening a door, only to have to open another door right after that, so that was at least 3 minutes of sitting in loading screens because of poor design.
@KilloWertz Those load times were something else! I would hazard a guess that a substantial amount of my playtime was loading screens. I thought they showed that this game had drastically reduced loading times just playing on Series X when they were showing off the console. I haven’t tried it out myself yet but I thought about jumping back in for the dlcs.
@Mamabear Yeah, and like I mentioned, I chalk some of it up to poor design by having so many load screens. The one I mentioned where you walk through a door, only to have to walk through another door right away, was pretty poor design.
Not saying Obsidian sucks or anything. I know Fallout New Vegas was supposed to be great, and I'm sure they will make some good games on the Series X (their character work and tone are great). Better tech to work with should eliminate my biggest complaint with The Outer Worlds.
You are right that the load times are a lot better for this on the Series X according to videos. That doesn't excuse the excessive need for loading screens, but it will obviously make it a more pleasant experience as the game was pretty good otherwise.
@Medic_Alert I finished the game on PC, but I may just give it another round as well with the DLC as well.
@KilloWertz Agreed - about the back to back loading screens. I wish it had been planned better or done a little differently. Those instances where you essentially had double loading screens were terrible- never mind any times you go through a door like that on accident.
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